Friends Joining In

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Still watching and keeping an eye on Lincoln from afar, Loona was waiting to see if Verosika was going to double cross the white-haired boy by doing any funny business with him. After all, a succubus has a gigantic sex drive. Loona's eyeballs were becoming a little sore from watching Lincoln for a whole twenty minutes. It was like someone foolishly trying to read a book in the dark with no light on. Alas; she needed to make sure that Lincoln keeps his little ass safe from any danger, especially since that mugging. If Loona didn't save his ass before, then Lincoln would have face a very horrible death, and no child deserves that, even Loona was aware of that.

"He is still just relaxing with Verosika in that hot tub." Loona said to Blitzo over her walkie-talkie.

"Good. Why not just storm in and take down Verosika right now?"

"But Lincoln looks happy and relaxed." said Loona. "I don't want to ruin it for him. Verosika doesn't seem to be hurting him right now. It's not like she will just pounce on him like a wolf catching a hare."

"She is crafty and cunning." Blitzo warned. "She's fucking craftier than a hundred foxes."

"You guys can relate, huh Blitzo?"

"Ha ha, very funny."

Back in the penthouse, Lincoln was still having the time of his life sitting next to a beautiful succubus and enjoying the warm feeling of this jacuzzi. He wished he can live in a house or apartment floor like this one. Alas, things like this were very top of the line for him to afford.

"You seem quiet, Lincoln." said Verosika. "Are you ok?"

"Oh yeah, yeah, i'm fine. I'm just thinking how cool it is to get your own stuff like this. You being a pop star, and getting all this money from all the songs you make."

"Yep. Lucky me." Verosika boasted. "Though it can be a pain being famous, like the paparazzi i mentioned before. Do you know what it's like to have a horde or a swarm of cameramen or reporters get their cameras right in front of your face just waiting to get a story into the inquirer?"

Lincoln looked a little confused and looked to and fro. "No, not really."

"Good, because it gets annoying really fast. While i still like posing in front of the camera to my fans, i just can't take those fucking questions." she made a growl. "I mean, it's aggrevating."

"Like poking a sleeping bear during hibernation?"

"Yes! Exactly like that. But anyway, how can you-"

"Live with ten sisters? I know, it's crazy and chaotic lots of times." Lincoln said. "Sometimes i need a vacation."

Verosika smirked. "Lucky for me, i can take a vacation as many times as I want. Being a rich and famous pop star that I am."

"I wish i can get as much cool stuff as you have. My own arcade, my own go-kart rink, ice cream maker,"

"A lot of people do, Lincoln."

"I can try winning the lottery, but i'm too young and it's a very low chance." said Lincoln. "Like the chances of being struck by lightning."

"Come on, don't waste your time on that. It's just a big waste of money, sweetie." Verosika put her arm around Lincoln's naked shoulders. "It's not the wisest thing to do if you are looking to make some money."

"Got it."

"So you like video games?"

"Video games and comic books." Lincoln replied. "It's a shame most of my sisters don't like video games since they're girls after all."

Verosika made a frown. "Not all girls don't like video games."

"I know, my sister Lana is a tomboy and she loves video games. And she is one of the most hardcore tomboys ever. She likes dirty jobs like unclogging toilets or rolling around in mud like a pig, and frogs."

"Nice. Not all girls are ones that love to wear pink all the time." said Verosika. "In fact, there are benefits to dating or marrying tomboys."

"No argument." Lincoln agreed. "half of my sisters are tomboys anyway."

"Very cool. So what kind of comic books do you like to read?"

"Ace Savvy, but pretty much most comics are good to read, Verosika."

Verosika then had a peculiar look. "Can you please not tell anyone else about this, but... i love video games, too."

"Wow, really?"

"Yeah, but I keep it from the public." she crossed her arms.


"because i'm afraid of what my fans would think of me. I'm supposed to look beautiful, sexy, and dazzling as a pop star. In Hell, image is everything. Just like in Hollywood. If demons found out i played video games, they would think i'm so as fucking weird as Jeffrey Dahmer."

"That's ridiculous."

"I wish it was, Lincoln. I really wish it was."

"You ever heard of this saying: everybody's a critic before?"

"More times than I can count. Yeah." The succubus rolled her eyes.

"You shouldn't let other people judge you. I mean, I hate to say it, but not everyone in the world won't like you. One of the people who just hates me is Chandler. He's just a turd and a bully who just wants to do anything to make my life a living hell."


"Kind of. He's one of those spoiled rich kids. His dad owns a sewer plant."

"Well if he is bothering you, you can come to me for help and I can give him a peace of my mind. Like sucking his soul a little."

"Whoa whoa whoa, I don't want him dead. I don't want to be a terrible person."

"Oh you're not a terrible person, Linky." Said Verosika. "I can sense all the innocence inside of you. I mean, you're still a little boy." She hugged him closely.

"You're kinda... invading my personal space."

"Sorry." Verosika immediately let him go. "I just can't help it. You are just so adorable."

Lincoln flushed. "Thanks."

Just then, a group of succubi and incubi came through the front door. "Hey Verosika!" Said the blonde one in a ponytail. "We wanted-" she gasped as she saw Lincoln sitting with the pop star. "Oh my god. It's that human boy!" She went up to him and clasped his cheeks. "Look at him, he is the cutest little boy I have ever seen. I just want to cuddle him up like a teddy bear."

"Save room for me, Apple." Said the one with the Afro. "I'm so glad Verosika spot you in the bar, little one."

"Tell me, cutie, got a name?" Asked the ponytail succubus

"Lincoln, ma'am." The boy replied.

"A very adorable name." Said the ponytail Succubus. "Call me Apple."

"I'm Coco." The Afro one added.


"I'm Ace."


"Names' Kiki."

"And I'm Kat."

"Nice to meet you all I guess."

"Hey hey hey, give him space you sluts." Verosika said. "Don't crowd him. Just in time for a group hot tub time."

"Count me in." Said Apple. "I'm sitting next to the cutie boy."

They all changed into their swimsuits and all got in the hot tub.

Loona grew frustrated and said: "god fucking damnit! Those ducking idiots are blocking the way."

"Not to worry, Loony," said Blitzo, "I'm on the case."

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