Niffty the Space Invader

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The rooster was crowing in a far distance as another morning had come. Something felt a little weird when Lincoln was slowly waking up, however. Something warm was on top of him, like a dog or a cat was on top of him, and he thought it was either Cliff or Charles on top of him over the covers, but... nah, this thing seemed rather bigger than the two pets.

He opened his eyes and revealed a rather creepy smile on her face with only one eye. And she blinked once at him before Lincoln was fully awake with a fright. It was Niffty, the cyclops-like clean freak at the Happy Hotel from before. She was lying on her belly and her hands under her chin

"Morning, sleeping baby!" Niffty said. "Did you have nice dreams, Linky?"

Hurriedly getting himself off the bed, and looking at the hotel maid, Lincoln said: "Niffty? What... what are you even doing here?"

"I heard that you sleep funny." The cyclops demon replied. "But I think you just look so cute when you are in dreamland. And I'm glad I found you here." Then she noticed a rather strange smell on the boy. "Ooh, you got morning breath. Luckily, I have just the thing for that." She pulled out a toothbrush and put toothpaste on it. "Open wide!" She sang

"No. No no no no no no no!" Lincoln tried protesting. But it fell on deaf ears for Niffty, and she pounced on the human boy, and began brushing his teeth in a rough manner. It was rather agonizing for Lincoln to endure as he was struggling to get away from the crazy maid of the Happy Hotel, but she was stronger than she looked. He felt her hands, her hard, strong hands all over his torso and head as she was brushing.

After ten, long, agonizing seconds, Niffty smiled and said: "There! All done!"

Lincoln's gums were bleeding from how rough she was brushing them. "Ow." he said. "Niffty, what the heck! You got my gums bloody!"

"Oh. Sorry Lincoln." Niffty frowned. "I was only trying to help. You had coffee breath."

"I don't even drink coffee." Lincoln sounded exasperated.

"At least your teeth are cleaner than ever before, and your breath will smell like the finest breath mint anyone can dream of!"

"Well i hope the blood doesn't ruin it." Lincoln said. "I need to go rinse my mouth, and... how did you even get in my house?" he realized

"I have my ways." Niffty smiled again.

"Niffty?" said a female voice. Surprisingly, it was Charlie Morningstar, the daughter of Hell's own king. She came in Lincoln's room and gasped. "What is going on in here?"

"Princess Charlie?" Lincoln said, looking even more surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"Lincoln, I am so sorry about this. I tried to stop her, but she really wanted to see you, and stole my Asmodean crystal from me. And... you don't have to be formal to me. You can just call me Charlie."

"Well, can you please get her out of my room?"

"Of course. Come on Niffty, let's get you home."

"Aww, but i want to give him breakfast. Maybe like one of those sandwiches from McDonald's or Starbucks." the cyclops demon looked bummed.

"He's a kid, Niffty!" Charlie exclaimed in disgust.

"No, no, no! Not that kind of sandwich. An actual kind of sandwich." Niffy pointed. "Those breakfast sandwiches from McDonald's are really good from what I hear."

"Niffty!" Charlie scolded.

"OK, OK." the cyclops demon said. "See you soon, Lincoln!" then the daughter of Lucifer opened the portal back to Hell, and Niffty walked into it, sadly and moping before the portal immediately closed, leaving Charlie and Lincoln alone.

"I'm really sorry about this, Lincoln." Charlie repeated. "Niffty has taken a liking to you."

"It's ok. Verosika did the same before."

"Wait, she has?" asked Charlie, looking surprised.

"Yeah, Verosika snuck into my room so she can watch me sleep."

"I know she can be a sneaky succubus, but... wow." Charlie admitted. "She doesn't hurt you, does she?"

"No! no, of course not. She likes me so much... not in a romantic way, but as a friend."

"Good. From the sound of it, you're getting a lot of friends in Hell, Lincoln."

"Yeah. I guess I am."

Then he heard his parents come up the stairs to see what the commotion was all about. "Oh, what's going on, sport?" said Lynn Sr

"Guys, this is Charlie Morningstar. Her dad is Lucifer, the king of all hell." Lincoln introduced her.

"Hello!" Charlie warmly greeted with her perky smile.

Suddenly, the door that opened between the hallway, and Lucy and Lynn's own bedroom opened, and there was the goth girl herself, sounding surprised and her jaw dropped to the ground. "Did you just say... Lucifer's daughter?" she said. Lucy rushed over to Charlie and bowed to her like she is a queen or a goddess. "Forgive me, princess, but I worship your father." she continued bowing. "I would die for him, and do anything for him, your highness. Please, please let me meet the Dark Lord. It's one of my lifelong dreams."

Charlie looked a little uncomfortable, and then she felt the goth girl gently lift her right arm, and began kissing the back of her hand like she really was a goddess. She moved her hand away from Lucy, and said: "Ok, Ok, cool your jets, sweetie." Charlie chuckled. "But i'm not a queen... yet."

"Oh... I'm so sorry. I just love Lucifer, or Satan, as many people on Earth would call him. Please let me meet your father."

"You don't really want to meet him... or visit Hell, do you?"

"I do!" Lucy smiled. "I really do. Please with a lot of bats and snakes on top."

Charlie looked at Lincoln and said: "Lucy loves evil and creepy stuff. She's a goth girl at heart."

"And proud of it." Lucy added.

"Come on, Lucy." said Rita, "that sounds like a bad idea."

"No, it's ok, it's ok. But... maybe i can talk to my daddy about that, if you still want to meet him."

"With all my heart." Lucy smiled.

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