Creating a Distraction for a Crime Lord

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Walking a few more miles down a few roads, Lincoln and Barbie Wire finally made it to the destination. It was an old, stinky warehouse that was guarded by a couple of tiger demons in militia outfits and holding sub-machine guns. Lincloln gulped and knew this was going to be no easy tak for him whatsoever. Those tiger guards looked like they meant business. "Why couldn't it have been a place like a fast food restaurant or a supermarket? I got a bad feeling about this."

"Relax. Don't be a pussy." said Barbie. "I've been here many times before. There's a backdoor we can sneak in to. Hopefully, there won't be any asshole guards there. Come on."

Barbie grabbed Lincoln's hand and yoinked him with her to the back entrance, hiding behind a large dumpster next to a fence. Peeking over from the right side, Barbie cursed at herself to see two more tiger guards on both sides of the backdoor. "Man, how can we get inside?" Lincoln asked "They look tough to fight."

"Good thing i brought my silencer for my pistol." Barbie smirked, putting the attachment on her glock. "Just stay here and i'll deal with these assholes. She rolled to the side, and shot her pistol at the first guard through the skull, killing him instantly, then she didn't hesitate to one-shot the second tiger demon guard. "Booyah." she said to herself. "Now quick, help me hide the bodies, kiddo."


The boy was uncomfortable doing thing, but it would be even more scary if these goons or this Fyuk Dong asshole had Lincoln and gunpoint. No doubt, these guys would have no problem killing a human boy. This was Hell, after all.

"We should take a peak inside to see if there are more in there in case we get caught." Lincoln suggested

"Good thinking. Wait here." slowly, Barbie opened the back door and peeked, moving her eyes to and fro. It looked clear in the narrow corridor, and he signaled Lincoln that the cost was clear, and he went inside with her. "Oh! Here comes two fuckers." Barbie put her right hand on Lincoln's mouth as she heard foot steps of three men. Like the stealth of a snake, Barbie managed to crawl through the floor, and shoot the three goons in the back of the head with her silenced pistol.

She blew the opening of her pistol and reloaded her weapon. "Never mess with the best motherfuckers." As she got rid of these dead brutes, throwing them in a nearby closet. "Come on, help me out here, Lincoln. You wanna go back to your family or not?"

"Ok, i'll help you." Lincoln sounded reluctant. As they both managed to hide the bodies, they continued onward, and they both hid behind a large barrel of meth, and there were a large group of these tiger guards either guarding, playing darts, watching TV, or other things. In the center of the room, on a balcony was an obese Panda-like demon with one eye like a cyclops, and a sunken mouth, with one droopy horn at the top of his head, like a spike on top of a cactus. He was wearing an ugly-looking leather jacket colored brown and some cheesy leathered pants.

This guy was smoking a rather large cigar in his mouth as well. "See the Panda guy, Lincoln?" Barbie whispered to him

"That's... Dong?"

"The one and only. A fucking piece of work that guy."

"So you want me to create a distraction from him?"



"I don't know. Sing a song, play cards with him, play pool with him, anything that can distract him long enough for me to get those drugs."

"Ok." The boy was thinking of a perfect distraction, and it finally hit his brain. "I got something."

"Then what are you waiting for? Break a leg."

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