McBride's New Guest

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Looking a bit unsure about this idea, Octavia was walking with Lincoln down to his own best friends' house. Was this a good idea? Would the McBrides help out Octavia and make her their guest in the house? Or would they turn her down and make her even more sad and depressed? There was only one way to find out for sure. "Are you ok, Octavia?"

"Mostly." said the disguised Goetia princess. "Are you sure about this, Lincoln?"

"Trust me, the McBrides are the best kind of people you would ever want to meet. They have many things my parents can't afford: massage chairs, flat-screen TVs, you name it." He rang the doorbell and waited for someone to answer. "And you'll like Clyde. He's the greatest friend any guy can ever ask for. And you'll never have to worry about living under a bridge or a dumpster. These guys will give you the greatest kind of hospitality... even if they are not royal or rich like your parents."

"Oh dear." Octavia rolled her eyes in sarcasm. "No big allowances or buying a herd of ponies for myself. That's a big blow to my face." She then looked at Lincoln. "I never really care about the posh lifestyle that my mother loves to have in her life. I want to be able to live a normal life like my dad would do for me."

"Sorry. I was just making a point."

"No, don't be. I understand you were just trying to be nice. And, thank you for helping me out on this. No one has ever tried to do this for me before."

"What are friends for? And i'm totally not one of those false friends that will try to pickpocket you or just hang out because your parents are famous."

Octavia made a cute laugh before saying: "I know."

The one to answer the front door was Harold, looking happy to see Lincoln as ever. "Oh, hello again, Lincoln. What brings you here?"

"Mr. McBride, this is Octavia, one of Loona's friends from Hazeltucky."

"A pleasure." Harold reached out to shake hands with the disguised demon, but Octavia had her arms crossed and refrained.

"Sorry, but I'm not the touching or display of affection type."

"Oh, I understand."

"So look, I wanna talk to you guys about her."

"Sure, come on in." Said Harold. Lincoln and Octavia did just that, and Clyde greeted his best friend again.

"Hey buddy." He looked at Octavia as well.

"Hey Clyde." Lincoln said. "I wanna talk to you guys."

"Sure, what is it?" Asked Howard.

"Look, we'll talk on the couch." Lincoln clasped his hands together. The three McBride family members sat on the sofa to hear what Lincoln had to say.

The white-haired child began telling them about Octavia (minus the demon part of course). Everyone was sympathetic towards her as much as Lincoln's family was to her. Clyde especially took great pity on Octavia, and wanted to help her out.

Octavia just felt like crying hearing how she was going through a tough time dealing with her parents' divorce.

"We're very sorry that you feel this way, sweetie." Said Harold

"Yeah, I know it must be rough."

"Thank you kindly. So, Lincoln told me you have a guest room in here. I just can't take it any more and my home doesn't been feel like home anymore. Is it too much to ask if I kindly ask you all to let me stay here? Or if not, I'm fine sleeping in a dumpster."

"Stop saying that." Said Lincoln. "There is up way that you'll sleep in a dumpster."

"Yeah, dumpsters can have raccoons in them, and they can have rabies." Said Clyde before looking at his dads. "Guy, please, can we help she out? She just needs some confidence boosted in her."

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