Suck it or Duck it

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one month later-

I ended up in a horrible spiral in a months time. A few days after the weeding I started drinking. I drunk every day. I did something stupid one night. I tried to set Jayden's house on fire with Kate. We got caught but I told her to run. The officer recognized me from breaking out his car so my mom had to sign me out of jail. I have to wear a ankle bracelet until my court date since I am called " A runner". I heard a lot of mouth from my mother. From 6am to 6pm I have to be at my house of Fiona's unless I call ahead with my work schedule. 

Colden is walking now. Barley but he is walking. Fiona own the cafe now and honestly everything has been stressful. The only friend from my friend group is Mads and Tyler. Nate moved away and la ended everything with us all. She is friends with Dom now. Dom tries to talk to me but I ignore her most of the time because she tells her friends everything I say, and I am not doing no drama shit. If they have a problem, we can solve it.

Also everyone at school knows how I tried to burn the house down. They also knew Jayden was lying. He also moved away. 

With carl. I think he is pussy whipped. He came over to my house like 2 more times when fanny was loud as fuck but those are the only times we have talked. I am lucky if I even get a "hey". Me and Debbie worked our mess out and she told me she was just tired, and I told her I understood. Franny is so cute. I love her so much. Debbie let me take her on a small walk in the back yard yesterday while she took a shower. That is a big step for Debbie.

I woke up and I felt like dressing up today. I wore this black tight dress and some Black vans. we had tests today, so I took a blanket to take naps during class. tonight, I have work until close, so my mom told my officer.

school was boring I talked to Tyler most of today because I have class with him. He is actually really funny. 

I went home and changed into some jean shorts and my work shorts. its 4 and my shift is at 6. I hope the train is on my side today because I am going by the alibi.

I walked there and everyone was working. " Hey guys" I said as I walked in. "hey" they all told me. I sat on stool. Kevin looked scared. " What happened?" I asked him. " I thought you would never ask.. Frank came by and he knows it was us who put him in the river" Kevin explained. ' what?" how did he live? "I told you we should have just put him in some random field and put a blind fold on him" I told Kevin. " I know but I thought he would have drowned." Kevin said. I heard the baby's cry. "fuck" he said. "I will go talk to them" I told him.

I went up there and I feed them. the only one who did not want to eat was Amy but she ate some. I love these kids they are so sweet. I turned on their tv and went back down. " I got to get to work I feed the kids and they are watching tv" I told kev and v. "thank you sweetheart" v told me and gave me a hug. "Be good" Kev told me. "always" I said.

work was busy as hell. Fiona was not working sadly but it is okay. I only like working with Fiona because she is nice to me and these other people are really disrespectful. just because I am young does not mean anything. I already cussed this one girl out because she tried to take my tip.

the next day at school was a lot better. Debbie was here today and she got to meet all my friends. they liked her they thought she was really cool.

I had to go to work tonight, and I made 145$ in tips. I have been saving a lot of my money. I blew all the money my dad gave me but I still have some I took from Jayden and all of the money I got from dealing Colden's drugs. 

I woke up today bright and happy. I think I am finally free of the side effects from my medicine. My mom still doesn't know I stopped. 

I walked downstairs. "Good morning Tessie and Mike!" Larry cheered. I named my monitor Mike. "Good morning Larry" I said in a deep voice acting like I was Mike. "Oh I love you kid, Hungry?" he asked. "Starving". He gave me two pancakes and I scarfed them down. 

" Good morning honey" My mom said " good morning" I told her back. "wow you are happy this morning" she told me. " Yeah no school" I said like she was stupid. "Don't be to happy we have to go talk to this lawyer and the court date" My mom reminded me. "Yeah I know". I havent told my mom want Jayden did. I honestly never told her who he even was. 

The lawyer made me tell her though. I explained everything in that office. We even cried. So now this is a whole different type of case. They said we will met back in two month's. They also took my last drug test and it was clean. They were proud. 

we left and got ice cream and went back home. I can finally smoke again. I went to my room and rolled up and I smoked as much as I used to but for some reason I felt higher. It was most likely because I have not smoked in so long. I went downstairs and got me a snack. " Are you high?" my mom asked me " no" I told her and I started to giggle. "Tessa you were doing so good, and you get cleared and you smoke again." she told me. "sorry mom I wanted to get high" I told her. 

she just rolled her eyes and said "whatever I have to get to work" she told me "okay byee" I said holding the bye. Larry was at work and mom was leaving. Colden and sage were at school so it was just me and the house.

I walked to the Gallager's. I walked inside and seen lip. he is back! "LIP" I yelled. "TESSA!" he yelled back. I gave him a big hug. " I missed you how are you" I asked him. " I am good just one step at a time" he told me.

" hey fireball" Ian said " hey Ian" I said and gave him a hug. Carl was at the table, and he looked stressed. I cut my eyes to lip. "oh yes Tessa would you give your boyfriend a bj if he was uncircumcised?" lip asked me. I was confused. " I don't have a boyfriend" I told lip.

" I know but I was saying in general, would you?" he asked. " Yeah, if he kept it clean and It did not smell like old cheese" I told him. "See carl she is just weird" Ian told him. "I am lost" I said. " Dom won't give carl a bj because he was uncircumcised and so he went and got his junk done" Lip explained. " yeah, no bitch would make me do that, she would either have to suck it or duck it because no" I told them and Ian and lip laughed.

" I like her okay? and I just wanted to get a bj" Carl said. I walked around to the table, and I was wearing shorts and a crop top. " shit I have to go" Carl said. " for the next week please wear clothes oww" he said as he walked out the door. me Ian and lip start laughing. "what's wrong with him?" Kevin says as he walked him. "Tessa might have made Carl pop his stitches." Ian said and I start laughing more.

"Does he actually like Dom?" I questioned. The two boy's looked at me. "If you are asking if he likes her more than you.. No" Ian told me. "You both had a one and a kind of bond and no one can replace that" Lip explained. 

"I know but I don't know. He just play's with my feelings all the time. Then he sleeps with me in the bed while dating her. It feel's so wrong but part of me never want's it to end" I explained. "I understand you Tessa, Just do not let him hold you from living your own life" Ian explained. "exactly you are both young you should live your life!" Lip explained. 

"Thanks guys I appreciate you" I told them both.

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