Anyone smarter than Lip?

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School was fun with my friends. I walked out of school and seen a ambulance. " Carl Gallagher and Tessa Ermys please approach the ambulance" Ian said on the speaker. I just laughed. "bye guys" I told all my friends. "bye Tessa" they told me. I was behind carl, but he is walking so slow I got ahead of him. " I am going to need you to speed up carl" Ian said.

we got into the ambulance and lip let me sit in the front so he could give carl some type of medicine. Also, so I do not make his stuff pop. "It is gross looking, it looks like a old hotdog" Ian told me. I started fake gaging. 

"What is happening to me?" carl asked. Ian said they gave him a big dose of some fancy name. " my brain feels like cotton candy" Carl said, " well that's the way you are going to feel for the next 72 hours" Lip told him. damn I need some of that. "no way you get a boner on that shit" Ian told him. "I don't have to think about hairy balls anymore" carl said and I started to laugh. "what" Lip said out of confusion. "you guys are the best" Carl told them. I would be glad to not have to think about hairy balls anymore.

 I got home went to work took a shower and slept. That is what most of my days consist of. I got dressed and put on some jean shorts and a tank top. I was told I was needed to tear down a wall frank put up. I went over there. "You good with a sledgehammer?" Lip asked me. "I am good with anything" I told him. I went to the wall and started to beat it. In a hour I had most of it destroyed. "You seem to have some built in anger?" Lip asked me. "yeah but at least I took it out on a wall" I told him. "your turn" I said and handed it to him. I walked downstairs and Dom was blowing Carl under the stairs.

" Could you guys not do this under the fucking staircase" I said. "Is there a issue?" Dom said. "yes, there is a fucking bathroom for a fucking reason and there are kids around" I told them. she did not say anything. I was walking back to the kitchen when I heard. "do not listen to her she is crazy" coming from carl. I don't think I have ever spent around so fast.

Lip was coming down the stairs again. "oh I am crazy?" I asked carl. "Come on Tessa lets just keep it moving" Lip said. I think he heard what carl said. "well, you are crazy I mean you had a ankle bracelet on in the 9th grade because you tried to set someone's house on fire" Dom told me. "I probably should have set your house on fire. " I told her. "Tessa lets go outside" Lip said. "My dad is a cop you would go to jail!" "Definitely would not be my first time!" I shouted at her. "Tessa walk outside smoke a cigarette!" Lip was trying to get me outside. 

"Go back to destroying the wall and minding your business!" She recommended. "I am going to destroy you in a minute! The nights your boyfriend doesn't answer his phone he was in my bed!" I shouted at her. I felt Lip put his hand's on my shoulder. "Okay Tessa time to go!" He said   "maybe you and your girlfriend should have a truth circle" I told carl before I went with lip. 

we went outside and he gave me one of his cigs. "You need to work on your angry" Lip told me. " I have, I could have beat both of them with a sledgehammer but I didn't" I told lip. he laughed a little. "yeah, that is true" he told me.

They both just pissed me off. Everything is pissing me off. " I need a blunt" I told lip. " How about you do some breathing exercises?" He asked. I just looked at him. "Okay fine" I caved in.

he told me some of his exercises he did in rehab, and we did them together and then he told me some to do in those type of situations. " Thank you lip I am going to definitely going to try those" I told him. "Anytime ankle monitor girl" he told me and I laughed. that is what they called me in school.

I went home and I had no work today lucky for me. I spent the evening watching movies with my family. It was nice. they ordered pizza and I ended up falling asleep on the couch.

I take my family for granted sometimes and I really should not. I am thankful for them though. I love them.

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