Chapter 23 ' Serial killer '

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Vyan P.O.V

I have no idea about what I am doing here with angel? I was supposed to be in my suite and packing, as far as remember I have an early morning flight to catch I am leaving for Canada tomorrow morning and tomorrow is not that far away.

I hate to say but I can't be around this girl anymore she will kill me. She will kill me with her smiles; she will break me in pieces with her eyes which turn a shade lighter whenever she is as excited as she is now.

'Come on vyan you will love it ' Angel say and walk out of the car leaving me behind wondering what tonight has store for me . I know if I stayed with her any longer than I already have I won't be able to stop the fire burning inside me. Did I ever mention? She is looking dam sexy tonight. Those long tan legs are like magnate to my eyes no matter how much hard my eyes try not to look at them but sooner or later they always end up admiring them with their gaze. It's not  like my hands can touch them the only way of admiration is watching them like a hawk.

I can't fall for this girl because I do not want to start something I won't be able to finish. I don't do relationships and it's not by choice it's just my life which is incapable of holding another relationship. I have dated several supermodels, actresses and singers but none of those relationships ever left me wanted for more never once I felt the need to stay and make it work. As any other guy I wanted a woman I could cherish but all I got was girls which were nothing like the woman I desire. They were just there to compliment my star status.

There were people who became the backseat drivers in my train of failed relationships and advised me to change my ways hoping that it might changed things in my non existing love life but I knew all my past relationships don't worth effort.

I know I am not perfect, I am nothing like those good guys who are every girls dream husbands, boyfriends and the list goes on. I am the guy even girl secretly has a crush on without the world knowing. I am good girl's fantasy and bad girl's birthday wish.

You can say I am every girl's  daddy nightmare or in simple words I am not Alvin, But believe me I am kind of relieved I am nothing like Alvin today or girl's daddy favorite all I know I want do things to this girl walking beside me  no good guys has the guts to do and no daddy would ever appreciate.

Angel is crazy  in a very good way. You never know what she has planned for you the moment you step in her tiny little world her all you can do is hope for the best . That's what I love about her the most. Really Love? No that's not happening any time soon so the best way to say it is 'that's what I like about her'. At least she doesn't fake it up in front of me like others. I like girls who know how to voice their thoughts and are confident and no beating around the bush angel is one those girls.

Her crazing can lead us in trouble because right now we are standing at a cemented floor of a huge old broken down two storey building.

'I can bet this building is of the time Abraham Lincoln was U.S president but why the hell it's still exist in 2015 it's too old to be a museum 'I say examining the broken glass windows of the building. It's too dark in here to get the details but It's not so dark that you can't tell how scary this building looks. guess  what we are going to play hide & seek here which is awesome. Please note the sarcasm .

'I just wish it stay like this until we return 'Angel say worry is evident on her face.

'You mean we are going in their ' I say pointing towards the broken wooden door which face parallel to us.

' Ummm .. Yes 'Angel says anxiously.

'This is your fun angel, I drove all the way here at freaking 11 PM in the night just because you wanted to survey a old freaking ancient building are you crazy ? 'I say annoyed. My words comes out a lot harsher that I expected them to be . Angel turned around in the opposite direction her right hand palm was resting at her forehead and she sniffles.

No way, lord is she crying I can't stand girls crying and especially because of me. I remember when I was young and my baby sister Amanda, who is 3 years younger to me started crying because I scolded her for eating my favorite flavor of lollipops, I was so guilt ridden that I ended up giving her all my lollipops collection. Guess what family really brings out the best in you and this is best I could do.

I was obsessed with lollipops all my childhood years specially those rainbow-swirl lollipops. I was so fascinated by them that I used to carry at least one pack with me whenever I use to step out my house .My friend used call me lolli back then which sucked the hell out of me but hate for the pet name was not even to my love for sucking lollipops. I was quite the sucker and now turned jerk.

'Hey, I am sorry please don't be mad I just got up in moment 'I say and placed my right hand on angel left shoulder squeezing it as gently as I could . I thought tonight would be fun but it's turning out to something else.

'I GOT YOU!!' Angel say cheerful as if she has won an imaginary point in an imaginary game.

'I thought you were crying 'I say bewildered. Why in the world I fall for it now she knows my weakness which to my dislike is not hot girls but are none other than crying girls only if it makes sense people.

'My Dear superstar have you ever heard that BIG GIRL'S DON'T CRY 'angel say smirking .Hot and sweet plus spicy is my new favorite combination and the credit goes to none other than Ms. Angel .

'Angle earlier you were talking about Hide and seek and crashing a party what it was supposed to mean 'I ask.

'You will know everything once you get in there 'Angle says pointing towards the door '

'Please, tell me you are not a serial killer 'I said faking a scared expression.

'Baby, I am too bad to be a serial killer ' Angle said giving me her one of her I am the serial killer looks.

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