Back to School.

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"Tessa wake up!" My nose was instantly filled with the smell of liquor. My mom was standing at my bed. "I am up" I said and roll my face into the pillow. "Okay I will leave you alone now" "Okay". I pull the blanket over my head. Then I scream into the pillow. 

I was never much of a morning person. The mornings make me think of when my parents were still together. They loved to wake us up and go for drives on the weekends. Didn't matter where we went as long as we were all together. 

I got out of bed to brush my hair and teeth, Did some makeup because my face and eyes were puffy from all the crying I did the night before. Colden sat with me in my bed until I fell asleep. I found a Nike hoodie that was my dads so it was kind of big on me. I wore some black ripped jeans and some Nike shoes. 

I went downstairs and it actually smelled like food was being cooked. Sage was sitting down eating some bacons. "Make you a plate Tess" My mom instructed me. I walked to the cabinet to get a plate. "Do you want a fried egg?" Larry asked me. "No thank you" I told him. 

I grabbed some bacon and toast with jelly. I sat at the table with my plate. "Good morning lovely people!" Colden shouted as he walked downstairs. "Morning" me and Sage said. "Who is riding with who?" My mom questioned. "I got to take Sage so I guess Tess can ride with Colden" Sage explained. "Is that good with yall?" My mom asked. "yeah" We said. i went and took my meds and sat back down. 

"where is Hazel?" I questioned. "Here I am!" I hear someone yell and a person pop out. She was hiding in the storage closet. "Ah!" I said pretending to be scared. "Come on Hazel we need to get going" Sage said. "Bye sissy, Bye bub" She said as she gave me and Colden hugs bye. "Bye daddy bye mommy" She said as she gave her parents hugs. "See you two at school" "See ya".

Me and Colden went to his car. "You want to stop for coffee?" He asked. "Hell yeah" I told him. We got to school with a few minutes to spare. Sage got there not to long after us but she went and joined her friends. Colden's to friends sat in the back of his car while we waited. He had a vape so I hit it a few times. 

They explained how the school is basically a big E. I walked up there and went through metal detectors. How awful is that? I seen Debbie standing in the hallway. "Hey Debs" I give her a hug. "hey Tess" she returns my hug. "Uh is that a bag of flour?" I questioned. "Yes, I am trying to prove to Fiona that I could do school and be a mom at the same time" She explained. "Oh okay well you have fun with that I am heading to class" I tell her. "Okay I hope we have the same lunch" She said. "Yes I hope so" I told her. 

I can tell today is going to be a longggg day.

First period was boring and went by really slow. Then I got to second period and I seen Debbie. How do we even have a class? She is a grade above me. I was talking to her until the teacher walked in. "Okay class today we have a new student, Please stand and tell us your name" He said. I hate standing up in class. 

"Tessa" "Tessa what?" He snapped back. "Tessa Ermys" I say back. I sit back down and he goes over what we are learning today. I am not the smartest person but I know most of this stuff. I was done in the first 10 minutes. I just sat and drew on my desk. "Mr. Sullivan" I hear Debbie call. "Yea Deborah" He says. "I need to change my baby" Oh shit. No way she just said that. "What?" He asked. "She's wet" She clarifies. "you realize that is a bag of flour in a dress right?" He questioned. 

"Oh duh I am practicing for when I have my real baby" She told him. "Well just because you got yourself knocked up doesn't mean you should have special privileges over the other students who managed to keep it in their pants" She explained. My mouth flew open. I wanted to say something to him so bad. Just because she got knocked up doesn't mean anything. She is still coming to school, she is taking care of her "Child". "Fine you can go" he told her. 

"Wow" I said with an annoyed laugh. "My imaginary friend needs to drop a deuce may I be excused?" This random kid spoke. "Sit down, shut up" The teacher instructed. "Asshole" I mumbled. "Pardon?" The teacher questioned. I looked up. "I said asshole" "Are you calling me that?" "Yeah you and the immature kid in the back" I explained. 

The class made "Ouu" sounds. "You just earned yourself detention young lady" He said. "All the places I have been detention will be the least of my worries" I told him and went and let him check my paper. He looked at it and put a big fat A. "You're smart. Shame your attitude is horrible" He told me. "Shame your opinion's are shitty" I said and walked back to my seat.

I walked out my class and split up with Debbie. I looked at my schedule to see my next class. "Biology ew" I whispered out loud. "Biology you say?" This dude spoke who was next to me. "Yeah, why?" I asked. "Thats my next class. Do you want to walk together?" He offered. "Sure". It is good for me to make some new friends while at school. 

"So what is your name?" He questioned. "Tessa, What about you?" "Jayden but people call me jj". Jayden was cute. He was tall maybe about 6'0, He had blue eyes and long brown fluffy hair. He smelled good. 

"So jj how old are you?" I knew I was going to be to young for him. "16" "Oh I will be 16 in a month " I told him. "Nice" Damnit I knew I was to young. I walked into class and seen Carl and Nic were sitting in their seats. Then everything from last night replayed. I actually did a good job at distracting myself from it. 

There was two empty seats in front of them. I walked to those seats. I looked over and Nic was doing a little wave. "Hey Nic" I said with a smile. "Do you mind if I sit here?" Jj questioned. "No go ahead" I told him. Me and him worked together. It helped us get it done faster. 

Then at the end of the day I went to detention but after 20 minutes the teacher let us leave. She did not feel like staying after longer than she had to. 

I rode home with Sage since Colden gets to leave after 3rd period. I walked inside and our picture frames were on the ground. Mom was passed out on the couch with Hazel cuddled next to her. "I got to get ready for work" Sage told me while we both looked at this mess. "Can you help me clean up?" I asked her. "Sorry sis but I am already going to be late" She said and walked upstairs. 

"great" I mumbled to myself. I pick up the picture frames and just sit them face down on the shelf. I sweep up the glass. I walk over to my sleeping little sister. "Haze, Haze" I called. "yeah?" She asked. "Go get in the shower" I told her. "Okay" She told me. She started picking up moms empty beer bottles. "Leave them. She is grown and can clean after herself" I told her. 

I made some mac and cheese. I ate some with Hazel. I also helped her do her homework. "When did daddy leave?" I asked her. "When he got me from school" Then he will be home early tonight. Around like 10. "When did mommy fall asleep?" I asked. "she was sleeping when I got home". I just smiled at her and took our dishes to the sink. I will wash them later. 

I tucked her in and started to walk to my room. "Hey kid" My mom said. "yeah?" I asked. She just smiled. "Thank you" She told me. "Yep" "For real. You don't have to do all the things for her you do" She told me. "If I don't who would?" I made it sound like a joke but I was being serious. "I am going to try and get better baby I promise. Thank you for being amazing and sweet. You know you are my pain in the ass child but you are also my sweetest" She explained. "Thanks" I said and started walking. 

"I love you Tessa" she spoke. That made me stop. With my back turnt I told her "I love you too" And went in my room. 

selling and telling (Carl Gallagher fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن