Demonic Music Store In Hell

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This music store that Lincoln was visiting was one of a kind. It looked like a Guitar Center, but of course; it was Hell-themed and many of the instruments looked demonic and evil. "What did I tell you, Lincoln?" said Vortex. "Is this place cool or what?"

"It is." said Lincoln. "Imagine if my sister Luna was here to see this. She would love it! But it needs to be kept a secret from her no doubt."

"Yeah, it's best to keep her from knowing. What your sister doesn't know won't hurt her, right?" said Tex.


"So do you play an instrument, little man?"

"Well, i played drums one time, and a couple. But i'm nowhere near as good as my sister Luna. She is a prodigy when it comes to playing music. You would love her, if you met Tex. Believe me."

The male hellhound made a small laugh. "I know. Being a heavy metal lover myself, i would totally think she is one of the coolest kids ever."

"So, if you love heavy metal, why are you a pop star's bodyguard?"

"Because money." Tex said. "And she has mo-ney alright. But she doesn't even pay me enough to care about my job. I figured that if she is a rich pop star, she might pay me a hefty sum of cash, but shit, she doesn't." she pouted. "I'm thinking about getting out of her job as a bodyguard and find a better paying job to make me more money."

An idea struck Loona and said: "You know, why not work for us at I.M.P? I mean, Blitzo is always hiring and you would make a good candidate for us."

Vortex was thinking about it, and he said: "I don't know. Verosika would get really pissed. As pissed as Stolas' wife, and besides, i think your dad hates me."

"No, he doesn't hate you. Secondly, he's not my dad... he's only on paper." Loona pointed.

"Oh. Right." Tex remembered. "I forgot about that."

"Come on, you would be a good employee. Look at you," Loona continued, "you are a solid wall of black and grey muscle. Only a fucking idiot would think twice before picking a fight with you. Isn't that kind of the reason why Verosika hired you?"

"Well... yes, that's mostly the reason why she hired me. And because she wanted to use me as her... plaything whenever she and her friends get bored."

Loona gasped and felt an anger rising up in her. "How dare they! Don't they know you have a girlfriend?"

"Oh yeah." Tex nodded his head. "But, that doesn't stop them. You know how succubi and incubi can be."

"True." Loona said. "Their sex drive never stops."

"Well now you guys are just making me scared of Verosika again." said Lincoln. "maybe i should at least stay away from her."

"No, no, no, you shouldn't think badly about her." said Tex. "I mean, Verosika really likes you... not 'like' like you, but just like you."

"I know. I'm too young for her." Lincoln remembered. "I'm just glad to be out of the fight between her and Blitzo. it looks liked they were about to kill each other like roosters in a cock fight."

Vortex made a laugh. "Loona was right, you are funny. But yeah, don't worry about between Blitzo and Mayday. They have a nasty beef with each other, Lincoln. The last thing you want is to be caught in a crossfire."


The three went to look at all the musical instruments in this cool store, and Lincoln was looking at these demonic guitars, and one of them had a large demon eye on the body. Lincoln was curious and got a closer look at the freaky instrument. Standing in front of it for at least ten seconds, the large eye than looked at his face and blinked two times, making Lincoln jump back in fright, landing on his ass. Loona and Vortex heard his yelp and Loona asked: "What happened? What's wrong?"

"The eye." Lincoln pointed his right finger. The large eye just looked at Lincoln in curiosity, and blinked three more times.

"Oh, yeah don't be so surprised." said Loona.

"Yeah, these babies can't hurt you, Linc. Even if they look creepy to some humans."

"Wouldn't surprise me." said Lincoln. "That eye looks like it hates me."

"Nah, they can't say anything or show emotions. It's just a big eyeball." said Tex.

"Don't worry," said Loona, "these things won't come to life or hurt you."

"Even if I'm a human?"

"Yes, i promise." Loona rolled her eyes.

"So i think you're lucky that you're going to hang out with her, Lincoln." said Tex, patting the kids' shoulder. "I mean, a human kid hanging out with a demon pop star? What are the odds of that happening?"

"I'm not that big a fan of her music." Lincoln admitted. "But she does seem cool."

Deep down, Loona still didn't think that this was a good idea for her new human friend to be hanging out with a slutty popstar like Verosika given her lusty and flirty nature as a succubus. Alas, Lincoln assured her that he will be ok hanging out with her. After all, she seemed to really like him a very good deal like Loona did. After all; he had his phone to call Loona in case something bad would happen, or if Verosika double-crossed him in any way.

Besides, if Loona needed to, she can use her excellent sense of smell to sniff out Lincoln like the greatest bloodhound of all time like how she used it to save Lincoln from those dipshit muggers from before. For that, maybe Lincoln will be ok with that pop star after all.

As for the kid himself, he is always the man with a plan and he knows how to get out of any heavy pickles or any sticky situations that he might run into.

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