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'' Well answer to the question of yours is that I really don't know I just can't help it when I look at you .I seriously don't know where the nick names are coming from but this is it. I DON'T KNOW ''

'' Well I knew your answer is going to be something like that ''

'' Now my turn ''vyan said enthusiastically

'' Go on ''

'' Hmmm let me think what '' vyan said rubbing back of his neck with his right hand.

'' Why you refused to kiss me?''

'' Well I really don't think you don't need an answer to that question. Wasn't it was obvious that I don't want to kiss you.''

'' Come on as long as I know no women can resist this face '' vyan said pointing towards his face .

''Too cocky for your own good ''

'' Yeah, as if you can't see it. '' vyan murmured under his breath.

'' So tell me you seriously like to come to a strip club '' I really don't know why but it really bothers me that this superstar cum rock star more like a arrogant ass, really like to be at a strip club .

''sometimes with the lads but not every time some girls out here gets very wild you know what I mean right ''vyan said giving me his world famous look which says I know you are uncomfortable with it .

'' As accepted '' all the attraction I felt from him initially flew up in the air and is filled with hate may not be hate but you know I can't stand this person anymore feeling.

'' Now the question I want a real answer to. What are you doing in a strip club and specially dress up like that. It's not like you forget your way to home ''

''it's a long story for you I will cut it short .My Best friend dare me to go to a strip club on Friday night at a club ''

'' OK, now this makes sense ''vyan said

'' Why you want to kiss me so bad? '' I asked because some part of me wanted to know why in the world he wants to kiss  when he can have any girl in this club or outside this club after all he is vyan oberoi. 

''I really don't need a reason to kiss you ''At this very moment I prayed to mother earth to sallow me because I can't keep up the conversation we are having anymore. I need air fresh air. 

''Look I don't have any questions left to ask you can the rest of questions because I am really getting late '' I say after realizing the breath i didn't know i was holding. 

''Now you can go ''

'' Really ? '' Confusion is what I am drained with, let's come to the facts  he dragged me all the way here to ask why I am here. It's not like I am complaining that he is letting me go but there has to be something. May be he got bored of me lost interested as soon as I opened my mouth. But right now it's not my concern  I need to back at home my dead line is 12:30 AM and it's already 12 AM.Even though I live alone and there is no one to watch me because my parents live thousands miles away i still have my dead lines because this is the  only way to make sure Nichole will follow them.

'' Thank you, I really wish I could say that it was nice meeting you but never the less..Good to know you are at least honest '' Is all I said and turned around to face door of the suite we were in.

'' Angel '' I hear vyan calling I turned around and all of the sudden my back was against the door and someone lips were against me.

Holy shit vyan oberoi is kissing me.

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