Chapter 6

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Soojin: y/n thank you so much you saved me today or else I don't know what happen today. You know what I'm really scared when he tried to touch me inappropriately. "she cried while hugging her."

y/n: hey, calm down it's okay you're safe now. “I patted her back and tried to calm her. After while she stop crying." Are you feel batter now? "She nodded." See... you don't need to scared of anyone. You're brave enough to product yourself. I really like when you kick his private part.

soojin: yeah that bastard deserve that. "we both laugh and I give her high-five"

Soojin: y/n I want to ask you something can i?

y/n: hmm...."i humped."

Soojin: who are you really?

y/n: huh...what you mean?

Soojin: I saw you come in Rolls Royce Sweptail. How can a middle class teenage girl own a car worth $12.8 million, and also you throw bundle of money on his face. it's all clearly shows that you're not a middle class girl. I smiled and replied.

y/n: when I told I'm middle class girl? I'm most famous and successful business man park kwang sik daughter.

Soojin: WHAT!!! But you seem like middle class girl. "She ask shock expression on her face."

y/n: I hide my identity because I don't want fake people around me, I want to be friends with people who are loyal to me, and who truly deserve my friendship. if I told that I'm the daughter of park kwang sik, we wouldn't have became close to each other like this, because there would have been a distance between us because of my high status. most importantly I don't like show off. Now you got your answer let's go it's already late. "Then we both walk towards my car. "

Soojin: wow...this was the first time I'm going to ride in expensive car, I'm so excited. Kaja.. "we get into the car and drove away."



today is weekend and now I'm going tzuyu mom's café to meet my friends. in these days I became close with soojin and eunwoo. Whenever I close to eunwoo, soojin seems to be jealous. I know they both like each other but never confess their feelings. They j ust pretend like just friends to everyone. Another one also was jealous and angry that I was getting close with eunwoo. it's none other than kim taehyung. Except eunwoo other men's in the office stay away from me because of taehyung. He threatened everyone. when I ask eunwoo why he still want to be friends with me even after taehyung warned everyone to stay away from me, he simply smiled and walk away from there, and He always tried to avoid my questions. I can't figure it out what's going on his mind.

Finally I reach cafe and I walk inside and then I saw my friends sat on our regular place. I walk towards them and sat between Lise and rose.

Y/n: hey guys..."I said cheerful tone."

Lisa: I really miss papo. "She hug me tightly."

Y/n: I miss you too lizard. "I hug her back."

Lisa: call me lizard huh?

Y/n: you start it first.

Lisa: I hate you y/n. "She said and pounted."

Y/n: but I love you my lovely lizard. I pinch her cheeks softly. Others look at us and chuckled."

Lisa: y/nnnnnn..... stop call me like that.

Y/n: okay....okay calm your ass girl. " i turn towards others." How are you all.

Blackpink except lisa: notice us. "Y/n smiled." We all fine. How about you.

Y/n: I'm fine unnie's. How is going on your internship?

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