The Rock-Off

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Today was the day. Lincoln faces off against Adam, the very first man in a rock-off. He knew that it was crazy and probably fruitless, but he wanted to defend his friends' honor.

the boy was at a large amphitheater and saw how many people were gathering to see the challenge commence.

Not only was he there, but his entire family, yes, his entire family members in his household is with him in Hell too to make sure nothing bad happens to him, and give him some moral support. Because of that, they were sitting in the very front seats of this amphitheater like the VIP kind of people, along with Loona, the IMP gang, Stolas, and other demon friends of Lincoln. Looking nervous, the boy himself had his heart beating like a drum, and he was immediately starting to regret starting this stupid challenge in the first place. But there was no turning back now, and he needed to show the courage in himself.

Peeking at the audience through one of the curtains, he saw how large the audience was, almost as big as a stadium for baseball or football. There were even some angels in the audience in a special "VIP booth so they wouldn't have to touch any demons. Despite how nervous he was, he took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. Good thing that a couple of his friends can play an instrument. Moxxie and Loona with guitar, Tex on drums, and... he didn't know who was going to play bass.

Suddenly, another female hellhound that almost looked like a hyena with a short red dress and a black jacket came up to him. "W'sup?" she said.

"Uhhh, hi." said Lincoln. "Have we... seen each other before?"

"I've heard of ya, kid." said the hyena-like hellhound. "Name's Crymini. And i heard you were having a little bit of a... problem."

"I hate to say it, but that's an understatement." he turned away.

Crymini let out a small chuckle and said: "Don't worry. I'm here to help." she pulled out a badass-looking bass guitar. "Thought you could use a bassist for this thing."

Lincoln smiled and said: "Not that i'm not happy and grateful but... why are you helping me out like this?"

The hyena-like hellhound was silent, but, after a pause she said: "I'm not really doing this because I like you. I'm only doing this because; if someone challenges the King of Dicks to a rock-off, then i think that person has some real brass balls." then she put a hand on his right shoulder. "Someone like you has some brass balls for doing some crazy shit like that."

"Well, i wouldn't say that."

"Come on, what are the odds of challenging Adam himself to a rock-off?" Crymini pointed. "Everyone else down here is a bunch of pussies for not doing that, and you have earned yourself a bass player for this gig."

"Thank you." Lincoln said.

"Don't mention it."

"Hey, kiddo," another female voice said. It was Loona, coming up to him. "Look, you don't-" then she saw Crymini. "Who the fuck are you?"

"None of your business, bitch." Crymini rolled her eyes with her arms crossed. "But who are you?"

"Same thing as you said, hyena bitch." Loona retorted with her arms also crossed. "A friend of this kid here."

"Well relax, i'm here to give him a helping hand with my bass."

"Wait, what?" Loona looked a little confused at the last part Crymini said.

"Yeah, i'm a bass guitarist and i noticed that you guys were lacking one, i might as well fill in for that position. Got a problem with that?"

"As long as you don't do anything funny or suspicious, or eat Lincoln."

Heaven And Hell BondOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora