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The past two months was crazy. Me and Carl are going strong as a couple. Colden and Andrea had there baby a little to early but she is perfect and healthy. Sage is looking big. Mom hasn't been back. Hazel has only been over twice. My niece was named Tavia. Named after me. My first name is Tessa and middle is Mave so they did Tavia because just Tave would be weird. 

I heard her crying so I walked upstairs. I went into Colden's room. "Hey bub can I hold her?" I questioned. "Tessa how many times do I have to tell you that you don't have to ask?" I just did a nervous smile and picked her up. "Hey Tavia girl!" I told her. She smiled at me. "She looks just like you and mom" He spoke. "You think?" I questioned. "No I know" He laughed. 

After a while carl told me to come hangout with them in the hot tub. So I put on my bikni and Tavia in her long sleeve bathing suit. 

 I walked over.  Carl lip and Ian and Liam were there in a hot tub. "Hey guys" I said and walked out. they all looked at me. "Tess!" Liam screamed. He got out the hot tub and gave me a hug getting my dress wet

"Hey Liam! You grow so much every time I see you!" I said. "Fireball" Ian said and splashed me. "Sup red head!" I shouted. "Tessa bring me the baby!" Lip yelled. I walked over to him. "No "Hey Tessa" or "Tessa!" I got nothing" I told him. "Hey Tessie" "Hey Lip" I said. Carl stood up. "Hey pretty" He said and started kissing me. I kissed him back. "Gross" Get a room!" Liam and Ian said. We pulled apart and started laughing. 

I got in the hot tub. It wasn't to hot. Lip handed her to me. I put her foot in first to make sure it wasn't to hot. She did not cry so I put her in. She was smiling and splashing the water around.  

"Ow my eye" I said after she got water in it. she laughed very hard. "oh, you are going to be a troublemaker" I said. "Just like her aunt" Ian added. "I am not a trouble maker" I said. Everyone started laughing. "you guys are assholes!" I laughed and splashed them. 

Frank came out of nowhere. "WHOA it came out great carl!" Frank yelled. "Where the hell have you been?' Ian questioned " smoked up all my meth got over your mother and now I am a new man, I am making amens to the people I have hurt. can I make them to you tomorrow?" frank asked. everyone said yeah. "May I?" frank asked. "Sure" Carl responded.

Frank took his clothes off. like all of them. "Eww frank not Infront of the baby" I said to him. "Sorry little one. Is it yours?" He questioned. "no it is Colden's" I had to make that clear. I got  closer to Liam because I did not want franks gross ness to hurt the baby.

I got out not to much longer and told everyone bye. I went home and took a shower with the baby. She really does like water. She is also good when you take a shower with her. She has not cried since I had her. She might just like women. I got out and I gave her back to Colden.

I went in my room and put on some pjs and went to sleep. 

I woke up today feelings good . I got dressed into some black shorts and a grey baggy tee shirt. I went downstairs and it smelt like eggs and bacon. I seen Tavie in her highchair and Sage making breakfast. "Good morning" Sage said to me. "Good morning, ladies" I said. "Want some breakfast?" She asked me. "yeah"

She made me a plate and I ate it all. "Where is Colden?" I questioned. "he went to work" "oh he has a real job? "Hell no" That does not shock me. "Can you watch her around like 3 I have work at 4 and Colden is still going to be out?" Sage asked me. "yeah" I told her. "I have to get to Patsy's and work but I will be home in time Love yall bye" I said as I walked out the door.

I drove to work and changed into my uniform in the back. V is working here and she said kev has his surgery tomorrow. I hope everything will be fine. She is stressed out. I severed tables and made around 200$ in tips. the people in the morning are nice. I got a text from Ashley and she asked if I can come by her shop around 3:30. I told her yes.

I got home and sage was getting ready for work. I picked up Iris and told Sage where I had to go. I put her car seat in my car and I got her a diaper bag and we left. I got to the shop and she was cutting someone hair. 

"Hey Ashley!" I said as I walked in holding Tavia. She looked and smiled. "Hey Tessa! Is this your sisters baby?" She asked. "No my brothers" "Oh yes I keep forgetting which one had the kid first. I do know your name is Tavia and you are beautiful like your aunt!" I smiled. Ashley was so sweet. 

"Katylin's birthday is tomorrow so we are having a surprise party. I know it is a late notice for it but I lost my personal phone and just found it and can you believe where it was?" "Where?" "it is quite embarrassing honestly but it was in my boots." She started laughing which made me laugh. "I have no idea how it got there but I am glad I found it!" I am glad you found it but I will be there!" 

She smiled and gave me a hug. "Bye pretty girls! Oh it is at our house 4pm!" "Got you thank you!" I drove us home and Colden was home. "How my favorite girls!" He cheered. "Hey!" I shouted. 

"How was my princess?" "She was amazing honestly she is one of the calmiest kids ever" I explained. "I am glad. I have pizza if you want some" "Pineapple and ham?" "yep". I heated it up and took a shower and brushed my teeth. 

Carl texted me. 

Carl- Tessa.


Carl- Are you home?

Me-Yes is everything okay?

I have been on open for 10 minutes. I am nervous and he wont answer my calls. My bedroom door opens. Carl is standing there looking like he seen a ghost. "Hey what's wrong love?" I jumped up and walked over to him. He just threw his arms around me. "What's the matter?" I questioned as I rubbed his back. He was breathing heavy. He was shacking.

He calmed down after a few minutes. I sat him on my bed and got him a water bottle. I sat next to him holding his hand. "Tessa?" He spoke. "I am here." He looked at me. "I do not know what just happened to me" He said. "Thats okay! Can you explain it to me?" I wanted to be supportive.

"What would someone do when they make a horrible mistake?" He questioned. "I think it depends on the mistake. Is this about you or someone else?" I asked. "What do you do if you .. see someone cheating on someone else?" he questioned. "Well I think you should make sure that situation is what it is. Then if it is you should tell the other person in the relationship rather, they believe you or not" I answered. 

He nodded his head. "Can you just sleep with me here?" He question. "Yes love of course" I got up there with him and he put his arms around me. "Just so you know I would tell the person incase it was a mix up and it was something different and it wouldn't bother you so bad". He was stilling shacking. I felt horrible. 

"Before you got to sleep will you take your jeans off. They are itchy" I told him. He laughed. After a few minutes we both fell into a much needed sleep together. 

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