Should I deal again?

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one week later

I had my first therapy session yesterday, It went really good but the lady was really surprised and supportive . I told her my whole life for like the past two years and she said I do a lot to still be a teen. she said I also did look older than 16 but hey I been known that. Debbie and her baby are living at Fionas. All the baby does is cry. Debbie lets me hold her for her sometimes but not much. She is also very mean right now. I try to tell her things, but she keeps saying "you are not the mother I am" that's why me and her are arguing right now.

school has just been school I made some new friends. they are a friend group and they let me join. later tonight we are hanging out. and I got a job working for Fiona and Sean. I make a okay pay check and I get free food at night so it is not the worst. The downside is there are alot of creepy old men. I am a server so I guess it comes with the job.

I talked to my dad and told him how life has been just with a few things left out. He said they are all good over there and I should come visit some time for Christmas. . sage has a boyfriend and they got together fast and all they want to do is have sex. It is so gross getting woke up to it. Colden is doing better. He is going to physical therapy.

For me. well, I guess I will be okay.  I always am. 

I got ready and went to school. talked to my friends and we are going to mads house tonight. Her real name is Madison but we call her mads. then there is Tyler, Nate and Leaha. they are really good people but they like to do some hardcore stuff that I cannot do all the time. I'm talking their favorite party drug is coke. and they party a lot. which tonight we are doing coke. I am a little scared since it has been a long time since I have even did it.

I went and helped Fiona with her weeding stuff, and she told me she wants me to do her hair since I am good at it. I am so happy for her.

time skip

I get to mads house and we are all talking and shit. " Hey Tyler is here with the coke" Nate tells everyone. my nervous kicks in. " hey everyone" Tyler says " Hey" we all say back.

"I want to go first" Mad says. she opens the bag and pours it out. mad cuts us 5 lines. mad goes then Tyler and then Leaha and then Nate. now it is my turn. I kind of don't want to do it anymore. "Come on Tessa you will feel so good" Leaha says. "it's just one line it wont hurt" Nate says. " okay okay I am coming" I get the 20$ bill they are using to snort it. here goes nothing. 

I snort it and pop my head up. " There you go girl" mads tells me. I feel good. really high but.

About 2 hours go by and I did another line. I want to go home now so I tell everyone bye. I am walking home and there is a guy and a woman. I am just walking until they say my name "Tessa is that you?" there voice is like echos in a tunnel. " yea" I say. I try to look at their face but it is to dark. " Are you Colden's sister?" the man asked. "Yeah why?" I asked trying to keep my eyes focused on their face. " perfect" the women says and she pushes me up on a fence. I can't process what is going on. "Whoa lets be gentle" I told her. the man comes and puts a gun beside my head. "Tell your little disabled brother that I need my money in 3 days, or I will hurt him or you" the man yelled in my face. " He can't walk how is he supposed to get you money dumb ass?' I asked him. he took the gun and hit my head with it. It felt light I can't really feel a thing. "You can get it for me or you can get a bullet in your skull" or tells me " Do I make myself clear?" He yelled. "Mhm" I say and the lady lets me go. 

I took this time to turn to the man and knock his gun out his hands. he bent down for it and I kicked him in his face. the woman came and punched the side of my face and I throw a punch back at her she grabbed her face and the man was coming back up so I grabbed his gun off the ground and cocked it back and pointed it at them. this shit can sober you up fast. 

"You won't pull the trigger" the women told me. " shut up Lisa" the man said. "whoa whoa we can talk this out just put the gun down" the man pleaded will putting his hands up and he walked closer to me " stop walking" I told him but he kept coming so I shot the gun at his toe. he started to scream and I seen peoples front house lights come on. the women was helping the man with his foot so I took my chances and ran my ass back home. I ran inside and locked the door. then I realized I still had the gun. Fuck me. I ran to my room and put it beside my bed where the wall was.

I ran back downstairs to find Colden. I did not even knock. "Colden" I said. he looked up at me from his bed. "what is it sissy?' he asked me. I told him what happened, and I said the girls name was Lisa but I did not tell him I took the gun. " okay I am going to have to ask you a big big favor" Colden asked me. " anything" I told him . 

 " I need you to sell some drugs" Colden said. "what?" I said in shook. " You said anything!" " well I did not know you were selling drugs".

It was quite for a moment. " fine but I will have to do it in the morning I just did coke" I tell him. "really?" he asked "deadass" I told him. "that's why your pupils are like that" he told me. "Hey man it's not nice to talk about people's pupils" I started laughing and he joined me. 

I went to my room and crashed.

I got woken up to a phone call at 5:30 am. It was Colden. I went down to his room. "What do you want at 5:30 in the fucking morning?" I asked him. "Good morning to you too.. anyways you got a job to do" he told me. "What? oh fuck I forgot" I told him. " no worries my man is going to be here to get you at 6, no worries he is no creep he is a sweet man but he is going to take you to get the package and then take you to drop them off then take you to that man and women to pay off my debts" he explained. " I cannot see them again I cannot" I told him "Did you say you were Tessa?" he questioned " well say you are hazel they will not know a difference" he explained.

look at me helping my brother sell drugs. What a great story to tell my kids. I throw my hair up put on my big jacket my dad got me that has a lot of secret pockets and then some jeans and shoes and grabbed that gun and went outside and waited for the man. Carl was on his porch looking fancy. we have not talked since that day Mandy was here. He really pissed me off. my clock said 5:49 am. I was looking back at carl and he was looking hot. like really hot. Maybe it could just be hormones or something but good lord. He caught me looking at him. "fuck" I said and looked away.

Carl started to walk over here. I do not have time for his bullshit. "hey Tessa, long time no see" he said " yep" I responded. "why do you look so pale?" he asked me. I was trying to ignore him but he kept asking more questions. "why are you up so early? why are you standing on your porch? why do you keep grabbing your pocket?" just kept asking more questions.

" Look carl there will be a man here any minute to come get me so I can go deal some drugs there. are you happy now?" I told him. he just looked at me. " are you in the game?" he asked. "no I am just helping a friend and my head hurts because I did coke last night and I am just a mess and I have missed talking to you and me and debbie are fighting and I really do not want to cry right now" I confessed. he stood silent for a moment. " Tessa I think you need a hug" carl said as he reached his arms up but I backed away. "I can't hug right now carl I have to many emotions and some of them are horrible" I told him.  "How about I come to your house later and we can chill and talk?" He suggested. "Maybe I will call you I guess" I said. "It's to early to be sassy Tessa". I laughed. 

I ended up giving him a hug anyways. not just a side hug but one from the front. I might have stayed there to long because I felt something on my leg I backed up and looked down. "Carl ew that is so gross" I told him. "shit yeah call me later" he said as he ran to his house. boys are so gross.

a few more minutes and the man was here. I walked over to the car. "Are you Tessa? the man asked me "yes" I told him. "Okay hop in " he told me. I got in his car. He was a older man but not to old maybe like early 30's. he was asking me questions and told me he was sorry about my brother. I told him I felt sorry to.

we got to the place, and I got the drugs easy. All I had to do was remember the ounces and which was which. It is pretty easy to tell them apart. we had to go to different places and house, and I would give them what they wanted, and I would get the money. we made a good buck today. 2767$. I had to give that man and women 600$ and which I did, and I lied and said my name was Sage and then I had to give the man driving me 200$ and then give the main man half and then I gave my brother the other half and he spit it half with me. It was pretty good day. It was easy and I still made money. 

I wonder if I can do this for Colden more while he is injured? 

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