Chapter 7

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After weekend i finally went to office cheerfully. when i enter my department one of my co worker came to me and told me that mr.suho want me to see him before I get back to work. I nodded my head and walk towards his cabin.

Y/n: why he want to see me. 'I thought. I reach his cabin and knock the door before enter his cabin. He gave me permission and then I walk into his cabin and stood in front of him."

Y/n: morning sir. May I know why you call me here? "I ask politely."

Mr.suho: morning miss y/n. I just call you here is to ask  if you've finished the files I gave you on Friday. 

Y/n: yes sir.

Mr.suho: Great. Bring those files to me. I have to check before submitting it to the auditor meeting.

Y/n: okay sir. "I said went back to my place and tried to open the files in my laptop. But it's shows some errors. I got panic and again tried to open but that files not open. Then I search the copy of the files but it's also shows same error. Until last week my laptop was fine and I had no idea what  suddenly happened to it. Soojin and eunwoo notice that something wrong so they come to my place.

Eunwoo: what happened y/n. Why you look stressed.

Y/n: I don't know what happened to my laptop every files shows errors. Mr.suho also wants files for auditor meeting. I don't know what to say to him.

Soojin: I think it's server problem.

Eunwoo: yah...pabo...if it's server problem how did our laptops work.  "He said and then smacked her head."  Y/n don't worry I'll call IT department they'll help you to retrieve the files. "Then he call IT department. Few min later an employee in the IT department approached us."

IT Employee: what happened? Why did you call me?

Eunwoo:  we couldn't open the files in her laptop.  Whenever we tried to open the files it's shows some errors.

IT Employee: okay... I'll check. "Then he opens my laptop and started to check. After checking my laptop he turn towards us." Your system is corrupted miss y/n.

Y/n: what!! But how it's possible, in last week my laptop was fine.

IT Employee: I found a virus in your laptop. It's will destroy your motherboard slowly. I think someone purposely inserted that virus on your laptop.

Y/n: please do something I want my files back.

IT Employee: I'm really sorry miss y/n. the virus already destroyed those files. I can only fix your laptop but I can't retrieve that file's. "He said sadly. and then he started to fix my laptop. Once he finished his work he went back to his department."

After he left tears started to form in my eyes. I don't know how to face mr.suho now. Eunwoo come and placed his hand on my shoulder. and tried to comfort me.

Eunwoo: don't worry y/n. We will explain everything to mr.suho. He will definitely understand you. "He said comforting way. I just nodded my head. Then mr.suho come towards my place."

Mr.suho: where is the files y/n? "He ask angrily."

Soojin: mr.suho, y/n's laptop ----

Mr.suho: Did I ask you something? No na, then shut up, and why you both are standing here, go back to your place. "He said stern voice. They went back to their place silently. Mr.suho turn towards me and give me a glare."

Mr.suho:  I asked you something miss y/n? You told me that you complete the files then where is it?

Y/n: sorry sir.... someone hacked my laptop and my files are corrupted. I couldn't open the files it's shows errors."I said while looking at ground."

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