Fucking Monica

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Last night I dropped off Kat at her house and came home and crashed. I woke up to banging on the front door. I walked down there and they were banging. "I AM COMING" I yelled. I was in pj pants and a hoodie. "what?" I said as I opened the door. It was not what I expected.

"Debbie and Monica?" I said in shock. "Tessa you are so pretty and grown" Monica said and hugged me. I just stood there. "I need your help to get Franny back from Derricks parents they kidnapped her and-" "say no more."

I got my boots on and grabbed a sledgehammer We had around the house.

we walked to Tonya's house. I put my hair into a bun real quick incase things were going to get serious. we walked through the gate and Monica started to yell. "ATTENTION RECENDENCE ACORDING TO " something else she said then she bashed the window. "oh?" I said and walked to the porch. I smashed the front window while Monica was yelling stuff. then I smashed the things on there porch. The grandma opened the door. I looked at here and then I seen Tonya pull up with Franny. I went over there "FRANNY" debs yelled. "We are getting back the baby that is rightfully ours and say anything and you will be picking your teeth up from the ground" I told her as I pointed the sledgehammer at her. " go go go" Monica yelled.

I went home after and got dressed up ish. I went downstairs and Sage and her boyfriend were fighting. I think he thought they were home alone because I sall something that no younger sister would want to see. He pushed my sister against the wall. "fuck you Sage you bitch" He screamed at her.

"you got 3 seconds to take your hands of her" I told him. "or what?' he asked. "one.. two" I was almost at three and he still had his hands on her. "three" I said and ran to him and punched him right in his face. "BITCH" he yelled and punched me back. "stop" Sage was yelling. I hit him right back and kicked him where the sun does not shine. "get the fuck out!" I yelled at him. He looked at Sage and she just stared at him. He looked back at me and walked out.

" I had it under control!" sage yelled at me. "yeah being pushed up the wall is for sure  having it under control" I told her. "Can you just not get into my mess please it is my life!" She said. "says the one who has a bruise on her check" I said to her. "says the one with blood on her lip" She said back. "fuck you Sage" I told her. 

I am so sorry for trying to help my older sister. I left the house and went on a wall. I ended up at the alibi and v and lana were working. Monica and lip were there.

I went and sat next to Lip. "no minors, Leave or I will cut your fingers off" lana told me. "Bring it today will be your last of standing behind that counter" I told her. she looked away. " I need a beer and some Vodak please" I told v. "Coming up" she said. I took my shot and chased it with my beer.

" Are you about to drink and drive?" Lip asked me. "nah I walked" I told him. " The fuck happened to your lip?" He asked me. "Sages boyfriend had her pushed on the wall and I punched him he hit me back I punched him again and kicked his little friend and then she got pissed at me and my legs ended up here" I explained to him. "Another shot for her please" Lip told them. I downed it. It was not even 5pm yet.

Lip left soon. Then Monica made her way to me. " Yes Monica" I said as I kept seeing her look at me. "Nothing I was just looking at you throw back some drinks" she told me. "helps the pain" I told her. 

"so are you and Carl dating yet?" she asked me. "no" I told her. " are you sure there is nothing there?" she asked . "nothing" I told her. "well that one time had to be something?" she said. "what?" I asked. "you know when you did it" she said. "piss off" I told her. "did I say something wrong? I mean you were the only girl he talked about. You also used to talk about him. I read your book that one time were you talked about him and how much you loved him" that sent me off the edge. "Monica there is nothing there with me and him. Just fucking friends who had sex one fucking time that does not mean anything" I yelled at her. "You fucked carl?" Kat said.

When the fuck did she come here. "kat what are you doing here?" I asked her. "I checked your location because you have not answered my text but I guess I was hearing something I was not supposed to" she said. I felt horrible. " Kat it was a long time ago it was nothing" I told her. "Whatever" she said and walked out. She got into her car.

"kat please wait I swear it was years ago" I told her. " I need to go Tessa" she said. she got in her car and started to drive.

" I love you Kat" I yelled. But she was to far gone. I walked back to the Gallaghers in tears. I walked in the back door and Lip Fiona Ian and Kev was there. "Fucking Monica" I said. 

"what did she do to you?" Fiona asked. "Kat Came to the alibi and heard Monica ask if me and Carl were a thing and how we had sex one fucking time and Kat just came at the perfect moment. She wont answer my calls or text nothing" I explained as I got a beer from the fridge.

"Fucking Monica" They all said. "I know you may not want to hear this but Carl called me and said it was hell week and he told me to tell you that he said hey and uh" Fiona said but paused. "finish" I told her. "he loves and misses you" she finished. "fuck" I said and threw my head back.

I need a fucking break from love. Like I summoned it.

Kat is calling.

"hello" she said. "hey"

" um so I was thinking these past couple of days and you have your hands full and um I see you really love Carl more than you can love me and I think we should break up.. I love you Tessa I do. Sometimes when you love someone sometimes it is best to just let them go" My heart shattered. 

"no no no I love you Katlyn we do not need to break up" I told her.

" we do Tessa. I love you and we can still be friends, but I have to go now bye "She said and the line hung-up

My eyes got teary again.

I look up and everyone was looking at me. They all had pity in their eyes. lip got up and come to me. He gave me a hug and I started to cry. "let it out let it all out" He said. "go get her something stronger and I got this" Fiona said. she moved her chair closer to me. I guess they all heard.

"Breakups are not fun" Fiona said. "3 ways are until they like each other more and you are stuck in the dirt" Kevin said. "anyways. You are strong Tessa. Maybe you need some time alone it will be good for you. You know I always loved you and I will always love you."

" I know and I love you too, I love you all" I told them. " Now here bottoms up" Lip said and I chugged my whole cup of something. 

I fell asleep in Fionas bed.

I woke up and remembered Debbie told me she had the stuff with Franny. I needed to go. I ran home showered changed into nice clothes and drove there.

I walked in late. If Monica was there before me then I was late. "who is this?" the lady asked. "the other crazy lady to break my windows" The grandma said. "how are you related to Debbie and Franny?" The lady asked. "Sister in-law and aunt in-law" I told her. "we are only doing blood maam" She said "Family does not always have to be blood. I have been with Debbie since she was a kid and I was here to help with Franny since her own Daddy hasn't so please lets go on" I told her

Pretty much Debbie got Franny full time like she should. Also they are only allowed to vist.

I spent the next two days doing school and going to work. 

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