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It's not every day you find a girl who ignores me completely and walks away like Angel just did.Damn, I can now see why I have the hots for this girl she is like no other. As far as Angel parents are concerned, they must be smart people, after all, they named their daughter Angel because Holy shit this girl is defiantly an angel and if they are as smart as I think, how in the world their daughter ended up being a stripper.

Maybe they are no more, and poverty led her here. Wait. Since when do I think about a girl and her family before fucking her and especially when the girl a gorgeous girl is a stripper? Something I for sure is wrong with me.

I don't why, but Angel seems like a miss fit. Even though she is wearing a short red dress which is leaving very little to my imagination, I can still not come to terms with the fact that a girl like her can be at a place like this she is supposed to be on a runway or something not a poll for god sake.Even though I don't know anything about her yet but her innocent and angelic face seem a big time misfit here.

These men out here don't deserve such beauty. She seems like the type that has to be in the arms of a man who would love her like nothing else in the world matters. Lord, please tell me when I became so dense? Maybe it's the alcohol I've been consuming tonight.

Concentrate Vyan, what you are thinking? You are in a strip club the girl in front of you is a stripper, and she's hot as hell. What are doing? Take her and make sure she remembers the night for at least decade.

I'd never seen her before, not even when I came to this club last month when I was in town for a concert.

Maybe she is new that explains her resistance and walking away just after I tried to approach her. Though I firmly believe that no girl deserves to be here and be a stripper, this girl is making me hate this profession even more. I try not judge people who I am to judge all these girls here? It could either be her beauty or the beast within me, which can make me judge someone's profession. You never know it could also both.

I have been through a lot these past days when I say the media sucks I am not kidding. I hate when they judge others on the basis of what they choose to be and what they are doing for a living, leaving behind the fact that what made them those horrendous things in life.

After living in this industry for such a long time, I have come to a conclusion that nobody likes to be evil and the bad guy, but some scenarios in life tend be the reasons that you turn to evil or what media call me these days 'the good guy gone bad'. Truth to be told I was a good guy but girls spoiled me.

Being in the public eye, I've got all the attention no regular teenager has. Don't get me wrong; I love all the attention I get from the girls and girls. I don't think it's too bad to be in the public eye like some people say, but sometimes it gets too much to handle, and I wish I were not part of it.

Being a young superstar has its perks you know, you can have all the attention you want. For the past few years, I've been in the industry, or you can say ruling it, never gets old. There is always something new to learn when you wake up, and that's the best part and worst part about it.

I have a long way to go, but first, I need to know what's up with this hot chick ignoring me. Has she lost her mind or is she on drugs?

Nobody ignores the superstar.

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