Falling Bodies

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"Tessa wake up we have to go" Frank was waking me up. "What?" I asked. it was to early for this. "We have to find the kids I know what I was feeling it was guilt! Get the little monster up and lets roll" Frank said. I looked around and I was in Fionas room. Tavia was still asleep. I gently put her in her stroller and me frank and Liam went to Fionas apartment. I went up the stairs with Tavia and Frank started to yell. "Guilt its guilt! This feeling I have been having in my stomach and my bones in my veins. I've discovered guilt. don't you understand. I am here to help." "does help include some of your employee discount because we are going to need a lot of shovels." Fiona asked.

I looked around. Everyone was here. we started to walk to Franks work to get shovels. "I heard what happened today" Debbie told me. " I do not want to talk to you" I told her as I pushed Tavia. I felt half dead still. I also had no clue what the fuck we were doing. Everyone heard my comment and looked at me.

"I understand I was a bitch the other night and I am sorry about the thing I said but you were right and Neal broke up with me today" Debbie tells me. "Damn I am sorry... But I am not sorry for what I said because I meant it" I told her. Everyone looked at me again. "Someone is feisty" Frank added. "shut up frank" Lip,Carl,Ian and Fiona said. "if you had the day, I had you would be feisty to" I told him.

" So do you think we can be cool again?" Debbie asked. "Are you going to punch me again?" I asked, "are you going to tell me my mom is dead again?" Debbie asked. "Most likely" I said. she just looked away.

we got the shovels and then we went to the graveyard. "What the fuck" I said. "Time to dig the dead" Fiona said. We all just looked at her. I gave Tavia some goldfish and she was fine. I got a shovel and started to dig. we got some done but it was not easy. "This is some serious sick shit" Ian said. "This is no joke Fiona" Lip said. I feel sick. This is so gross. "Who buries their mother with meth?" Debbie asked. " shouldn't you be asking what kind of mother leaves her kids with meth?" Fiona snapped back.

"I got to piss" Me and carl said at the same time. I got a baby wipe from Tavia's bag and I went behind a tree. I got done and pulled my shorts back up. "How does it feel to pee as a girl?" Carl asked. I gave him a side eye. "like in the woods and shit" he cleared. "It is weird you have to squat and it is annoying" I told him. "I bet" He said.

We were walking back. "Tessa look" Carl said. It was a one of those things that place dirt. "Are you thinking what I am thinking?" I asked. "Yeah" He said. We both ran to it. "let me drive" Carl said. "go ahead" I said. I got on the side holding on. "Carl you cannot drive for shit" I said

He laughed at me. He put the thing down and he started to dig the dirt up. Then there was the coffin. "Holy shit" I said. "This is cool" he said. We felt like little kids. "Drop it on the grass right there" I told him. "Got it" he said. Then he dropped it. Monicas body fell out. "AHHH" me and carl yelled. we jumped down. We just looked. I was about to start laughing so I tried to grab my face but it did not work. "what do we do?" Debbie asked. "I don't know hold hands, Maybe take a moment of silence." Ian said. I was laughing so hard but trying to be so quiet.

"That is so fucked" I said when I calmed down. Frank started to walk so did we. "Uh what the fuck" I said and started to gag. The smell was horrible. "Alright I get the drugs you guys put her back in the coffin" Fiona says. I walk over there, and they followed me. I was holding my breath. I was getting ptsd.

"you were right Fiona, You were right we were fucking wrong" Carl said. I was helping them hold the top of the coffin. I gasped for air and then held my breath again. We got the meth so we went to the storge unit. I was scared to go but I needed to. I wrapped Tavia up in some blankets for safety.

I was in the back with Carl Ian and Lip because I wanted to be in the back. We got to the unit and the one man who had carl opened the door. " Come on in" The man said. That made me scared. I walked in next to lip. We got in and he shut the door. I put my biggest resting bitch face I had on. I was staring at him. Show no fear.

"Holy Jesus what is that smell" He asked. I did a little giggle. He cut his eyes at me. He left them for a little to long. They handed him all the stuff. "It is like *whatever big number he said* in all" Carl told the man. "That is not enough, you still owe my 37 grand" He said and pointed the gun.

I pushed the baby behind Debbie and got Infront of Ian near Fiona. "stop stop stop" she said. I do not care what happens to me but the baby is different. "Let me handle this please, Eric, is it? You were Monica's partner I take it, which means half of the drugs were hers and we have done all we could have to pay you, your half. That smell Eric that stench that is filling your nostrils, That is Monica. she died. We watched her die. Then we put her in the ground. we buried some drugs with her but that is neither here or there, and then we dug her up. with two bags of meth plus 9 grand and a hot tub that is all we got. That is it and now she is 6 foot under again. If you come near my family Eric may God be my witness I will burry you with her. Are we clear?" Frank told his ass.

"yeah we are clear" Eric told frank. I smirked a little. Frank opened the door. I grabbed\Tavia and her stroller. I walked past Eric. I looked at him. I flicked him off.

I went home. Colden was pacing the living room. "Tavia what the fuck why did you not answer your phone?" Colden yelled. I just looked at him. I turned the stroller around for him to see a sleeping Tavia. He looked at me. "Sorry" I said and my eyes started to fill up with tears. "What happened?" Colden asked me. I explained my whole day to him. "I am so sorry Tessa if I knew this I would have found someone else for Tessa to go" Colden said.

"Just make sure she is okay. She has been acting fine but she might a bruise or something. I am so sorry" I told him again. "It is okay please go take and shower and then sleep" Colden said. "here" He said and handed me 500$. I took that shit.

I showered and fell asleep. The next morning, I woke up and seen Eric taking the hot tub. I knew it was his but I wanted to fuck with him. I went upstairs and grabbed my gun coat. I put it on and walked across the street. He walked up to carl and took his towel. I reached in my pocket and pull my gun out. I cocked it back. "30 seconds or less big boy" I told him with a smile. He ran and got in his car. I shot the back of it for fun. "TESSA" Carl yelled. "My finger slipped" I said with a smirk. "Lying ass" He said. I rolled my eyes. " I really liked that hot tub" Carl said. " Maybe one day for your birthday I will get you a new one" I said and patted his back. 

selling and telling (Carl Gallagher fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora