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After we finally decided we were only going to be friends, We sat outside drinking. I smoked a blunt but he did not because of the training shit. We were just talking our little hears away all night. 

"Why did you put the dogs in the basement?" I laughed. "Where else was I supposed to save them at?" We were laughing our asses off. "That is terrible I am glad you saved those pour dogs." "Yeah I am too. They look so sad. Do you want to see?" "No! I am just going to take your word on it" "Suit yourself" 

I threw my beer bottles away into the trash can. I followed the chair back up. I watched as a car pulled into my yard. Colden's car. He went into the passenger side and helped someone into the house. "What the fuck?" I mumbled. 

"Who is he helping?" Carl wondered. "I have no clue" If anyone was watching us they might think we are crazy stalker neighbors. "Do you want me to walk with you to see?" "Yes please" I sped walked over to my house. "Be quiet the kids are sleeping" I whispered as I quietly opened the door. 

I heard someone crying upstairs. It sounded like Sage but I wasn't sure. I walked up and seen Coldens door half cracked and thats where the cries where coming from. "Hey is everything oka-" Thats when I seen her. Andrea. Tavias mom. She was holding him crying. 

"Why is she here?" my voice got a little louder when I asked that question. He shot up out the bed and she looked at me. She was a little bloody looking. "Tessa she needed my help so I am helping her" "Oh she needs your help now? What about all the times you needed her help?" 

"Tessa I am over that this is something so different!" "I mean is it Colden? She needs your help from something that might have never happened is she stayed home and took care of her child" I explained. Colden's face got tight. He stormed over so close to me. He never touched me or anything but I flinched at his fastness. 

"Damnit Tessa!" He yelled as he punched the wall. My face dropped. I felt it as my heart started beating.  I wanted to tell him I was so sorry for getting into it. I never know how to just shut up and mind my own business. Some say I get it from my mom. Since he was my brother I felt like I could just push him because he wouldn't do anything to me, But this time feels different.

I heard Tavia start crying. "You always are in the way of something Tessa! You never mind your own damn business! Is you life so miserable you interrupt others so you do not have to be in yours?" "Hey man you don't have to talk to her life she is some random person on the side walk!" Carl tried to help. 

"Shut the hell up Carl you are some of her problem!" "Don't yell at him because he is defending me because you are acting like a dick Colden! You are fucking stupid for coming to her rescue when she walked out on you and your child! When she tried to call the cops on you! Seriously where was she when you needed "help"? She clearly wasn't fucking here! I was here Colden, Or Sage was here! The people you treat the most like shit where fucking here! So you can sit there and hold her and tell her it will be okay all you want because once she is safe she will fucking leave you again!" I screamed at him. 

"You do not know anything about me Tessa! You need to speak for your own fucked life before mine. Andrea loves me and we already talked about the whole thing. She wants to be apart of me and the babies life! Unlike you because I want you no where near her!" My heart broke. 

He doesn't want me by Tavia? "Colden Ermys what the fuck is wrong with you?" Sage busted into the room holding Nessa in her arms. I watched as she slide her to Carl. "Sage go back to your room!" Colden told her. "No Colden I have had enough with you bitch boy behavior! Tessa is your little sister and you are acting crazy in here! Can you not hear Tavia yelling from two feet away because I hear it from 30 and on top of you cussing Tessa out when she has a perfect point! You need to calm it the fuck down or get the hell out!" Sage yelled at him. 

selling and telling (Carl Gallagher fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now