Frank the weeding crasher.

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I called carl and told him I was home. He told me he was at Doms and that he will come by when they are done watching a game with her dad. So I am guessing they are serious. that makes me scared. All his relationships do not last to long before something happens and I get left to try and fix his pieces. It is really annoying. I love carl he is my best friend but I get tired of having to fix what other people mess up.

carl - hey I am at your door.

my phone dinged and I looked at my text. I went to my door and I seen carl standing outside. "hey" he said "hey" I said back. I let him in because it is freezing cold out there. He came and sat on my couch. my mom was at Fionas helping her with some last-minute weeding stuff and Colden was in his room and sage and her boyfriend where here and Larry and hazel were trying to get Fiona a wedding gift.

" How did you drug dealing go?" carl asked me. "It was definitely something" I told him. "Nothing bad happened though, right?" he asked me " nothing bad it was pretty good, and I even made some money" I told him. I can tell he got worried about me. "Enough of me how was the game?" I asked him. "it was a good game but her dad... he is a asshole but we only deal with each other because we both care about Dom" he explained. " Well at least you guys can get along for it"

we talked some more just about Fionas weeding and how Debbie's baby cries so much at night. " I can never get a peaceful sleep at home because the baby just cries" he said "well you can always stay the night here I have a couch in my room and Colden's room is open for right now" I told him. "Can I really just for tonight?" carl asked. " yeah, mom won't care since we are just  family friend's" I added that there to be petty. "so, you have been thinking about what I said?" he asked. I just shook my head yes. "Look she put me on the spot. I was supposed to record her playing the violin but then she told me that's not why she was here and then she asked if I was a virgin and I told her no then she said she was so I said I was and then it happened. like 3 times in a row" carl explained. " well, I never told no one I was a virgin" I told him.

" Did you ever have to?" he asked. "well, there was this 19-year-old I had sex with twice at my dad's and I told him I was not a virgin and he said that was fine" I told carl. "Wait you slept with a 19 year old?" carl asked. "hell yeah. I still talk to him be he is gay now so" I told him.

it was getting late so we went to my room. "The couch is there, and I can give you a blanket and a pillow" I said and went and grabbed the stuff. "Also here is some of Colden's clothes you can wear" I told him. he went to my bathroom and changed. " I will wake you up in the morning when my alarm goes off" I told him. "Fine with me" he told me.

I went to my bed and fell asleep. I woke up around 3 and felt an arm around me. I look and see it is carl. Oh this is nice but bad at the same time. he is in a relationship. I don't care. If it was not a big deal to him no reason for it to be one to me. But it is wrong. How would I feel about my boyfriend doing this to his best friend. Well I am also just a family friend. Whatever. 

I wake up to my alarm at 6:30 am. I turn it off and rub my eyes. Carl is still in my bed with his arm around me. awkward. "carl... carl wake up" I tell him. he opens his eyes and looks around in shook. he takes his arm off me and he sits up. " I am sorry I guess I must have made my way over here" carl tells me. " I can tell" I respond. I hear a knock on my door. "Come in" I tell the person. " Good morning  oh hi carl" my mother says. "Moring" I tell her "Good morning " he tells her. " I see you are up so we are heading to Fionas in a hour or so, get ready because you have to do her hair" she reminded me. " yes mom I know" I tell her. "well I will leave you guys to it but no funny business" she said and she shuts the door "uhhhh" I make a nosier and carl laughs.

" It is not funny" I tell him with death glare. " Funny to me" he said and got up. "I am going home to get ready and to tell Dom, I will see you there" Carl told me. she is coming... wonderful.

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