Runaway jail bird

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I rolled over and looked at my clock. it was 30 minutes past the time I was supposed to be at school. "Shit!" I yelled as I run and brush my teeth and hair. I throw on some ripped jeans and a black tee shirt. I run downstairs and see my mom smoking a cigarette. "Where is everyone and why did no one wake me up?" I shouted. 

"Everyone is at the Gallaghers, They lost their house you know?" She said. "Shit I know I am going there now" I said and ran out the door. I walked to their house. 

The lights started to flicker and then they cut out. Then I seen frank with a crow bar. "Lord frank" I said as I walked past him. "We'll hello my daughter in-law" frank said and I just scoffed.

"If I have to get a new crib it better be sick" Carl said. "We can't pay any more than we already were" Fiona said "barley making ends meet as it was" Ian added. "Why you are acting like we ain't got no lettuce?" Carl asked. "Lettuce?" Fiona repeated.

" Benjamins cash money say the word and I'll make it rain up in here" Carl said as he stood up and walked around. "I already told you I'm not taking your dirty money" Fiona said.

If she really needed it she would.... At least I would. 

"It must be nice living in your little fantasy world where unicorns slide down rainbows and everybody on the south side gets by with there up and up what do you think this neighborhood runs on? It ain't doughnuts without hero's like Carl driving our shadow economy we would have gone away the dodo years ago.. hey can I get a relocation advance" said frank.

Then someone walked in. "Yo what the hell" Fiona said " I didn't realize the house was still occupied" said the man. "Oh shit your the new owners?" Fiona said.

Oh shit 

"We're just here to take a few measurements for the kids beds and the bathroom" he explained. "Were in the process of moving out , been here before I was born it's a lot of stuff to get together" Fiona said. I feel so bad for her

"Contractors aren't coming till next week if you want to take your time" the man said "thanks that's really nice" Fiona said.

"Hey, have you ever seen what a machete can do to the human body?" Carl asked. What the hell. "He's kidding , he's got school come on" Ian said to the people.

"We'll just go up and look at the bedrooms" the man said as the little girl got happy and made a noise. "I get the biggest one" "no I do"

I told my siblings I'll walk to school and they could go. I'm glad I stayed because Debbie walked in. "Are you all right?" Fiona asked her. "It's the horomoans" Debbie replied. "Trying not to think about it it's hard losing the house you lived in your whole life" Fiona said as she tried to hug Debbie but she moved away.

"What's the hard wooden plaster?" Debbie asked. "I called you we had a family meeting" Fiona said " I had work" Debbie replied. " you got a job?" "Yes I have to support my family and to answer your next question yes I'm still going to school I'm responsible like that" Debbie said

"I'm going to find us a new place" Fiona stated "so it's not like me and my new baby won't be welcomed there" Debbie told her. "It's not out of your womb yet you can still stay under my roof" "splitting hairs are you" " it's my job to tell you when you are making a huge mistake" Fiona said "don't listen to that baby killer" frank added. I giggled quietly. I can't deal with him sometimes.

"Shut up frank" she yelled at him. "I am way past any doctor doing an abortion anyways so just zip it Fiona" Debbie told her. " There is other options, adoption" she recommended. "You'd give away a Gallagher? For free? Shame on you" Frank asked her. "Just answer your phone when I call will ya?" Fiona asked Debbie.

I followed Fiona upstairs to her room. We passed the new family owners on our way .

I shut her door behide us. "Fiona I'm so sorry about y'all losing the house and I will do anything to help y'all keep it" I told her. She looked at me with a sad smile. "Thank you kid but it's already gone" she told me. "We'll * I lowered my voice some* if we kill the parents it can be y'all's again" I said and she just laughed. But I wasn't laughing. "Are you being serious... no no we can't Tessa but thank you so much" she told me. "Always it's no problem" I told her and gave her a hug.

I went outside and lit up a cigarette I took out of lips room. I lit it and didn't pay attention and it burned my forearm.

I went inside and Debbie was telling me about her new job she has being a nanny. Fiona left to go to her job and not to much after the sheriffs came and started to take all the stuff out.

"What do we do Tessa?" She asked me. "Call Fiona and tell her" so she did. After she got off the phone a man was sitting in the recliner outside. "HEY THATS NOT YOURS" Debbie yelled as she banged on the window. "That won't help" I said as I went on the porch. "HEY GET OFF THE CHAIR" I yelled at him.

"Hey get off that, that's our stuff" Debbie came outside with the bat. "Give that to me" I said as I took the bat . I went to the chair " get up" I said sternly. He didn't move. "get the fuck up" I said Louder this time and all he did was laugh. "Fine have it your way" I told him and took the bat and hit it right on his lap. "OWW" he screamed as he grabbed his lap.

"MAAM" I heard a officer yell before all I could focus on was his screaming.

So as the man was bent over I took the bat and swung it on his back. He screamed louder.

I was just staring at him. Things were drowning out around me. Untill I felt someone pull my hands behind my back and something cold on my wrist. Holy shit I'm getting arrested.

"LET HER GO" I head Debbie yell as she ran over. I came back to my senses. I hurried up and snatched my arms back. I started running. "HEY STOP!" The officer yelled. I just stayed running. I ran and ran. They were fast runners. I guess I should have got a better plan because they were waiting on me. 

"STOP!" The officer pointed a gun at me. I threw my hands up. One came and threw me on the hood. I just let him put me in the other officers car. 

I can't go back to juvie. I do not want to. There is so much left for me to do here. I seen the officer coming. So I did what I do best. I started crying and hyperventilating. He sat down and looked at me. "Are you okay?" he questioned. I was acting like I was trying to say something. "Window" I said. he rolled it down some. I stuck my face to the glass and acted like I was trying to suck all the air out. 

"More" I said. "I cant do that" he said. I started to act more dramatic. So eventually he did it a good bit. I used my legs and put them in my seat. When we got to a stop light I pushed myself out face first. "MAAM!" he yelled. I used my knee's to push myself up. I started running again while my hands were behind my back. 

I ran threw alleys and back roads until I could not see him anymore. I snuck my way back to the Gallaghers. I seen everyone in the yard. Colden was on the phone. "Mrs.Philip said she sall her running through her back yard 15 minutes ago" I heard him yell. 

"Ho Ho Ho Guess whos back!" I yelled. Everyone turned to look at me. "Tess what the fuck" Colden yelled. "You had me scared shitless!" Sage shouted. "They almost had me" I told them. "Looks like they did for a minute" Lip mentioned. "You are bleeding" Carl pointed out. 

"I can clean up later but can someone help me get these cuffs off?" I questioned. "I can" Lip spoke. I smiled and followed him inside. I turned around as I felt him picking it with something. Then I felt them come off. "Do you want to keep them as a trophy or something?" he questioned. "Hell yeah" I said. 

When I got home my mom took my phone. I was pissed. So I helped hazel go to bed and I did my night thing. I had a cut over my eyebrow and I had a bruised eye some how. I looked hot like this. I ate some cereal and went to sleep. 

selling and telling (Carl Gallagher fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now