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Work was early this morning. It was a good shift but I was tired. I was listening to music. "Tell them bum ass bitches to play their role. She see my sexy ass every time she scroll!" I was singing. I was stopped at a stop light with my window down. I looked over and seen Carl and Kassidi looking at me. I rolled my eyes.

They both had their windows down looking at me. Kassidi was looking at me. She was yelling something. "I cannot hear you!" I yelled and pointed to my radio. She was pointing and punching her hand. Carl was trying to get her to calm down. I just shrugged my shoulders. Fucking weird hoe. 

The light turned green and I took off. I reached 80 before I had to slow down. Good thing I did because there was a cop sitting out.

When I got home Kassidi and Carl were yelling about something. She was walking down the street and he sat by the fence. She walked back and he stood up and they kissed.

"Tessa!" I heard someone yelling. it was Sage. She was at the front door and had water on her lower half. Oh I felt sick. "My water broke!" She yelled. I looked and seen Carl was looking over. "Carl!" I yelled and he ran over. 

"yeah?" He said. "Help me get Sage to the car please." I told him. Me and him were helping Sage get to my car. He sat her in the passenger. "Thank you" I told him as I got in the front. "Do you need anything else?" He asked me. I just looked at him for a minute. I was trying not to be sad. "No thanks I am good" I told him and started to roll my window up.

I backed up fast and I was speeding down the road to the hospital. Sage was yelling the whole time. Colden and mom were on the way up there. I cannot believe they left her up there by herself at home.

When we got up there, they put her in a room. They said she had a few more hours before she pushed the baby out. She was ready for the baby boy. I think we all are actually really happy. Me Colden Hazel mom her new baby and her boyfriend and kids were here.

I was sitting on my phone. I went on Instagram. "Auntie part two!" I said and posted a picture of me and Sage that she took when I was in the room with her.

It got 3k likes in the first 10 minutes. I have no idea why so many people follow me. I think it is cute though. Some people are like "I look up to you" and I am like no you don't. 

" I feel like he is about to come out" Sage said. " I will get a doctor" Colden said. He came back with one. "Looks like you are ready" The doctor said. Sage was screaming. "I will hold your hand the whole-time baby" My mom told her.

"Okay I need everyone to leave expect who is staying here to hold her hand" The doctor said as she put her gloves on. "You got this sissy" I told her as I headed towards the door.

"Actually mom can Tessa stay?" Sage asked. My mom looked at me. "If that is what you want" My mom told her. Sage nodded her head. "I want sissy here" Sage said. Mom let her hand go and kissed her head.

I smiled and walked over there and grabbed her hand. "You were here for me more than mom ever was. Plus I feel like you would be nicer to me than her" Sage told me with a smile. I kissed her forehead. "You got this" I told her.

it was not to much longer and the baby was out. They gave his body to Sage. I was crying the baby was so cute. Sage was in tears. She looked so pretty to have just a whole human took out of her. 

They took the baby so they could let him get cleaned up. After they came back with a pink blanket on him. "Miss Sage I would like to inform you that this is a girl not a boy" The doctor said. Sage looked at me. "The doctor said it was a boy" I told her. "I think they might have not been able to really see but it is a girl" The doctor said. "Well now I have to rethink names" Sage said. "Take all the time you need" The doctor said and handed her the baby.

"You want to hold her?" Sage asked me. I nodded my head. She was so pretty. Looked like Sage. I loved her all ready.

Now there are going to be two little baby girls. "Her name is Nessa Nicole Haze Ermys" Sage said. I looked at her. "Where did all that come from?" I asked her. "Nessa Is after you, Nicole is from Colden, Haze is from Hazel" Sage explained. "So why not go with Nicole?" I asked her. "Nicole Haze Ermys is gross. When you add the Nessa it makes it sound better" She explained.

Yeah Nicole as a first name is just gross. Makes her sound old. "That is a cute name for a cute girl.. Hi Nessa" I was talking to her.

I went back home because I have work tonight. I went in Sage's room and cleaned it for her so she did not have to when she gets home. I also got all the baby's stuff together. All of her stuff was blue for a boy. Still could be blue for a girl. It looks cute either way. 

I took a shower and got dressed. I had my black shorts on. I went and made me a sandwich. I ate and headed to work. I got off at 3 this morning. I was worn out. I got home and it was quiet. Sage said she should come home tomorrow or the next day. I heard a baby crying. I went upstairs and looked. 

Hunter and mom were sitting in the room. I knocked on the door. "Come in!" She said softly. I pushed it open. She was smiling at me. I looked around. Her boyfriend and kids were not here. "Where is everyone?" I asked. "They headed home. I am going to get a flight back home." She mentioned. I nodded my head. "Come sit we can catch up" "No its okay" "No come sit". I caved and sat at the end of the bed. 

"What have you been up to lately?" She asked me. "Nothing really. Working all the time. Chasing the same boy I always have. Arguing with everyone" "So nothing new?" She joked and I laughed with a nod. "Nothing new. What about you?" She took a deep breath. 

"When I left you know I was down deep in the bottles. I left to have my own bar. I was carrying a child. Now I hardly drink as much and if I do its only on occasion. The bar is not a restaurant. Hunter is born and I am so thankful he is fine. I left 4 of my babies here. I know that is something you will never forgive me for and I am not asking you to forgive me for it because it is something horrible and I should have never done it. If I never would have left here I would have died here Tessa. I would have drank myself to death and I never started because of you. I had unhealed childhood pain. My mental health was bad. Just being in this city makes me want to start all over again. I wanted to be happy. I wanted to be that good mother you see on tv. I thought maybe ending my day with a glass of wine or a few beers might help. Then it started with my drinking them once I got home. Then a few during work. Then in the morning I was relaying on it to start my day. I never knew how hard it would be to stop something you did not even realize was a issue. That's when I knew you kids needed better. I want to start being better. I am so sorry I left. I could never make it up to you" She poured her heart out. My eyes were watery. 

I knew it was time for me to start being a bigger person. If my mom can change and apologize then anyone can. I smiled a real smile. "it's okay mom. We all do things we are not proud of. Sometimes it takes something major to understand what is truly happening to us. I am just glad we can mature and grow from this. I would like it if you all could start coming around more" She smiled so big. "You want me and Hunter to come around?" She questioned. 

"all of you. Dale and Stefen plus Stefenie. It would be nice." She had a tear on her face. "we will then" "Goodnight mom. Goodnight Hunter". She kissed my head "Goodnight Tess"

I went to my room and showered. Sometimes you do need to be the bigger person. 

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