Chapter 21

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Finally my dreams comes true which I waited for so long. I remember the day when I first saw her and I felt my entire world flip. At the movement I decided I want to make her mine.

  I smiled thinking about my doll. Her plead and screams all give me satisfaction while at the same time giving me so much pain. I never thought anyone can make my heart fluttered again. She will always be my side wheather she likes it or not. I am her fate the cruel one. She is my obsession, my dreams, my hope, my heart

My heart and mind are thirsty to drink all of her. I was in my own thoughts then jimin enter my cabin without permission as always, and sat infront of me. I smiled at him. He is the only one can dare to do that. Because he is my soulmate and know everything about me.

Jimin: you look so happy today..did y/n accept your love.

Taehyung: she'll ...or else i have my own ways to make her accept me. "Jimin sigh and feel pity on that innocent soul." Now tell me why are you here?

Jimin: I'm here to let you know that the meeting will start in 10 minutes. "He just nodded in response." How is y/n?

Taehyung: she is all fine... just little bit stubborn but I know how to make her obedient. "He said while playing with pen."

Jimin: tae.. please don't hurt her. She is innocent --- "taehyung glare at him, he doesn't like the way he concern about her"

Taehyung: jimin-na, you don't have to worried about her. I won't hurt her until she obey me and I know how to take care of MY WIFE.

Jimin: what?? Wife?? But when did you married her? "He ask confused and surprise tone. Taehyung chuckled and replied."

Taehyung: yesterday...We both signed the marriage certificate.

Jimin: did you force her to marry you? "He ask little bit angrily."

Taehyung: i forced her or she married me with her will. It doesn't matter now. She is mine now. Mrs Kim taehyung. My wife. "I close my eyes in satisfaction." There is nothing in this world which Kim Taehyung wants and didn't get. "Jimin looking at him silently, because he know arguing with him it's useless, so he don't want waste his on that."

Jimin: anyway congrats for your marriage life. I just hope you take good care of her. "He wish him and walk out the room."


Mrs Williams: the project is amazing...we can make lot of profit... I'm really happy to work with you

Jin: thank you so much Mrs.Williams. we'll never disappoint you. "She smiled in return."

Mrs Williams: so let's sign the contract then. "They all happily sign the contract and she says everyone to good bye and left."

After Mrs.Williams left from the room namjoon turn towards taehyung with smile, and hugged him.

Namjoon: congratulations tae. "He said while hugging him but taehyung confused by his behaviour. Few days before namjoon was angry and disappointed to him because of y/n, but today he talking to him lovingly. He pull out the hug and look at him with smile."

Namjoon: jimin told me you got married.. I'm really happy for you...I wish one day you and y/n live happily. "Taehyung feel happy finally his brother started to support him. He smiled back and replied."

Taehyung: we will hyung. "Jin look at them and sighed then started to walk away from there but he stopped when taehyung called him."

Taehyung: Aren't you happy in my marriage hyung? "He turned and glare at him."

DARK OBSESSION [TAEHYUNG FF] Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin