Octavia A Gamer?

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Lincoln and Octavia were still having fun together, and they were in front of one of Stolas' pet plants. "Wow," Lincoln looked at the multiple eyes of this demonic plant. "Is it me or does your dad have a thing for plants?"

"Oh yes." said Octavia. "Poisonous plants are one of dads' specialities." Octavia smiled. "A single bite from them can be enough to kill a human in minutes, or even seconds."

The white-haired boy became scared and backed away from the large plant, who blinked at him twice after staring at him. "I have a feeling they hate me so much." Then the monstrous plant made a gargling sound at him.

"No, they tolerate visitors." Octavia said. "Think of them as like dogs or cats without legs."

"Sure, I'll try."

"As long as they are well-fed, they are as gentle as a giraffe." Octavia smiled. And, Lincoln?"


"I'm... sorry about my mum again."

"No, it's ok. It's nothing compared to Chandler at school sometimes. But Loona scared him off, and I think," he smirked when he remembered the reaction of that dipshit. "I think she made him pee his pants."

Octavia laughed. "I wish I was there to see that happen."

"Yeah. But I guess when Stella found out about my Scottish ancestry, she just became a little... attached to me in a way."

"Scottish ancestry?" Asked Octavia

"Yeah, I come from Scottish kings and queens."

The Goetia princess sounded surprised. "Oh shit," she said. "That is so cool."

"Yeah, but it's not a big deal."

"not a big deal? It's a privilege to be a descendant to royalty."

"I know, but in my home, kings and queens can never rule it anymore."

"True." Octavia. "I'm aware of the Amendments of the United States. And how they kicked Britains' arse to gain their freedom. With the help of France of course.

Lincoln laughed. "Right." He said.

"What's this about amendments?" Asked Stolas, walking in the room to feed the plant pet with a big piece of raw steak.

"Well, it's nothing, dad. We were just talking about Lincoln's royal ancestry."

Stolas was taken aback by those words. "Royal ancestry? You never told me you were from royalty, Lincoln."

"Well yes and no." The boy admitted. "It takes place in Scotland and me and my family's line, my dads side of the family, we're royal and ruled over Scotland. And my ancestors ruled over the city of Loch Loud."

"Well." Stolas sounded more intrigued. "That explains why Stella is more... tolerant of you than most people."

"Yeah, she's trying to help Lincoln be more of a royal person and be more like a duke or a king."

"oh no." Stolas realized. "Please tell me he is not trying to give him a makeover and try to change his life, is she?"


"Well the nerve of that woman." Stolas sounded a little pissed. "Look, Lincoln, Stella doesn't know (bleep) about how you should live. You are in control of your own destiny. You never really want someone else to tell you what you should be. This may be Hell, but this isn't North Korea."

"I know that." Said Lincoln. "I'm not gonna let Stella control my life. I'm just trying to be nice to her is all. Trying not to be put in the middle of the divorce going on between you two. Besides, since thinks I am disgusting as a hellhound, I should probably just stay away from her."

"She always has a great disdain for the people at the bottom of the pyramid." Stolas rolled his eyes. "And I perfectly understand your statement. Just be careful with her. People like her can be crafty and cunning."

"I noticed." Lincoln pointed. "Andrealphus is a little weird but he's alright."

"Especially be careful with him."

"Yeah, Stella told me that he likes to freeze people for the fun of it."

"yes, and he doesn't any remorse in doing such act whatsoever." Stolas had a look of contempt about his shitty brother-in-law. "But, alas, I am not trying to keep you away from him, or Stella. I am only just giving you some advice."

"I get it. You're just looking out for me. Besides, the Loud family isn't really famous anymore anyway. All of it was about four hundred years ago anyway."

"I have heard of the Loud clan admittedly. Really interesting read and..." Stolas got his face a little closer to Lincoln to the point of invading his personal space. "You do have quite the resemblance to the Duke himself."

"Dad!" Octavia groaned. "Personal space."

"Right, sorry."

"So Octavia, you play video games?"

"I do." The princess smiled. "I can show you all I have on my TV."

Lincoln smiled. "Cool." They ran to the ridiculously large TV in the living room and Octavia pulled a game called "End of Exorcists: God is Dead."

According to plot, this game involves demons shooting and killing angels, namely the exorcists who work for heaven to keep the population of Hell in check."

It was a really messed up game, for it had moments where Lincoln had to shoot some cherubs in this game, but this was Hell and this was not all real. No, he would never kill anyone out of malice in real life.

"Nice shooting, Lincoln." Octavia commended him.

"Thanks, years of practice." While playing, Lincoln couldn't help but ask the princess: "so Octavia, how does it feel to be the Goetia queen one day?"

Octavia frowned and admitted. "It kinda sounds a little boring. So many royal work and duties to fulfill as ruler of a whole royal family. Honestly, I don't think I would want that kind of life. So much stress, so much work."

"Just a question."

"I know, I know. But if I have to, then I promise to be better than most Goetias, including my mum."

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