Ugh boys are confusing.

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Everyday feels like a never ending loop. I do the same thing every day. I just get up and get ready and go to school. Today I have to walk. With that being said I told Fiona I would take Hazel and Liam to daycare. I walked downstairs and no one was here besides Hazel. She made herself some cereal and I took my meds and walked across the street. 

I seen Ian flipping Fiona off behind her back. "Hey fire ball and Haze Haze" Ian said. "Hey red head". I walked into the kitchen where Liam was sitting in his highchair. "hey little man!" I said and picked him up. I tried my best to ignore Carl's prescience. "Hey Tess" Fiona said "hey Fi". "hey Nic" I said and he waved. 

"here is Liam's bag and thank you for taking him today" She told me. "yeah no problem" . "hey Nic" I said and he waved at me. "Where is Debbie?" I asked. "In her room" Fiona told me. I was walking up the stairs to her room. "Tess wait!" I heard someone say. It was Carl. "What?" I snapped. "Can we talk?" I just stood there looking at him. "Are you going to speak?" I questioned. "In my room" He said. I walked up there.

He shut his door. I stood by the wall with my arms crossed. He took a deep breath. "Look about the other night I am sorry for being the way I was. You know I would never hurt you I just thought everything would fit right back into place" He explained. "What do you mean "Fit right back into place?" We literally have not talked in over a year. Last time I seen you I was saying good bye because we were both going away. You do not even look the same! You come back with cornrows and acting like you are something you are not!" I was trying to be calm with him. 

"We have known each other since we were crawling around! I did not know us not being together for a year would change anything! You know I am not the only one that changed right? You come back acting like you have no emotions. It is like you put up this shield that no one is allowed to take down and see who you are!" He started shouting. 

"Because I do not want anyone to know every fucking detail about me! Do you even know what I have been through this past year? Maybe I snorted a line of coke that was laced and it fucked up my personality? I already had some of my hopes of coming back get let down so I am sorry for not acting like the same bitch I used to be. Plus you have no right to talk about personality change!" I started shouting. 

He just stood there. "I got to go. I have to take kids to school and myself." I say and open the door. "Can we finish this talk later?" He asked. "I said everything I needed to" I told him and walked to Debbies room. I shut the door and put my back on it. I just stand there. "are you okay Tess?" I heard Debs voice ring. "yeah. Do you want to walk with me to school?" I asked her. 

We walked together to take the kids and go to school. She told me Fiona is prego as well and she is wanting her to keep it. When we walked into the school yard Carl was standing there. "Oh hey Carl, Fiona is pregnant and I want to talk to the whole family to talk her into keeping it. You in?" She asked him. "No white girl I don't know you" He says. What a fucking dick. 

Then the girl he is talking to rolls her eyes and turns around. I let out a laugh. "Wow you already found my replacement?" I asked. He just looks to the side. "I hope she doesn't have any type of shield up" I say as me and Debbie walked past him. 

"Girl what was that all about?" Debbie questioned. "Love I will have to tell you later" I told her. 

After class I met up with Debbie and her other friend. We were waiting in the bathroom line. There is a lot of people with babies here. Debbie was ranting about something. "stop screwing in there I need to piss!" she yelled. "Screw it I'm peeing in the sink" her friend said. "Fuck this" I say and bang 3 time on the bathroom door. "Go suck dick at your momma's house not at school nasty bitches!" I yelled. 

"Uh I cant stand people" "Tell me about it" Debbie went on the handicap stall and drew a pregnant lady on it. "Ugh you can not do that" This girl in a wheelchair said. "My pregnancy is not less punishing to my bladder than your paralysis!" Debbie told her. "Right?" She asked. "I am trying to wipe do you mind?" her friend in the sink said. I started laughing. "was that mean?" Debbie asked me. I am trying to get the tears out of my eyes from laughing so hard. 

"Yes that was me-" I could not even finish before I started laughing again. My stomach was hurting. I was about to pee on myself. "What is so funny?" She said while wiping tears out her eyes. I got myself together. "That bitch really went and pissed in the sink!"

For the rest of the day me and JJ hung out around school and I got his snapchat and me and him were snapping most of the day. I walked home with Debbie and we went to her house. " Fiona here?" Debbie asked. Frank Carl and nick were all here. "Napping hopefully dreaming about her unborn child" frank said. " we need to convince her to keep it , who's she?" Debbie asked as some random girl walked in. He said something to her in Spanish.

"Ugh I'm starving" Debbie said and took some chicken out the basket. " want some?" Debbie asked me. "No Jj brung me some type of fancy sandwich" I told Debbie. Carl scoffed.

"Time for you to learn the grand Gallagher are of living off the government" frank said . "We'll I have to go pick up Liam and I told v I'll babysit" Debbie said. "I'll get Liam" Carl added. "You will" Debbie joked. "I need to introduce him to someone and if you have a problem with that you can give me my drumstick back" he told Debbie. "Uh whatever" Debbie said as she followed frank.

"Hey if you are going to get Liam can you pick up hazel?" I asked Carl. "What's in it for me?" He said with a smile. "I'll give you a few bucks and plus I would but I got to look for a job soon" I told him. "Yeah but I'm taking Liam to Dominique after I grab him" he told me. "Who's Dominique?" I asked him. "The babe I talk to" he told me. "Never mind I'll get hazel" I told him. "You sure you said you needed to look at jobs" "nope I got it 100%" I told him.

I sat at the table for a few extra minutes and I was snapping Jj . He sent me a picture with no shirt on. "What are you smiling at?" Carl said. "What nothing" I told him as I put my phone on the table. "It's something and you red" he told me. "Why do you care anyways?" I snap. He threw his hands up. "Its just a question"

"It's just Jj" I tell him. "Who?" He asked. "Jj the boy who I sit with in third period" I tell him. "Oh .. him" he says. "Why did you say it like it was a bad thing?" I asked him. "Because he's kind of like a hoe you know" he stated. "Explain?" I asked when an attitude. "In middle school he talked to a bunch of girl and had three girl friends at one time, just be careful. I kind of don't want you to get hurt but I got to go get Liam peace" Carl said as him and nick walked out the door.

He doesn't want me to get hurt? He can crush my heart but if someone else does it then it is a problem? Why do boys have to be so confusing. "Ugh fuck" I mumbled as I threw my hand on my face. 

selling and telling (Carl Gallagher fanfic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum