CHAPTER -21 'Party Tonight'

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'Hair check'

'Makeup check'

'Clothes check'

'Partner are we missing something   'I said examining vyan face in my dressing mirror.

'Let me check partner 'Nichole said looking directly in the mirror never once glancing at me.

'I think I have figured it out 'I said in my second voice.

'What is it?  'Nichole asked.

'Spectacles 'I said and picked up the nerd glasses lying on the wooden dressing table in front of me. After that I placed the glasses on Vyan face . I turned around to look at Nicole who was standing beside me.

'Are you satisfied partner 'I said making my sound deep.

'Yes, Partner' Nichole said .

'It was nice working with you mate, over and out 'I said patting Nicole back.

'Roger 'Nichole said.

'Well ladies, I must say it was quiet entertaining to watch both you beauties messing around but I think we are done for night 'Vyan said lifting from his chair on which he sat for the last 20 minutes when we did his makeover. To my surprise he looked a lot different than I thought. His brown hair was lying on his forehead and spectacles were covering most of his face, his cheeks were all red like he was blushing  thanks to makeup because as far as I know this guy is too cocky to remember how to blush .

'Not yet Mr. Superstar 'I said while straitening vyan shirt collar. Even if he look like a high school nerd with all the clothes on he still look quiet and smart and outpass the standards set for high school nerds in America .

'Why is that?' vyan said raising a brow.

'Because tonight you are not going to be Mr. Superstar for the world.  ' I said.

'I am super excited 'Nicole said giggling.

'What are you talking about? 'Vyan said looking all bewildered.

'I am talking about giving you an opportunity to be a normal 21 years old for a whole night 'I said smirking. I knew he won't admit but deep inside he is dying to be normal.

'Thanks a lot. But I will pass' Vyan said turning around towards my room door and removing the spectacles on the way  after that he placed them in his shirt pocket .

'Wait, where are you going? I thought you want this too 'I said. Vyan stopped and turned around to look at me in the eyes and said.

'Don't tell me you really think people are idiots and they won't recognize me just because I am wearing some silly nerd spectacles and a little bit of makeup.' Vyan was giving me a disbelieving look.

'But who said we can't give it a try 'I said making my world famous puppy dog face.

'Please, one try won't hurt 'Nicole said. Vyan stared at me like he was telling me this most stupid idea he ever heard. He looked at Nicole who murmured a please and then again he looked at me.

'Okay, let me remind once again that this is a stupid idea 'vyan said sighing.

'Okay, then this is final we are going I should get ready 'Nichole said all excited .

'You are not going 'I said with a stern voice .

'Why not? 'Nichole said looking gloomy.

'You have a whole 50 pages assignment to summit on Monday and don't you dare lie to me that you have already finish it because what I know you have not even started it yet 'I said in one breath . Yes you read it right I said all this in one single breath.Dam, no kidding my kids will hate me .

Nichole is always so careless regarding her work.According to her it's just not her thing.

'Who care about a stupid assignment? We are not in high school anymore, angel. 'Nichole said spreading her hands to exaggerate her point.Vyan was just smirking and listening to our exchange.

'Nichole Kendrick Cyrus, you want me to repeat the whole incident that took place last month. 'I said. After she set her senior's bum on fire the principle decided that she can only continue her college if she do and summit her every assignment on time. So I guess I am being a responsible friend making sure she does every assignment on time.I know I am acting like a bitch right now but it's for her own good . We both know that her college authorities cannot throw her out of the college thanks to her uncle but I think it's time to pull the socks up and work for our own good .

'Whatever, I am going catch you later mom 'Nicole said and left her room. Now both vyan and I are standing in my room in complete silence till Nicole shut her room door a little too loud for my liking.

'What was it all about? 'Vyan asked crossing his hands.

'Long story 'I said picking up my hand clutch and car keys from my bed.

'You friend has a pretty long name 'vyan said.

' I know ' I said and grabbed my cell phone it was lying on dressing table .

'You never told me where we are going tonight 'vyan asked.

'Just be ready 'I said.

'Ready for what may I know 'vyan asked.

'Be ready to crash a party tonight 'I said smiling and walked out of the door vyan following behind closely.

Hey, people thank a lot for the vote and the comments they means a lot. I love you all. Your comments motivate me so much .I know I am shitty writer but your support is amazing.

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