Picking Out A Stylish Outfit

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In the backyard, Lincoln was picking up Charles' droppings. It wasn't the funnest part of his normal life, for Charles' feces can be quite stinky since he has been known to eat scraps, especially leftover pizza.

Despite that; Lincoln was just about done with his little chore and he put the bag of feces in the trash can put in the front yard.

washing his hands in the kitchen to get rid of the stench, Lincoln crashed on the couch after finishing the chore. He was playing video games on one of his handheld consoles to pass the time and wondered if anything exciting can happen today. Suddenly, a magical being appeared next to him and it was revealed to be none other than Stolas. "Ah, good morning Lincoln." said Stolas. "How are you this fine day?"

"Just got done picking up Charles' poop." Lincoln had a disgusted look on his face.


"my dog."

"Oh. How... charming." Stolas had a disgusted look on his face. "The only curse about having pets, cleaning up after their... items."

"So how are you, Stolas?" asked Lincoln.

"Another typical day. And I am so glad that (bleep) Stella moved out of my palace."

"Hey, who said that w-?!" Rita and a couple of the sisters walked in the room. "Oh. Hello."

"Guys, meet Stolas." said Lincoln. "The Goetia-"

"Prince?" said Lucy, sounding surprised before she walked up to him and gently grasped his right hand. "I worship you." Then she began kissing Stolas' right hand over and over again like he was her most beloved god.

Stolas looked flattered but also a little uncomfortable. "Thank you. How charming." He said.

"ok Lucy," said Luna. "That's enough dude."

"I apologize. I always love Hell and all the demons that inhabit it."

"Should I wipe their memories about Hell, Lincoln?"

"They already know. They found out and they're ok with it." Lincoln clarified. "Didn't Blitzo tell you?"

"No, he didn't." The Goetia prince replied. "And are you sure the secret is safe?"

"positive. Crazy things happen in my house all the time."

"It's true." said Luna. "Wild kind of crazy."

"I see." said Stolas.

"Can I have an autograph, your highness?" asked Lucy with a pen and a journal."

"Uhhhh, sure, why not."

"Eeeeee." Lucy exclaimed in her monotonous voice.

"So don't take this the wrong way, Stolas but, why are you here?"

"I wanted to ask if you can give Octavia some company. She's having a boring day and I am just a little busy right now unfortunately." Stolas replied. "So what do you say?"

"Sure I can hang out with her. I already finished my chores and I don't have anything else better to do."

"You get to hang out with a princess?" said Lola. "Why not take me with you?"

"I'm terribly sorry, my dear." said Stolas. "But hell is no place for helpless little girls like you." He tried to sound as nice to her as possible.

Of course, Lola took offense and said: "helpless? Uh, FYI, I have a black belt in karate and I know how to defend for myself."

"She's right, you know." said Leni. "I've seen her take down a security guard at the mall one time for cutting in line at the food court."

"And she got banned from the mall for a whole month afterwards." said Lori.

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