Lincoln Hangs With Loona More

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At last, he was at Clyde's house and Lincoln is always happy to see his best friend, who is also the brother he always wanted in his life. He stopped by his friends' house so that he can return the comic book he borrowed from him for a few days.

When he rang the bell, he was greeted by both of Clyde's fathers

"Ah, Lincoln." said Harold. "Always nice to see you here, kiddo. I bet you're here to see our son, right?" he smiled. His husband, Howard, who was taller and white and more slim than Harold, was right next to him.

"Yep. Always."

"Ah, that's always the reason." said Howard.

"Come on in, we just made sugar-free brownies as a snack." said Harold.

"Ooh! brownies." said Lincoln. He walked inside to see Clyde interacting with his two cats. "Hey Clyde!"

His best friend smiled to see Lincoln and walked up to him. "Hey buddy!" he then noticed the bag of ice on his stomach. "What's with the ice?" he asked

"Huh? Oh, that." Lincoln said, looking at his stomach. "I was mugged by three scumbags."

"mugged?" Howard.

"Are you ok?" Harold asked

"I'm fine. They just gave me a punch in the stomach. But I was saved by someone."

Clyde sighed in relief. "That's good. Was it the police?"

"Well... not really the police." Lincoln admitted. He didn't want to put Loona in danger and thought of a way to protect her secret. "It was a cool girl named Loona and she... turned them over to the authorities after beating them up."

"Your sister?" asked Clyde

"No this is a different Loona. She's a bad girl."

"Bad?" said Harold

"Like, the new sense of the word. You know, like bad in a good way?"

The three Mcbrides understood what the kid meant now. "What's she like?" asked Clyde

"Well... she prefers to keep her life discreet." Lincoln lied to them. "Yeah, she doesn't like so much attention. She kinda stays out of the spotlight most of the time."

"Oh. We understand." said Howard. "Not a lot of people want to be famous for something."

"I'll say." said Harold. "We're just glad you're ok, Lincoln."

"Me too." the white-haired boy agreed.

"She must have been really brave to take on armed muggers by herself." said Howard

"She was." Clyde added. "You sure you're ok?"


Lincopn managed to return the device to his own best friend and was happy.. Coming back home, Lincoln saw that his house was as chaotic and rowdy, which was normal in this household. The white-haired boy was quite used to the shenanigans that happened in this place, and from his own family.

He still felt the soreness in his chest after that hard punch. "Yep, just another day here in the Loud house." he said to himself.

"Bro there you are," said Luna coming to give him the Flipee that she promised to give him. "I saw you weren't home and I saved the flippee in the freezer for you."

"Oh yeah, thanks Luna." said Lincoln. he happily took the flippee from her and took a few sips from it.

"Don't mention it, dude. So i-" the noticed the bag of ice on his stomach and asked: "whoa, Linc, what happened?"

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