A Close Call

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Stolas and Clyde were outside of a very fancy bakery not far from Stolas' place. It was called "Windsor Twats" which was a vulgar joke name for the dessert ish: "Windsor Torts".

This place is Hell after all, and language and vulgarity didn't even matter. Literally no one doesn't give a fuck about vulgarity or some standards.

While it didn't mean there are totally no laws down here in Hell, many of the rules were certainly ignored since most people don't care. While the name gave Clyde an uncomfortable feeling, he can at least trust Stolas on this one since he is a nice demon.

"Are you sure about this, lord Stolas?" Asked Clyde

"Absolutely. I have known Pinky Pompous for years and years, and he never ceases to impress and dazzle me in every visit or delivery."

"Ah, if it isn't the man of the hour." Said a high-pitched male voice in an exaggerated British accent. "What can I do you for today, lord Stolas?"

"Well, Pinky, this is my new friend, Clyde."

"Ah, some lunch to eat?" Asked Pinky obliviously.

"What?!" Clyde began to panic.

"No! No, no, no, no, no, no." Stolas tried to calm him down. "Take it easy Clyde. I would never eat you."

The kid pulled out a paper bag and began hyperventilating in and out and of it.

"Look, if I was going to eat you, you would not still he alive right now."

"Oh." Clyde took a deep breath.

"Pinky doesn't really know what he is talking about." The prince added.

"Yeah I don't know shit about humans anyway." Said the chef demon.

"Now Pinky, I have a little... Stella problem."

"Oh Satan." Pinky groaned as he placed his right hand over his forehead. "What does that vulture want this time?"

"Well here's how it is." The Goetia prince cleared his throat. "Stella wants Clyde to not be friends with Via anymore just because he is not rich enough to be friends with her. So she gave Clyde an impossible task."

"Really?" Said Pompous. "What kind of errand is it, chap?"

"She wants him to make her Le Gâteau a la Goetia."

That dish name was enough for Pinky to spit out his champagne and chock on it. "Is she fucking insane?" He exclaimed. "That dish is nearly impossible to craft! Even the finest chefs have failed trying to perfect it."

"i keep trying to talk Clyde out of it, but he wants to make it."

"Yeah, because I am a chef and I want to prove my culinary skills and put them to the test." Said the kid. "I want to be the greatest chef in the world."

"Heh, i like your dedication, my dear boy." said Pinky. "If that is what you really want, then i shall grant you what you want."

"What we need is some edible gold that my stupid bi- i mean witch of an ex-wife can enjoy. And we know how picky how she can be with expensive food." he rolled his eyes in contempt about his venomous bitch ex. "You have seen how spiteful she can be."

"Oh yes." said Pinky. "I will never forget how evil that cunt is."

Stolas made a gasp and covered Clyde's ears. "Language!" he chided the chef. "Not in front of this boy."

"Sorry, your highness." the chef bowed his head. "Let me look for that edible gold that Stella would want." he went to the back to look for the key glaze for the Goetia cake, and left the two alone as he was searching.

"My sincere apologies for that outburst. It is Hell after all, and profanity doesn't really matter down here."

"It's ok, your highness." Clyde said. "I get the feeling that Stella hates me."

"Oh, Stella pretty much hates everything except herself, jewelry, and champagne, material possessions, and other things related to rich lifestyles."

"Does she care about Octavia?"

Stolas had an uncomfortable look on his face and didn't answer for a few seconds. "Stella and Via have a rather... complicated relationship. While Stella says she loves Octavia, she hasn't really done anything to interact with our daughter many times as she is growing up. I mean, Via goes to Andrealphus' house where she now lives on weekends and that is pretty much it. But i have a feeling that Stella is trying to turn our daughter against me for her own personal gain and benefit, not really thinking about what Via wants, like what she is trying do to keep you away from Octavia."

Looking a little angry and appalled, Clyde had a more determined look on his face. "Well i am going to put Stella in her place." he said

"And you are sure there is nothing i can do to talk you out of this disastrous recipe?" Stolas asked one last time

"Yep. I am sure, Stolas." Clyde bowed his head.

"Here we are!" Pinky came back with a box of slated and shredded edible gold. "This should be more than enough to suffice for Stella."

"Perfect!" Clyde smiled. "Now let's get cooking."

In the chateau kitchen, everything was ready for Clyde for to bake, although Stolas was still worried that this wasn't going to be a good idea. Admittedly, it took a little longer than expected, about three hours to be exact, and he was slightly covered in flour from all the moving and baking he was doing in the process. This was definitely one of the hardest things he is trying to make with his culinary skills, but alas; Clyde wouldn't give up, for his friendship with Octavia was important to him

At last, the time came when the cake was done, and when Clyde got it out of the oven, Stolas was quite surprised to see that the cake looked exactly how it was from the cookbook. Looks very exsquisite and delicate enough, but now it needed the finishing touch: the edible gold flakes. As Clyde sprinkled on the cake, it was finished.

"Et voila!" Clyde let out an air kiss. "Hot from the oven and full of lovin'."

"Well... I... i don't believe it." Stolas said. "No one who has tried to cook La Gateau a la Goetia has never succeeded."

"Let's see what Stella thinks of my cake."

"This should be good." Stolas had a devious look on his face. He called Stella to tell her the news, and she soon arrived with Andrealphus accompanying her.

"Prepare to be amazed, ma cherie." said Clyde

"Hmph, you actually did it?" Stella looked a little unimpressed. "Oh, who am i kidding, it probably tastes like pure shit anyway."

"Just try it, you stupid bitch." Stolas said

"Do no-!" Stella was about to scream again, but saw Clyde in the room, and kept her composure. "Very well, let's get this over with." she pulled out a small fancy fork and picked out a small piece of the cake and took a bite of it. When she was munching it, her eyes widened in disbelief about the flavor and texture.

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