Chapter 37

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Taehyung is waiting for his doll in the dining hall, deep in thought about how to earn her trust and win her heart. The words she said yesterday continue to echo in his mind.

(True love isn't found, it's built taehyung. If you want me to love you then first you have to built the trust for you in my heart.

real love isn't easy and easy love isn't real.)

I doll, the wound I gave you runs deep, but I promise to heal you with my love. I won't give up hope; I will surely earn your forgiveness. This time, I will show my love through my actions, not just my words. "He encouraged himself."

Y/n came downstairs, hearing the sound of heels. He turned and looked at her, whispering, "Beautiful," as the only word that escaped his lips. Enthralled by her beauty, he gazed into her eyes, likening them to pools of emerald that sparkled with depth and warmth. Her hair cascaded like silk, each strand a testament to elegance and grace. Moving with the fluidity and poise of a dancer, every step she took was a symphony of grace. The gentle curve of her cheekbones caught the soft glow of the moonlight, casting an ethereal aura around her. Despite all this, the one thing that bothered him was her dress. It was short and showed her thighs, that Taehyung didn't like at all

 It was short and showed her thighs,  that Taehyung didn't like at all

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

She went to dinning table and sat on the chair. Taehyung glaring at her but she ignored him totally.

Eomma... I'm so hungry. What did you prepare today? "She ask innocently and mrs.grey smiled and replied."

Pancake. "She replied calmly and ask." Are you going somewhere? "

Nae(yes) I'm going to office. "She said excitedly."

Office? Why didn't you tell me about this? "He ask serious tone and look at her with her straight face."

Why should I? I'm not your slave anymore, so I don't need to report to you or ask for permission. I'll go wherever I please and do whatever I want without needing your consent. "She replied coldly, which increased his anger. He closed his eyes to control his emotions, took a deep breath, and sighed heavily before speaking again."

Yes... you're not my slave and you have full freedom to do whatever you want, While you don't require my permission, but at least.. you could have told me earlier that you were coming back to the office. "He said firmly and looks at her dress and comment." And why are you wearing short dress. Didn't i told you not to wear this kind of short dress in office?

For your information, Mr. Kim, I am not returning to Kim Empire. I am joining Park Industry, and as for my attire, I will wear whatever I like. You have no authority to dictate what I should wear, so please focus on your own business. "She replied calmly, and her response angered him. His eyes darkened as he stood up angrily and walked towards her. She was scared to see him approaching her but didn't show it on her face.

He slammed his right hand on the dining table, making her flinch. He could see the fear in her eyes.

"I never want to scare you, but you always trigger my anger," he thought to himself.

DARK OBSESSION [TAEHYUNG FF] Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat