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Lincoln was still hearing the praise he was getting from the audience after performing that classic metal song, and he still wished Luna was here to see this, and she would have been proud of him for performing in front of a crowd like this (even if the crowd was consisted of demons.)

"Lincoln, with that kind of voice, you might be going places." Verosika proudly said. "And I mean make it to the big top like I will."

"Thanks." Said Lincoln gratefully. "I don't know if I might become as famous as Slash or Axl Rose but it could happen."

"You can't give up for trying." Loona smirked

Millie cleared her throat at the female hellhound before asking; "well Loona? Moxxie helped out Lincoln in the song."

"So?" Said Loona carelessly.

"So, is there something y'all would like to say to him?" Millie pointed

"Like some kind of praise for what I did?" Moxxie added

"grr, fine fine fine." The female hellhound sounded annoyed. She cleared her throat and said: "Moxxie... you... were..." she paused as Moxxie and Millie waited for a perfect response from her. "Not terrible to say the least."

"Thank you, Loona." Said Moxxie. "I mean, close enough."

The female hellhound held back something in her throat. "I think I just threw up a little in my mouth."

"Oh come on!" Moxxie said. "Would it kill you to treat me with a little bit of respect at least, Loona?"

"Yes. Yes it would." the female hellhound flatly stated.

"Come on guys, don't get mad at each other at Lincoln's triumph here. The kid did an amazing job." Said Blitzo before giving Lincoln a rough pat on the back. For his performance, Lincoln won himself a free drink here. Good think this place also served nonalcoholic beverages as well, and Lincoln enjoyed himself a root beer from the bartender.

Yes, Lincoln felt like a whole new hellhound right now. "Ever thought about doing a song with me, sweetheart?" Verosika suggested. "Think about it, me and your voice combined and doing a song."

"I like that idea." Said Tex.

"You guys can really kill it." Crystal pointed

"No argument there, Crystal." Said Serena.

"Still it's a shame Luna wasn't here. But I know why." Lincoln said before taking a sip of his drink.

"Don't worry, I got it on video." Loona reassured him. "I'll show it to her and your other sisters later."

Lincoln smiled gratefully.

"Thanks Loona."

"Don't mention it, Linc." The female hellhound said.

"Lincoln, I know this isn't much, but," before Octavia could say anything else, she gave him a hug by surprise, making the kid feel warm and fuzzy on the inside (in a good way of course).

Young Lincoln didn't know what to say at first, but her body felt warm and it was very comforting for him like this. Blitzo had a look on his face and said in his thoughts: "lucky Lincoln strikes again. Quite the ladies man."

Loona herself looked amused at this and smirked at how Lincoln was given affection like this. When Octavia let him go, Lincoln said: "thanks Octavia."

"You're welcome, dear." Said Octavia.

"I think this hellhound thing can work after all." Said Loona.

"Maybe, but I still have a life on Earth." Lincoln reminded. "My friend Clyde would probably faint if he saw me like this, and blowing in a paper bag like he's gasping for air in outer space."

"Don't worry," said Verosika. "What Clyde doesn't know won't hurt him, right?"

"come on, you know why I can't be like this forever."

"Relax." Said Crymini. "We know you have a life on Earth."

Before bedtime, Loona was in the house and showing Lincoln's family the video of him at the club. They were as impressed as Lincoln's new demon friends and the crowd from the club. "He was awesome." Said Blitzo.

"Totally rockin', dude!" Luna said before hugging her only brother. "Lincoln that was so cool! I wish I could have been there to see you in person."

"Thanks Luna." Said Lincoln. "Glad you like it."

"Like it?" Said Luna. "We love it! I should have been there."

"It probably wasn't a good idea if you would have come anyway, Luna." Said the female hellhound. "Hell has many demons that can hurt or kill you... or even eat you if given the chance."

"Come on, there is nothing we can't handle." Said Lynn. "We've dealt with many crazy shit before-"

"Lynn!" The parents scolded. "Language!"

"Ok, ok, sorry." The sports girl sighed.

"Look, I'm sure your parents wouldn't allow you to come with us in hell." Said Moxxie. "If you get hurt, they would probably kill us."

"Well they would have a hard time killing me and Loona and Millie." Said Blitzo

"Come on, I am not weak." Moxxie complained.

"Can't even lift a butterfly." Loona sang.

"Alright alright, look," said Rita. "If the kids wanna come with you to Hell, then we can let them. As long as they are with you."

"Of course." Said Moxxie. "They'll be fine."

"Absolutely." Millie smiled. "Lincoln told us about your adventure in Scotland and how crazy it was. For that, they are more than happy to tag along."

"As long as they don't blab about Hell to any other humans." Loona pointed.

"Don't worry, our lips are sealed." Said Lori.

"But, when do we have seal lips?" Asked Leni, making everyone facepalm.

The next morning, Lincoln awoke and he felt a little off again. He didn't have a tail and dog ears anymore, or any more dog or hellhound features. He rushed to the bathroom and saw he had his adorkable human face again.

He smiled at seeing that he was back to normal now. Now he won't have to worry about being seen by the public anymore on Earth.

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