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For You

We are both from two different worlds. Worlds, which are meant to be separate and distinct from the rest of the universe. My world knew nothing could be better than for us to be together and it also knew it wouldn't last forever. I thought I had everything before having you in my world. Now I know it was just an illusion I lived in for years. After meeting you and knowing you better, I realized how much I have truly missed.

Thank you for making my wait worthy. Thank you for being there and letting me love you. I am in love with you but I love my life more when you are not here with me to tear my world apart with your smile. A smile that is addictive as well as alluring and my heart can't handle it. My world was never so beautiful. My world was never yours; yours was never mine. You were wrong when you said you are not capable of love because my heart knows your heart and your heart loved me with everything it had. Your heart loves me but sometimes love is just not enough.

Our music will keep us together forever. I know you never wanted to hurt me but you did. You made me suffer you made me cry. I want you to know of every tear I ever shed for you, because of you and every pain I endured was worth having you even if it was for a little while. You were the best thing ever happened to me, ever.

It was incredible and painful to see you singing today. Keep doing that because I love that part of you like every other part of you. Try not to think so much about this letter. You always will be in my heart because I am incapable of letting you go. This letter is a reminder of the good moments, a reminder of us.

I am going away from you and your heart. I love you and just you, always remember that. I will never regret you, never have and I never will. Our love was playing the daredevil but now the devil is dead but our love survived.Our love made it through all because you dare to love me and I dare to love you back. After all our journey was about the DARE.

Forever Yours

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