Succubus Sister

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Gus' Games N' Grub was a fun place for Lincoln to hang out, for this was one of the usual fun places that he loved to hang out at. Loona was with him in her human disguise and just relaxing in a bench on her phone as Lincoln was having fun. Not only that, but Clyde was with his own best friend and competing against him on the dance game here. The young adult had her usual blank look on her face as she was looking at her phone. Yes, she was completely obsessed with this thing.

Without showing it, Loona was happy to see her new friend happy and having fun, and no muggers coming in to try and rob him of his money this time.

Deep down, Loona was thinking if she can help teach Lincoln how to properly defend himself from dangers in the future. But, she probably know that his sisters can probably help him with that instead. Alas; she also thought about how funny Lincoln looked in his underwear earlier. Getting a text from Vortex, he was wondering where Loona was and asked her if she wanted to come to his place for some cider. "Sorry Tex," Loona texted him. "Love to, but i gotta watch Lincoln and his nerdy friend at the arcade."

Then she looked on at how the two kids were laughing and playing on the dance machine, and it was hard to tell who was winning this match as both boys were equally good at this kind of game. Gus, the owner and proprietor of this establishment, went up to Loona and said: "Hello."

The disguised hellhound looked up at Gus with a usual scowl and flatly said: "Get lost." before looking at her phone again.

"Oh, i'm sorry." said Gus with a frown. "I was just wondering if you would like anything to eat or drink."

"Nah, i'm fine." Loona said, but then she had a change of heart. "On second thought, just a mocha macchiato would fine." she added.

"Perfect! Coming right up." said Gus before going to fetch her the drink she requested.

"Whatever." Loona rolled her eyes at the response. It was just then she got a message back from Tex which said; "ooh, can I join in?"

Loona smiled and replied: "sure Tex. I just need to find a good spot to bring you to Earth without any humans seeing me open the portal."

the male hellhound typed down "cool" to her in reply. She got off the bench to be greeted by Gus with the drink she requested, and sat it on the table. "Mocha macchiato a la mode." Gus politely said. "Enjoy."

"Yeah yeah, whatever." said Loona before she got out the bench to make her... "phone call" with Tex behind the pizza joint with an umbrella so she wouldn't get wet from the pouring rain. She opened the book up to bring in her friend from Hell. The male hellhound was in his own human disguise, looking happy to see Loona as ever. He was then greeted by the feeling of rain drops over his muscular body. Then Loona shared the umbrella with him so he wouldn't be so wet.

"Hey Loon." said Tex

"Hey Tex." Loona blushed a little. "So Lincoln and his friend are having fun in there. Sorry about the rain."

"Nah, it's all good." Tex shrugged off. "Nothing a towel can help." They both went inside the pizza joint and looked at Lincoln and Clyde having fun with Lincoln winning the match between him and his best friend. Sweat was running down his cheeks and Clyde's face was the same.

"I need a drink." said Clyde. "Maybe Gus can give us some free root beer." he got off the dance pedestal.

"Hey Linc." said Tex, walking up from behind him.

"Oh. Hi Tex."

Clyde looked a little intimidated by the disguised male hellhound's muscular and intimidating appearance. Of course, no one would really blame Clyde if he was startled by a very strong and muscular guy like Vortex. "Loona told me you were hanging here." said Tex, "Thought I would join in on the fun."

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