Baby issues.

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The next day at school went by fast since I was bored in first and extra bored in second since debbie got out early. I wasn't feeling to good this morning and I throw up this morning on the way to school with sage.

Jj waited for me to get out of second period and me and him walked to third together. Carl made me think when he said jj was a hoe. I mean girls come and talk to him but they all seem like friends. Unless they are his hoes and they are not friends. 

We got into third and we got released for lunch. Me and jj sat together at lunch like we always do. Expect today he sat next to me then from across from me.

I don't eat lunch or breakfast since I don't feel like it. Honestly I don't even need to. People tell me I'm perfect but I don't feel that way.

Every since holly would always so I was the fattest of the group. She would make smart comments like "are you pregnant?" Or "did you eat yours and your siblings meals today". That's why I beat her ass in the cafeteria and then Debbie beat her ass to.

"Tessa earth to Tessa" I hear and see a hand in front of my face. "Oh sorry I must of spaced out" I told jj with a little laugh. "Are you okay you seem tired today?" He asked me. "No I just didn't feel to good today I think it might have been the food I ate for dinner" I told him. "Yeah maybe that happens to me some times" he said.

We just talked about different places we have been in the world and different places we have seen. His list was way longer than mine. 

"You never eat here take this" jj said as he tried to hand me a bag of chips. "No I'm fine" I told him as I gently pushed the chips back. "Here take them" "I don't want them" "take them!" "Fine" I finally gave in and took the chips and opened them.

I opened them and started to eat them when I seen Carl talking to that girl. "You see that girl talking to Carl g?" Jj asked me. "Yeah why?" I asked him. "That's one of my exs" he told me.

My mouth dropped. "Be for real" I told him. "I'm being for real" he said as he laughed. "Wait when did y'all date?" I asked him. "We'll back in 7th she was in 6th and she cheated on me with my best friend at the time and so I broke up with her" he explained. "Damn" I told him.

"I know right" and right after he said that someone dropped their lunch tray and all of a sudden teacher pulled out guns. Jj wrapped his arms around my body and pushed me under the table and shielded me. I know this wasn't the right time but I got butterflies.

He placed his hand on my stomach and he had his head on my neck. People were saying it was okay to get back up. "Sorry about that it was a reflex" "No worries at least if it was real I know you would protect me". I watched as his face got a rose color to it. 

I get home after school and sit on the couch and some how fall asleep. "Tessa.. Tessa" I hear someone whisper. I look up and it was Debbie and she was crying. "Debbie what's wrong sit down" I say as I move up and pat the seat next to me.

"It's Fiona I told her I felt alone about the baby situation and she told me that I could not have a baby in her house. I just don't know what to do I wouldn't have no where else to go and I feel like no one can relate to me since no one beside her is pregnant. " she explained. I felt so bad for her I really did.

"We'll if you need somewhere to stay for a little bit I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind you stay here" I told her. "Really?" She asked me. "Yes and if she does care she can get over it" I told her and she giggled. " I just don't want to feel like a burden" she told me. "You wouldn't be debbie, we all love you as if you were our own blood and if you needed somewhere to stay then you can stay with us and you can even sleep in my bed if you need to and I can sleep on my couch in there" I explained to her. "Thank you so much but I feel like you should ask your mom first before we have anything" she told me. "Okay I'll ask her and be right back" I told her

I got up and went to my moms room. I walk in since her door was cracked. "Hey mom" I say as I walk in. "Hey sweetie how was your nap?" She asked me. "It was good for the most part .. I have a question" I told her. "Yeah what's up?" She asked. " we'll you know Debbie's pregnant and Fiona told her that if she has the baby and she couldn't stay there so I was wondering if she can't find no where else if she could stay with us for a bit" I asked my mom.

"Tessa you know having a baby in the house would be a lot. Plus where would she slept with the kid and I am hardly making ends meet as it is" She explained. "How would you feel you were gone and I was about to give birth and my dad kicked me out and I had no where to go?" I questioned. " I would say that you should have no gotten knocked up" She answered. I rolled me eyes. "You are gone in this story so you have no say so!" I joked. She huffed. "Whatever as long as she is able to cough up some money" My mom answered. "Ill give you money" I told her. "with what job Tessa?" " I am working on it mother!". She rolled her eyes again. "Whatever I guess she can stay here" She answered. I smiled. "Thanks mom I will remember this!" "yep!"

I went downstairs to Debbie and I told her and she said thank you and she promise she will only come is she really has to .

She left after like an hour since we were talking and doing some school work together and stuff. I also was telling her about me and jj and she told me she was happy that I was talking to someone.

Later on I found out that Fiona and them were being evicted. Now I feel even worse for them. They go through so much as a family and it just makes me feel so bad for them.

I will try to help them however I can. I know they would help me if I was them. 

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