CHAPTER-31 'The Devil' *

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4:04 AM

'What now?' I said while looking through the glass doors of the airport. I remember the last time I was here with two bags filled with clothes, a guitar, eyes filled with hope and lips curled into a smile. It was the best time of my life nothing to stop me from chasing my dreams, no broken heart, no horrible past Nothing at all.Just another city girl who had seen some bad times more than her birthday cakes.A 19-year-old girl who wanted to know what it is like to be you.For me, New York was not just a city it was my dream, but now New York is my reality.

I can't look at vyan eyes for the hundredth time tonight. I thought I was immune.I never knew I could find a regular guy underneath a cocky superstar. The very ordinary guy stole a piece of me tonight. When I was so sure I would never; never let him grow on me I ended up giving a piece of me. I thought my guard was robust enough to fight his charming ways but before I knew he managed to bring down my guard. There was no way for me know the death grip I had on it was slacking off when he held my hand. There was no way for me to find that my guard was breaking when his lips caressing mine. Even after everything, there is no way for me to escape.

'I don't know' he said and my bubble bust. I knew even my smiling face can't hide the effect his words had on me. Here I thought I was prepared for no strings to attach fling but I now know well that with him there is nothing like no string attach because even if you're from an alternate universe, he will get to you sooner or later.

He 'mmm... I have my very last question for you 'Vyan said. He looked everything but focused.

'Really, I thought I answered pretty much everything 'I said. Surprised he wanted to know more about me because this is probably the last time he is seeing me.

'No, you still haven't answered one 'Vyan said smiling. Right now answering him seems pretty easy. Though I hate answering random questions Answering one last question to guy I probably never meet again doesn't' seems like a bad idea at all.

'Okay, what it is then 'I asked returning the smile.

'Why it seems that you are only free here, why it looks like you wanted this night, this escape from real world full of rules and laws more than me more than anybody else, why?''

'You got it all wrong; I came here because I thought it is fun.'' I said amused by his question.

'I am not blind, and it's written all over your face. If anybody looks hard enough, they will know it's not about fun or a crashing stupid party full of drunk college kids.I am pretty sure there is more to it.''

No, please this can't be real. He can't nobody can ever see through me. I had it covered all my life nobody ever knew; nobody looked hard enough to know how he could know. It's impossible.

'No, There is nothing more to it.'' I said tried to hide the shock which runs down my spine when is asked me his very last question.

'' Angel, I know there is something more to it. You have to tell. I can't go without knowing what it was.''

'' There nothing, nothing at all 'I said. My eyes are a boring hole on the cemented floor. Knowing he can't look at my eyes in the dark, I still can't look at him and convince him there is nothing more to it, and he made it all by himself.

'As you say, I am leaving '' Vyan said. His voice was calm and relaxed, but I know very enough he is mad.

''but you don't even have your passport with you, what about your luggage? I asked.

'I called my Daxton when you were in the changing room, and he said he will take care of that. He and PR team all already inside waiting for me 'He said. I don't know why we didn't talk about this before Guess we were too busy kissing that we forget to discuss or plans for tonight.

'Okay,' I said.

'Goodbye Angel 'He said. Then gave me a small peck on the lips and left. That's it I thought he didn't even ask for my number or Skype or anything to contact me. It was not like I was accepting he will ever meet or contact me after tonight but at least, he could ask for my number out of courtesy.

My brain was telling me to suck it in and never thought about tonight even again and that was my plan from the moments I decided to kiss him.But my heart is screaming at me to open those massive glass doors and let him know he is right. There is more to it.

I knew it is not a good idea to trust him with information but knowing that we probably won't meet ever again so I decided to look over every logic my brain applied. He will forget me the very moment he shoves his tongue into another female oral cavity. Knowing it too well that it won't matter to him but I still wanted to tell him. There no logic of telling him but I have decided I will because there is nothing to lose.

I run towards the glass door and open them.Vyan was about to open the second pair of glass doors when I called out to him, and he immediately retrieves towards me.

'You were right 'I said.

'About What?'vyan asked as if he had no clue.

'About me being free here '' I said defeated.

'Tell me, what it is then 'Vyan asked then took three long steps and stopped until his palms rested on my shoulders.

'I had an elder sister ''Vyan looked so confused but didn't speak.

'Her name was Liberty. Mom named her after the statue of liberty. She was pregnant with her when she visited New York for the first time. She used to tell me and my sister stories about New York. After five years and two miscarriages later she got pregnant with me. When I was 11 and Liberty was 16 she got lost. 

We looked for her for months, but she never came back. No goodbye notes no sign of her was found. She was gone just like that. We mourned for her years. Nobody knew what happened to her. I had very few memories of her but I loved her, and she loved me.After two years mom and dad tried for another baby and soon mom was accepting a boy we named him Lassie he died after 4 hours after his birth his lungs collapsed.

 After liberty and Lassie, my parents can't stand the thought of losing me, and they grew over protected. My life became a ruIe book I was not allowed to go out on my own anywhere. I love them but after trying too hard, I failed to fulfill liberty and Lassie absence. I failed as a daughter, but in the sorrow of losing their two children, they forgot if they have lost a son and a daughter I have lost a sister and brother too. Coming here and live the life I wanted is my escape from the failure I had become back at home. 'My eyes filled with tears My voice was breaking. I never told anyone my story. Everybody who I knew was there to witness everything which happened there was no reason to tell.

'No, I am sure you did your best you have nothing to be ashamed of.'' Vyan said wrapping his arms around me

'You can't be so sure '' I said while snuggling closer to him.Nicole parents were my family too she knew about it from the start. She knew how much my family has been through. Even with her everything share of she always made sure to push me to live my life the way I wanted too. If it were her, I would have never been able to come this far by my own.

Someone cleared his throat we broke apart and looked for the source Alvin was standing a foot away from us. He was wearing the similar black suit he had on during the concert. Looking less like a manager and more like a business person.

Alvin gave a brief nod and smile at me and looked at vyan 'Our plane is ready to take off, you have to hurry' he said and left. Vyan looked at me, and I composed myself and stepped away from him wiping my tears with my palms.

'Okay, so let's just say our goodbyes 'I said with a smile who failed miserably at hiding something so close to heartache.

'Okay!' he said. Trying to sound as normal as he could. But even though I don't know him too well I can tell he is affected too in some odd way. At least, my heart wants to believe it effects him too because knowing it's only me who felt the ache in her chest will only make moving on more painful.

Just like that, he was gone forever from my life. We both left with a piece of each other with us. He knows me, and I know in a way we both never planned on to known. All the little we spend together will be inculpated in my memories forever. The best part about meeting him was him. He was an angel in a devil disguise. Even if it was for a little while, it's happy to know I fell for the angel, not the devil.

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