{Selling and Telling}

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A little over a year ago,

"I don't want to go to my dad's mother!" I shouted at my mom. "I don't care what you want! You need to go! it wont be that bad just until the heat of thing's calm down." She explained with the smell of liquor coming off her breath. "Mom if they come, I will take the blame! It was my fault and idea any ways!" I yelled back. Her face dropped. "Don't you ever say that again!". I just had the erge to cry. "At least I am being honest!" I fought back. "That is it! Get your shit and that is final!" "But mom" " No Tessa end of discussion"

Sometimes I wonder if me and my mom's argument is the reason I was sent to my dad's house after juvie. My mom sent me to my dad's house thinking the cop's would not find me. Well they did! I only had to go for 5 month's though. I had a shorter sentence. Carl took most the blame and chargers. He told the judge I was just there for protection. I never understood why he lied for me.

Hey I am Tessa! Just a 15 year old girl living on the south side of Chicago. Me and my best friend had a plan. We thought it was such a good plan. That was until his dumbass nephew ratted us out. Fucking idiot.

Juive was decent. Everyone there respected me. Some girls did try me but I set them straight real quick. The food was horrible. I worked out a lot. I was sober. The only thing that was horrible was nighttime. I felt so alone. Everyone would be sleeping and I was awake. It was so quite. I missed my best friend. I missed my family. I cried but I tried to never let anyone catch me.

When I got out my dad picked me up. He said I needed to spend a few months with him. I think that was a bad idea. I met this dude. His name was Tyler. He smoked week all the time. I broke my sobriety and began partying. I tried coke. I took Molly, Shrooms Acid, coke. It was always a party. Even with that sounding like fun, I was still missing something. My family. I missed The Gallaghers. I missed Kev and V. I missed all of them. I missed Carl the most.

My father was oblivious to the whole thing. He was to focused on selling his own drug's to notice his daughter doing them. He sell's coke and weed. Some time's pill's or crack. He get's hella money so I can not complain.

Dad was never really in my life. My parents split when I was around 5. He got himself a new wife and had two kids together. She already had one named smith. Then they had twin's named Ash and Abe. They are brat's. I can not stand them. My parent's also had two other kid's together. I miss them so much. My mom got a new boyfriend and they had a kid together. I love her. 

A good thing about living with my dad is he has money. I do not have to wake up and worry about if we are going to be sleeping in the dark or we will be evicted. My dad is also very caring. If I ever need anything he will give it to me or try.

I just get nervous when he starts yelling with my step mom. It makes me think of when my mom and dad would fist fight.

So the past year of my life has definitely been a show. Now I can put it all behind me. I am finally getting to go home! so I am packing my things into two duffel bags, getting dressed then we are hitting the road. we are 30 minutes away which is not that bad.

"hey Tess are you almost ready?" My father came to my room and asked. "yeah I just need to get a few more things then I will be" I told him. "take your time honey" He said and walked out. I finished and took my things out to my dads truck. He loaded them up for me while I gave my "brothers" and step mom a hug bye. I do not know when I will be back up here to see them again.

We got in the truck and started driving. "Okay honey here are some things to remember. Always make sure your shoes are tied, Do not ever pull your money out in public, Lock your door when you get in the car, Do not talk to strangers and-"

"No selling and telling"

If you were here from the unfinished copy of this story then you would know I did change it up and sent Tessa or Nora to Juvie instead of just staying with her dad the whole time. I feel like this adds more of a background to her. Also sorry for the name change I just did not like Nora anymore. Thank you for reading!!

Also I feel like Tessa will be a dirty blonde/ brown haired of girl

selling and telling (Carl Gallagher fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora