Punished For the Prank

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Sulking and looking guilty in his room, laying on his bed and looking at the ceiling, Lincoln felt like he almost killed his own friend back there, but he didn't mean to cause all of this hurt and suffering on Ronnie Anne. It was just supposed to be a harmless prank on her. But God, was he wrong? Now because of this stunt; Ronnie Anne might never speak to him again, and cut off ties with him. Lincoln can imagine the suffering and physical torture she is enduring in her own home right now. The headaches, sores, tummy ache, everything from the side-effects of that accursed ipecac syrup. The worse part of that thing was; kidney stones!

Waiting for a proper punishment from his parents, Lincoln then turned to the side and wished he could have just taken it back, and never have pulled off such a fucking stupid stunt in the first place. At least she will heal over time. "What have I done?" he asked himself over and over again.

Suddenly, he heard the door come open without someone bothering to be asked to enter the bedroom. "Lincoln," said the rocker sisters' voice, "how can you do something like this, dude? Can you imagine the kind of suffering Ronnie Anne is going through right now?" The white-haired boy slowly turned over to see her and the rest of his sisters looking at him with extreme disapproval and disappointment.

"Bad Lincoln!" Lily pointed. "Bad Lincoln!"

"I'll be literally lucky if Bobby doesn't break up with me for this." Lori said.

"Look, why would Bobby break up with you for something I did, Lori?" asked Lincoln.

"Because, Bobby literally said he would never date someone who's family member would hurt one of his family members." Lori pointed, starting to sound angry. "If he does break up with me, it will be on you!"

"Ok, Ok, Lori, I know how mad you are," said Lana, "but come on, Lincoln has a point. Bobby shouldn't break up with you over something he did."

"Then literally tell that to Bobby!" Lori snapped.

Lucy then pointed: "Technically, it's called 'Guilt of association'. It's been like that since ancient times. Like i one person does one bad thing, then the rest of his or her friends and family turn into pariahs or outcasts with him or her."

"I know that already!" Lori snapped again

It was just then Rita and Lynn Sr entered the room. "OK, OK, girls, please, get out of Lincoln's room while me and your father have a private talk with him." said Rita. Silently, the sisters did just that, and it was quiet as Lincoln was alone with his parents. He sat up and Rita said on one side, and Lynn Sr sat on his other side. After five more seconds, Rita finally talked to him. "Lincoln, me and your father are very disappointed in you."

"Very, very, very disappointed." said Lynn Sr.

"I know." Lincoln sighed sadly. "I really messed up big time."

"You really hurt Ronnie Anne." his father added. "And what's worse, you poisoned her. That discontinued vomit syrup could have crippled her, or killed her."

"I know." Lincoln felt like crying now. "But i never meant for any of this to happen. It was supposed to be a prank. I promise! You guys understand i would never hurt her, come on, you have to believe me!"

"We do believe you, honey." Rita said.

"We know you would never deliberately hurt someone like that." the father pointed. "Her family did say that she will be ok."

"But, what you did was still wrong and excusable." the mother added.

Lincoln knew exactly where this is going, and he bowed his head with his eyes closed again, awaiting the inevitable. "Then, i guess i'll just stay in my room forever with no chance of going to college."

"Well, we don't know about that." said Lynn Sr

"But, what we do know is that; you are definitely going to be punished for this." Rita added.

"Like i said before, i will accept any punishment you will give me."

"We know." Lynn Sr said. "Which is why you are grounded for two weeks with no video games, TV, leaving the house, reading comic books, laptop, Flipees, or using phone calls unless it's an emergency."

"OK." Lincoln sighed. "I deserve it. Can't believe i almost killed Ronnie Anne."

"Look, honey." said Rita, "We know you would never hurt Ronnie Anne like this." she gave him a gentle hand on the back to try and cheer him up. "Look, we are only doing this because we love you, Lincoln. It's never out of malice or spite."

"Uh-huh. I know."

"We just hope you have learned your lesson over what you did." Lynn Sr said.

"I did. I will never do this again." Lincoln promised.

Both parents smiled at him, and got off the bed. "Good." said Rita.

"Do you want me to stay in my room."

"Well, no. Just don't look at the TV, ok sport?" said Lynn Sr

"OK, dad. But i just need to be alone for a little while."

"Look, Ronnie Anne will be fine and recover from the prank." Rita pointed. "Everything will be fine. And if you need anything just let me and your father know, ok?"

"Got it, mom."

"And one more thing. We're giving Loona a last warning." the father pointed

"What warning?"

"That if something like that would ever happen again, or similar, you will be prohibited from seeing Loona again. Understand, Lincoln?"

"Got it. I'll make sure it will never happen again."

Fourteen days later

It was boring being grounded for two weeks, but Lincoln was a free man and free to do what he wanted, as long as he would never hurt anyone like that again. Lincoln di learn his lesson after the horrible prank and vowed to never do something like that on anyone ever again. On the upside while Lincoln was grounded, Loona nd his friends could still visit him. And speaking of which, Loona and Vortex came to visit Lincoln and the male hellhound said: "Guess what, Lincoln; my girlfriend has requested you to meet her today."

"Oh joy." Loona rolled her eyes bitterly with her arms crossed

"the Queen of Gluttony?"

"Yep. And just call her Bee. She doesn't care about formalities." said Tex

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