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I am kind of on a school sleep schedule, so I woke up early. I got up and did my morning stuff and walked to Fionas since I did not have school. I see Fiona signing some papers. Then Ian making some food. Carl and nick standing together and some lady. Then I see him.

That little damn kid.


I wanted to punch him in his smushed in face. I didn't though I stayed calm. I looked up and noticed Carl's eyes were on me. He mentions a knife at his neck then looks at chucky. I start laughing. Even though I am pissed at them both it was still funny. 

"Hey aunt Tessa!" Chucky cheered. "I am not your aunt" I sassed him. I opened the fridge and got me a hand full of Strawberrys. "I forgot to take my medication!" I shouted and started to run out the front door. I ran home and grabbed them. But before I took them I stopped. What would happen if I stopped taking them? am I well enough to stop? I looked at the pills sitting in my hand. I opened the trash can and threw them in there. 

I walked back over to Fiona's. I seen Nic and Chucky sitting outside. I sat with Nic. "So how is the bike coming along?" I asked him. "Its okay" 

Then Carl come over. "Yo what are you doing?" He asked chucky. "I'm helping uncle nic" he said. I rolled my eyes. Why is he calling everyone uncle or aunt?

"Don't call him that fuck out here" Carl told him with a slight push. He made a "ugh" noise as he went inside.

"He's a white supremacist nazi, remember that" Carl told Nic. I just laughed. Nic said something but I couldn't really hear.

"I went to the dmv, I'm not old enough to get my licenses but you are so I got these for you to study up on the test. You can score wills pick up shorty after soccer practice you'll pull up and she will be like "Damnn" ." Carl said.

Of course wants his friend to get something so it can benefit Carl. Ugh I can't stand him.

"I don't want to take a test, I just want my bike" nic said plainly. "Man what's up with you and this bike anyways?" Carl asked him.

"When I was 9 years old, other kids had bikes, I told my pops I wanted one .. he beat on me. When I got the money, took me a year I got it a bike just like this one had it one day before my pops traded it for a rock" nic explained. I felt super bad. 

"Shit" Carl said. "Dang" I whispered, and Carl looked at me . "They locked me up for what I did to him. When I'm inside they ask me "are you home sick?" I said no I just want my bike" nick said.

I feel bad for nick. He's just a hurt little boy inside. And Carl just wants him to be his sidekick.

Carl just backed away and come inside and I followed after. "You heard all that?" Carl asked me. "Yeah I was there before you even walked up" I told him. "Oh I must have not seen you" he told me. We'll that hurt I was in his plain sight.

" I don't know how since I was there when you watched chucky go up the stairs" I said. He rolled his eyes and he started to walk somewhere else.

I grabbed me a cup and made me some coffee. Then I hear steps coming back to me. "I have a question and answer honestly... are you jealous that I'm talking to another girl?" Carl asked me. Is he being deadass.

I laughed. He just looked at me with a confused look. Oh man he's serious.

"Carl why the hell would I be jealous?" I asked him. "Because I'm always talking about her and stuff and you have been a bitch towards me lately" he explained.

"I can say the same about you every since me and jj talked you have been a dick to me" I stated. "Because I don't want you to get hurt" he said. "You dont want me hurt by someone else Carl. If it was you hurting me you would have no issue with hurting me!" I almost shouted at him. 

He looked at me empty. "And look you can never say anything!" I threw my left hand up. I was going to turn around to go out the front door. "Look Tessa I am sorry that I am such a horrible fucking person and" "Save it Carl I don't care for whatever pity story you are going to throw at me! You are just mad because I said the kiss was horrible. I did not mean the kiss its self I meant the timing. I am sorry if I am such a bitch I don't want to be I am trying to get better but your whole era you are going through is just making it so hard to like you." I explained to him. 

His eyes got watery. He just looked so lost. "I am sorry Tess. I never wanted to make you feel like that about me" was all he could get out. "It's whatever, I need to go". I turned back around. "You forgot your coffee" " drink it, I don't care!" Fiona and Lip were sitting in the living room looking concerned.

I walked outside to see Nic fixing the bike still. "Nic can I rant to you?" I questioned. "Sure" "Carl just asked if I was jealous of whatever that girls name is, and I snapped on him. He deserved some of it but I honestly want to be a better person and he is making it so hard. It is not just him making it hard but people at school and my family. I just feel like no matter what I do something will not be right. I also love Carl so much and I want to do anything I can to help him. Even when we are on bad terms I still want to help him as much as I can you know? Maybe I am the problem and its not even else." I ranted. 

"Time. Just give him time and love" Nic told me a whole sentence. "Thank you Nic, I appreciate you" I told him and patted his back and walked home. 


I watched as Tessa just walked out. I cant believe I just asked her if she was jealous. That was so shitty of me. I wish I could just be good enough for her. She is to good for me. If I was a better friend I would have never drug her into my drug mess. Maybe if I never done any of that my life would be different. Her life would be different. Our relationship would be different. 

Lip walked into the kitchen and gave me the "You messed up" look. "I know man I know" I told him. He picked up Tessa's coffee. "Man you really need to stop fucking that girl up" he told me. Then Fiona walked in. "She is a good girl who just like us, grew up in the wrong place. She could do great things. Carl I am not bashing you but you need to make it right some how. You guys have been best friends since birth and I hate to see it end this way" She explained. 

" I know and it wont end this way, I am going to fix everything in time just... I need to let her cool off first" I explained. They nodded their heads. I walked to my room. 

selling and telling (Carl Gallagher fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن