CHAPTER-26 ' Asshole'

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Vyan Oberoi

11:45 PM

'Just remember two words Hide and seek 'Benny tells the groups of teenagers in front of him. There are nine people altogether in this room. Two guys who are also covered in tattoos like rest of the others . Twp girls joined us moments before are wearing a bikini top and jeans shorts are also covered with tattoos. I am not big of tattoos specially tattoos on girls. I got my first tattoo when I was seventeen. It's a black heart with music notes on the left I got it inked on the right side of my chest.After that i never had the urge to get another one. Honestly ,I don't need to cover my body with tattoos to enhance my look because I limited edition of perfect men on this planet.

'What the hell it means? 'A short guy covered in tattoos spoke his mind.

'Hide when there is a need and Seek for opportunities to make tonight the best night of your night of your life 'Again and again the same bullshit nobody is telling me what is actually going on.

'And Vincent just try not to get busted 'Benny say's eyeing me with a playful look.

'I will try my worst 'I reply. This guy has a strange ability to make people dislike him the moment they meet him. If Alvin was here he would have told me straight away that I am just feeling jealous but jealousy is the last thing I feel right now. I really don't know what it is but it's definitely without a doubt not jealous. Benny who I won't give any penny doesn't stand a chance against me when it comes to ladies specially the lady standing with him who is no one else but angel. So I am nothing to be jealous about.

'We will see 'Benny says arching an eyebrow while he slides his right hand around angel waist. I swear I wanted to punch him right on the face still pretty sure I am not jealous. Somehow I kept my calm because I don't want to deal with the after math of punching the dickhead on the face .I really don't have the words to reason angel why? I had the urged to punch benny within 25 minutes of meeting him. It's a man to man thing and she is the exact opposite of definition of a man so I kept my anger leashed.

'You better' I say and my voice comes out gruff. Benny ignored my comment and continued. Angel seems to be in a cloud of cuckoo land and kept quiet and let Benny do all the talking.

'So people it's time of the year when two amazing people will win the title of hide and seek. '

So basically right now we are at time square .Here are lot of people which is quite obvious because this part of New York never sleep. It's called heart of New York. There is something magically about this place which attracts you and I am not talking about billboards and advertisements. It's in the air you feel freedom a freedom which very distinctive from all the other kind of freedoms you may experience in a lifetime.

Even with so many people around me I feel alone and it's insane but at the same time absolutely true. I can feel it inside me so strongly because I have missed this feeling, I really do. All these years of my waling in fame I have missed walking down streets which hundreds of people but not attracting any attraction and just walking.

People may take this petite freedom they have for granted but for me things are different. Even today when I look at the streets from my vanity car widow I wish to be like any other pedestrian walking around the street.

Coolest thing is that just with a pair of spectacles and a little touch of makeup I am invisible for the world. Which is quite weird but I think life is weird in its own way.

I am a free soul and like every free male soul on this planet I started checking out the female population surrounding me.

I scanned the crowd with my eyes and like any other guy; I distinguished hot older chicks, hot chicks and cute chicks from rest of the crowd. Every male species on this planet is born with this amazing ability of hunting down your type girl irrespective of what your type is.

Good thing is that a lot of hot girls are walking down the street tonight but the not so good thing is that my eyes can't find a way to let go of angel. I am screwed up big time. This women seriously need to wear more clothes or this whole thing of hide and seek will be the last thing in my mind.

'What are you doing?' angel asks. I ignored her comment and pull her hand towards the glass door of a shopping center.

'What are you doing?' Angel asks again now with more determination.

'Buying you clothes now hurry up 'I say and pulled her hand again .

'Why?' Angel asks confusion washed over her face.

'Because you need some. 'I say unsure of my own words. Honestly, I want her to wear more clothes because my brain fails to function when her long tan legs are in my view and I don't want to spend rest of the night beating shit out of guys who will try to hit on her. So, to save me and her from all the trouble we may encounter she need to buy some clothes.

'What the hell? I am wearing clothes already' Angel say her voice full of vexation.

'I know girl but if you want to remain in your clothes after this shit ends you need to change' I say sounding loud and clear.

'You are an asshole 'Angel say and walk past me towards the glass doors.

' I don't know but about being one but believe me I have seen many assholes. I say smiling mischievously at her.

'Let's get some clothes Asshole'Angel says gripping the glass door handle. So I guess I have made it to the asshole and all I need is some action and ass kicking.

Hey! Thanks a lot for the support you support isthe world to me ...I love you all .

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