Peculiar Face After Lincoln

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These movies just keep getting better and better for Lincoln. His stomach was full from all the food he ate from the banquet table, for he had some pizza, some burgers, Chinese, and more. Pretty much everyone had full bellies tonight. All of them were watching Return of the Jedi now and Lincoln's couldn't have asked for a better night than spending with his demon friends. He wished that Clyde, and the rest of his best friends were there with him on this awesome movie night, but alas; he couldn't in the risk of exposing the secrecy of Hell to the entire planet. Besides, Clyde would probably faint in shock after being down here for even a few seconds.

There was always another time though on Earth. Perhaps when Loona and Octavia come over to Lincoln or Clyde's house, they can have another movie night in disguise since they can shape-shift. Although it would mostly be at Clyde's place since it is much quieter there, and that house was far nicer than Lincoln's place. At least the white-haired boy wouldn't have to hear the noisy chaos of his own homelife at Clyde's place.

He took another sip of his fourth root beer to drink and he let out a loud burp, making everyone look at him in surprise. The kid looked a little embarrassed, for he was very used to living with a bunch of girls in his house. "Sorry. Excuse me." Lincoln said

"Sorry for what?" said Loona. "That was pretty good."

"I'm used to being around my sisters so much that i've been trying to be... less gross around them as possible. But my sister Lynn is a hardcore tomboy and she farts and burps all the time. Yet everyone is used to her doing that stuff but me."

"Well it is disgusting." Moxxie pointed.

"Oh of course you would say that, pussy." said Loona, taunting him again

"Shut up Loona, nobody asked your opinion. If I wanted your opinion, I would ask your daddy." Moxxie insulted her back.

"He's not my dad, fatty!" Loona said angrily. "He'll never be my real dad!"

"Hey hey hey!" Tex said. "Calm down, guys. We're watching a movie here. No need to fight."

"Yes, can't we all just get along?" asked Verosika. "Especially in front of this adorable boy here." she was obviously referring to Lincoln, who blushed at the pop star's comment. Deep down, Lincoln couldn't tell if the succubus meant it or if she was just being playful. Bah, she probably meant it because she defended in Lincoln and saying that it was her fault in the prank and not the boy's. "And i hate to see kids cry."

"She started it." said Moxxie, pointing at the female hellhound.

"No, you started it! By being born in the first place!" Loona insulted the imp some more.

"You clearly don't know the kind of shitty childhood I had you canine whore!" said Moxxie with his teeth gritting.

"Can't be as bad as my shitty childhood, you dipshit!" Loona retorted.

Getting tired of this pointless banter, Vortex paused the movie and let out a loud, ear-piercing roar that sounded deep and guttaral. Something like a combination of a lion roaring and a wolf howling together.

Everyone was silent and frightened by the terrifying sound that the nice male hellhound had created with his throat and lungs. "Stop fighting!" Tex said. "I don't care who started it, I will finish it if you both don't knock it off!"

At last, Loona and Moxxie apologized for their argument and refrained from saying any more insults to one another.

"Now this movie night, guys." Tex reminded in a much softer voice. "Don't ruin it for everyone."

"I know." Loona looked ashamed, for she had never seen this side of her crush before, but on the other hand; she heard about how the nice kind of people can be the most dangerous. She can see why Verosika hired him to be her bouncer in the first place.

Hearing the silence in the living room, Stolas asked: "Say Tex, why not be my bouncer or bodyguard?"

"Never came to me." Said the male hellhound

"Sorry your highness," said Verosika. "But I saw him first."

They all resumed the movie together and it was a nice time in the atmosphere again.

The morning had passed and Moxxie and Millie were sleeping together on one of the couches, and Lincoln was coincidentally resting his himself in-between Loona and Octavia.

The boy was the first one to wake up and heard the sounds of various snoring from his sleeping friends. "Man, what a night." He said to himself. "I wonder how my sisters are doing this morning.

Little did he know that at home; all of his sisters had upset stomachs and chocolate around their faces. Turns out; they all had chocolate cupcakes to eat for dessert in the sleepover and they are quite the chocoholics. All of sisters probably felt too weak to go anywhere ever again by how full they were. Not only cupcakes, but there was also chocolate bar wrappers on the floor, indicating that the girls all had candy bars for themselves

"If I explode," said Lori, "you'll all literally have to hose me off of the walls from blood and my intestines."

"Same here dude." Luna burped. "I feel like the worst kind of crap right now."

Little did Lincoln know that; some demon was watching him from afar, in a run-down apartment building to be exact and he looked like a gangster of some kind with a gangster outfit.

"Yeah boss, I see him." Said the mafia demon. "Should I kill him for you?"

"No." said a voice from the other line. "Let him have his fun and be a happy kid... for now. Besides, I would like to meet him face to face.

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