CHAPTER- 25 ' Again and again '

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3:00 AM

We are running god knows where but believe me it's the last thing on my mind. Every cell of my body has stopped any metabolism it had before this very moment ,the metabolism which uses to be their prime focus I don't blame them because all I know they are stunned to hear my heartbeat which is louder than it's ever been in last 19 years.  All these effects on my innocent heart because vyan is holding my right hand. This guy may be a superstar for the world or a music sensation all around the globe but  right now at  this particular  moment he is just a guy who is the sole reason for making my heart beat louder and louder with every  passing second .

I am scared, not because I am worried that my heart may come to a stop owing to the fact it's beating so fast and loud. I am not even scared for the reason that that I might fall because of my lack of ability to command my legs to move straight, I am scared because this guy running before me will leave my hand and I won't be able to recover, Recover from something that's not heartbreak but something unmistakably as painful as a heartbreak.

'They are no more following us 'Vyan says breathlessly thanks to all the running. I am breathless too but pretty sure for different reasons.

'And I thought I am going to burn some more extra calories tonight 'I pout my sense of humor is still where it use to be so I guess I have not gone completely insane.

'It was crazy 'vyan and I say at the same time .We both broke down in a never ending laughter. A very pleasant laughter, a laughter I wished would never end but because both of us are drained out of energy to even make a small sound we stopped and the laughter was replaced by silence. A silence which is not at all awkward in any possible way it's just overwhelming like every other moment we shared tonight.

'Thank you' vyan says sincerity vivid in his voice.

'Thank you for what? For making you a lawbreaker 'I asked looking at him with a coy smile.

'Nah, Just Thank you '

'I knew you will love it 'the moment when vyan told me that he sometimes wished for a normal life. A life with much less worries, a life where change in one's relationship status is not the hot topic of the week to conclude a life without all the melodrama that comes into one's life as a young star. I somehow knew all he needs is one crazy night and a place where you can make mistakes without the world knowing and a place where you don't make headlines with every step you take.

'Would you like to know what I will love more? 'Vyan grins at me

'Penny you thought Mr. Superstar 'I say in the same way he told me earlier in the night.

'I would love to kiss you Again and Again' Vyan advance towards me and our lips are just a millimeter apart.

I am sorry but due to some problems I was not able to write a longer chapter. I am trying to sot things out and I will update very soon. Comment AND VOTE THEY ARE MY LIFE.

DAREOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora