CHAPTER - 15 'Hottest girl'

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I followed the mysterious yet handsome guy. We struggled on our way out of VIP area to reach god knows where. Nicole left because she had to babysit her younger brother. We turned left and all could see were machines and people either packing things or were carrying them from one place to another. No genius brains are required to know where we are its call the back stage.

'Where are we going? 'I asked Mr. mysterious or should I call him Mr. serious. Yes, I get it that we just me and we are practically strangers but come one why this silent treatment the least he can do is tell me where he taking me.

I very well know where ever he is taking me will lead me to vyan and the thought of it is bring shrills to my body. After watching him singing all night I still not ready to be near him. I know staring and admiring him and his voice while standing in crowd of thousands of other girl is far different when he himself is looking at just you not just a crowd of people.

'Wait and watch 'he said. I stayed silent after that all we did was turn left then right then again right and finally left. After the last turn we made I could see a long hallway which had a dead end. Lighting was so dim that you could hardly see a person a man standing at a meter distance in that hallway.

'Please tell me you are not going to kill me right here when nobody is watching 'I joked. I was still facing Mystery man muscled back it was not like I was complaining he was grown up man with toned body and we girl love guys who workout don't we .

'Not when you are wearing than dress and I might other things you won't appreciate 'he said and turned another with a smirk on his face that made me almost peed in my Victoria secrets panties. Yes, I am girl with taste and a classy one.

'This not funny 'I said while cursing myself for not to carrying the pepper spray my mother is always complaining about.

'Don't worry I am not finding it funny either 'he said while moving a step closer. I was wondering what in the world did I do to deserve this.

'Stay away 'I told him. My Throat was sore and I knew it's going to be like this for the rest of the week if I survive. I wish Nicole comes looking for me now I am cursing why in the world I gave her the car eyes she could have come looking for me to get the keys.

'Come on I promise you will remember it for decade 'he said. As if I will survive for a decade after he is done with me .Just then I was about to catch a breath he moved a step closer.

'Stay away let me remind I am wearing heels and people say it hurts when you hit the right stop' I said moving a step away.

Now all I could hear was laugh and a never ending laugh. They man who terrified me to death is laughing.

'You are fu*king kidding me 'is all I said.

'Okay, I am sorry I can explain 'he said while moving closing to me his hand where up as if he afraid to come near me.

'Stay away you freak' I said pushing him away. No matter how good looking you are I won't trust you that easily because I am big girl and I know looks can be deceiving.

'Okay, wait a second 'he said and took a few steps towards the right and clicked a few buttons and the entire hallway was illuminated like a Christmas tree. The whole hallway was spot clean and there was pin drop silence I knew It must be the restricted area .

'Who are you?' I said keeping my voice as normal as I could manage.

'I am Alvin and I am vyan manager 'he said worried about how will I react to the information.

'Why? In world you scared to death 'I said.

'I already like you 'he said smiling. Alvin was standing all his weight was directed towards the wall and his hand was folding. I took in his appearance. He had a dimple on his right cheeks if you talk about good looks believe he was just another gift of god to the girls on this planet .

'You almost tried to molest me and you are saying you like me 'I said with stunned expression plastered on my face.

'Trust me I would never do that to you or any other girl 'he said.

'You never answered my question? Why you did what you did? 'I said

'I was just checking did is picked the right girl 'he said starching his head.

'What? That suppose to mean 'I said.

'Vyan asked me to ascot his date for tonight to his dressing room.' he said.

'He never told you about my appearance that's it 'I said. He nodded in agreement.

'He did tell me your name but there were thousands of girls in the VIP section and probability they share the same name are high so thought otherwise' he said.

'So what made you choose me out of the entire girl in the VIP section?' He knew I was in the VIP section there were only few hundred only but still finding the right girl is as difficult as it sounds.

'He told me to choose the hottest girl 'he said and I blushed.

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