She's back

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we pulled into the small driveway which is technically connected to my backyard. Me and my dad get out the car and he grabs my bags for me. "hey Tess" he calls me over to the other side of the truck. He pulls out 300$ and says "here it for school, Never know when you will need it" He explained. "Thank you dad" I wrapped my arms around him. 

I looked at the house and smiled. "You are home Tessa, Start over" My father tells me. I nodded my head and went to the door. I knocked 3 times. The door twisted and I heard a women gasp. It was my mom. "Oh Tessa" I heard her say and felt her grab me for a hug. I wrapped my arms around her body. She feels so much skinner than I remember. 

She let me go and I got to see her. She smelled like vodka. She was thin. "Hello Duke" She said with a small smile. "Hey". My step dad Larry did cocaine. I wonder if he is doing okay. 

"Well come on Tessa go and settle in. Duke thank you for taking care of her" My mother said to him. "It was nothing she is my kid too" He sassed back. "Bye kid, I love you and call me and tell me about school" He told me. "I will I love you". He got in his truck and we waved at each other until I could no longer see him. 

My mom took one of my bags and I followed her in. I noticed how different the house was. The walls were bright white instead of tan, The floor was wood instead of carpet, The couch set was navy blue. I also noticed there was no more big family pictures put up. There was a big one above the fire place that was just me, Hazel, Sage, Caden. It is weird because it was big family picture. 

"Do you like it?" My mom must have noticed me looking around. "yes. It looks like something out of a movie" I said. "I got a new job bartending and I make more money also get more tips" She explained. 

My mom explained how they changed around the rooms so Hazel could have her own personal room now. I got Caden's old room. it had a half bath in it which was great for me. "where is everyone?" I questioned. "Sage is working, Caden is out doing whatever and Larry and Hazel went to get you enrolled in school" She explained. I looked around the room. It was big. I had the old living room couch in here. My bed had new grey sheets. All my stuffed animals were in the conner. 

"Tessa Ermys!" My mom shouted. I looked at her. "When did you get those two things in your nose?" She questioned. I had both sides of my nose pierced. I also had my tongue and belly. She doesn't know about them yet. I just laughed. "I have a homeboy who does them. You want one?" I questioned. She winded her eyes. "I am in my room if you need me Tessa" She walked out a little mad. I smirked. 

The maddest I have ever seen her was when she came to the jail house and seen me in the juvie suit. She yelled at me and shit. I think maybe it is the fact that she had to explain to people what I did. My other siblings do bad shit but she doesn't know half of it and they haven't been caught.

Some times I feel like shit because I had to put my parents through the stress of me being in there. My dad told me he was scared every day he was going to get a call something happened to me. But he felt relived when he got the call I had to spend a week in isolation because I fought this girl and drew blood.  He knew nobody was going to mess with me. 

I left my thoughts alone for now and started unpacking. I actually got a lot of shit from my dad's house. I sorted everything. I had to give Sage all my old clothes I had from here. My pants would not go over my ass and my shirts were to tight in the chest department. I guess you can say I have grown up quiet a lot since I was here last. 

about 1 hour later Larry and Hazel arrived. Larry looked good and healthy. Hazel grew so much. She was telling me "Everything" I missed. I love that little girl. Larry also got clean. He said him and my mom are having a hard time right now because she is drinking heavy. 

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