Blitzo's Ultimate Prank

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So Everyone was trying to take in that Lincoln was friends with a Succubus. That, and the fact that one of Lori, Leni, and Lola's favorite singers was a demon who disguises herself as a human in earth to not create an uproar. Mayday herself was making herself at home in Lincoln's home as she was still sitting next to him.

"Look, I am terribly sorry for waking you all up, kids. I can assure you that I mean you no harm." Verosika assured everyone. "So, I'll let you all get back to sleep. Ta ta, Lincoln." She gave him a kiss on the forehead, leaving some pink lipstick on it.

The sisters went like: "oooh" while clasping their cheeks. "Wait, can I have an autograph before you leave?" Asked Lori

"Of course. Anything for my adoring fans."

"Ooh! And mine!" Leni added

"Me three!" Lola sang.

The Succubus happily agreed to make three of Lincoln's sisters happy like this, and gave them her signature on their books with a devil heart next to it.

"Oh, by the way," Verosika looked at the parents. Letting out a small laugh before her eyes turned red. Lynn Sr and Rita looked at one another, and suddenly got horny.

"Honey." said Lynn Sr in a seductive voice.

"Lynn Sr, you animal." Rita purred as they both started making out.

"Oh no, gross!" said Lana.

"What happened to them?" asked Lincoln

"Don't worry, sweetie. I just helped them understand love once again. Granted, I might not have kids of my own, but I have heard of how stressful being a parent can be." Then she vanished into a pink glow.

"Uhhhh, rents?" said Loona. "Why don't you take that to your room? You know, so we don't have to watch you... wrestle."

The parents stopped making out with a thought. "Good idea, Luna!" Rita smiled. "You heard her, Lynnasaur, let's go somewhere more private."

The parents did just that and the kids were a little disgusted to find out what was going to happen next. "Not to worry, I got some headphones for all of us.

The next morning, all the kids were a little weirded out by what the parents were like back then. Yes, it was like they were in a trance. Having some orange juice, Lincoln was trying to wake up a little more since it is still early in the morning.

Suddenly, he was startled. "Morning, Lincoln." He almost spilled his drink, and looked behind him. Lincoln was relieved to see that it was the female hellhound herself.

"Almost made me spill my orange juice." Lincoln flatly remarked.

"Yeah well, sorry," Loona rolled her eyes. "Still rehung to wake up?"

"Many people are not morning people." Lincoln remarked. "Especially one's that wake up early for work or for school."

"Heh. Tell me about it. I am one of those fucking people who fucking hate mornings."

"language!" Rita and Lynn Sr exclaimed from another room. Loona just simply rolled her eyes in annoyance at them.

"So what brings you here, Loona?"

"Just thought I tell you good morning. And nothing else better to do." Loona flatly said. She pulled out a cigarette from her pocket lit it with a lighter. "That's the stuff." She said after blowing smoke.

"Verosika visiting here was surprising to me." Lincoln admitted

Loona had a surprises look on her face. "What? She visited you, when?"

"Last night. She watched me while I was sleeping."

The female hellhound said: "That's creepy."

"Right? I guess she is just really into me, like how you are into me."

Loona had a rather appalled look on her face and tried defending herself by saying: "what? Don't be ridiculous. I'm not into you. I told you I'm not even your friend. Just someone you know."

The white-haired looked a little hurt by Loona's words, but he knew that she did care about him. Yes, he knew she was just a lady who didn't like to show her feelings or emotions with others. Loona had to care about him, otherwise she wouldn't have saved him from those bloodthirsty cutthroats.

"I see."

"So I got another CD from an awesome band you should listen to." Loona said. "That, and Vortex wanted to introduce you to my new friends."

"They're not going to eat me, are they?"

"No!" Loona said. "I'm pretty sure they won't."

"Sure. But should I bring a crucifix?"

The female hellhound had a horrified look in her face. "What are you, insane?"

"Just trying to be careful."


"Mom, dad, I'm going to hang out with Loona again." Lincoln called to his parents.

"Ok honey, be careful!" Rita called back.

"I will."

"Ready to go, Lincoln?"

"Yep." Lincoln said. "Wait, in my pajamas?"

"It's Hell, not a congregation." Loona smirked.


Loona opened the portal with the grimwoir and Lincoln was (more or less) happy to be back in Hell. Vortex was waiting at the IMP office with a couple of Helllhounds.

"There you are, Lincoln." said Vortex, happy to see the human boy. "Doing ok this morning?"

"Just trying to wake up more. You know how it is."

"Heh. Yeah, I get that feeling too well." Tex chuckled. "That's why I drink some good ole coffee to help me out

"He'a more adorable than I expected." said a female voice. Lincoln looked to see three female hellhounds. One had gray fur with a black sleeveless unitard under a black leather jacket with green, brushy hair. The second one had pure white fur but was shorter and had shorter blonde hair. Finally, there was a pure white hellhound with long, raven black hair with a tank top and black pants. "Just look at those buck teeth" the one in the unitard said. "You are just so adorable, sweetie."

"Thanks." Lincoln said.

"I'm Crystal." The green-haired one said.

"Serena." The blonde one added

"And I'm Eclipse, Tex' girlfriend." What she said made Loon flinch uncomfortable like she was about to have a seizure.

"I'm Lincoln. Lincoln Loud."

"Ooh, a cute name." said Serena. "Did you get named from the president?"

"Honestly, I never asked my mom why-" he was cut short with some kind of awful odor polluting the air. "Oh my god!" Lincoln exclaimed in pure disgust. "What is that horrible smell?!"

The hellhounds immediately smelled it afterwards and covered their noses with their eyes tearing up like they were cutting onions. (Hellhounds did have a far superior sense of smell than humans anyway). "Fuck me!" Loona said

"It smells like a skunk with a full diaper." Tex tried not to gag.

"BLIIIIITZOOO! Shrieked a female voice.

"I got you good, bitch!" Blitzo called out. He barged in the room with Verosika chasing after him with a clothes pin in her nose. She caught Blitzo and was more than ready to break his neck.

Vortex stopped her and said "whoa whoa whoa, what is going on?"

"This shitty shit stain has poisoned my office!"

"Fuck yeah I did!" said Blitzo triumphantly. "Nothing like a durian to ruin your erotic smell, (bleep)!"

"A durian?" Lincoln said. "That explains everything."

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