Lucy Meets Lucifer

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The jacuzzi Lincoln was in was so soothing and heavenly. Maybe not as much as Verosika or Katie's hot tubs but still relaxing. "So you actually met Lord Lucifer?" asked Zeezi. "I know i have asked you before, baby, but still. It's a great privelage to meet Hell's king. What was he like?"

"Not what I was expecting. Thought he would be more evil and monstrous like how many movies, games, books, or the Bible would depict him."

"Yeah, all them fucking Christians putting Lord Lucifer in a bad light like this. Though some movies gave him a really cool, badass kind of appearance. One of the great things about movies and CGI. But it's sad how the king is depicted in many of them Bible stories. When in doubt, blame the Bible and Christianity." Zeezi pointed. "But yeah, the old guy is a delight, isn't he?"

"You can say that again," said Lincoln

"To be fair," said Loona, "I kinda wish Lord Lucifer was that evil-looking monster like in the movies, because some of those designs look pretty badass, as you said, mistress Zeezi."

"Oh you can just call me Zeezi, Loona."

"Right, sorry." Loona blushed heavily.

"So get this, my own little sister wants to meet Lucifer." Lincoln said to the tall raptor demon. "She's a pure goth girl at heart and it's one of her lifelong dreams to meet him, but i think she might be a little..."

"Disappointed?" said Loona with her arms behind her head in relaxation

"Exactly! she always viewed him as the most evil being of all time, and she loves evil things." Lincoln said. "That, and i've been told that Hell is a secret from us mortals. The most sacred kind of secret that all demons have to follow."

"The worst kept secret, you mean.." said Zeezi "Everyone on Earth knows about Hell from many religions, but there are still many who believe in it. So it wouldn't make a difference if it was exposed or not. Besides, this is where evil fuckers go when they die anyway."


"But hey, just make her swear not to tell everyone else about Lucifer, or Hell being real." Zeezi said. "And you'll be just fine."


"I can imagine how disappointed she might be meeting him." Loona smirked.

"You're not thinking about taking a picture of that, are you?"

"No..." Loona said, moving her eyes to and fro. "But i'm going with you just in case something bad happens. Being Hell, it's unpredictable down here after all."

"That's fine. Just in case Crimson comes back." Lincoln said

"Crimson?" Zeezi recognized. "The mob boss?"

"You know him?"

"of him." the raptor-demon overlord pointed. "That piece of shit is bad news. And I mean bad to the bone, Lincoln. How do you know about him?"

"He took me hostage one time so he can kill Moxxie, his son. But then Moxxie's own mom came and saved the day."

"Oh Satan." said Zeezi. "Did he hurt you?"

"Not so much. He just slapped me." Lincoln said.

Then Zeezi began to grow angry. "How can that motherfucker do that to a kid? If I ever see that asshole again, I'll rip him in two... with my own mouth."

"Whoa there, girl." said Loona. "Thanks for looking out for Lincoln, but i doubt that mafia bastard will come back any time soon. Moxxie's mom made it perfectly clear, if he tries to hurt her kid, or his friends, then she would end him in the most painful way."


Later on in the day, Charlie came by to Lincoln's house, in her human disguise, and pressed the doorbell, waiting for an answer. As expected, Lincoln answered the door, and asked: "Can I help you?"

"It's me, Lincoln. Charlie."

"Oh! Sorry, i didn't recognize you with your human disguise. What's going on, Charlie?"

"My daddy decided to let Lucy meet him."

"Yay!" a monotonous voice said from behind the white-haired boy. It was Lucy herself, for she had her regular thing of unintentionally or intentionally scaring people by appearing next to or behind them like a ghost. "Thank you so much, Charlie! I really appreciate it!"

"Lucy, I hate it when you do that!" Lincoln said, getting back on his feet.

"I know." The goth girl smirked. "But it's a force of habit. So I'm ready when you are."

"As soon as Loona gets here, then we can go."

"Loona?" Lucy frowned

"Yeah, she wants to come with me in case something happens."


After waiting a few minutes, the female hellhound came at the house with the grimwoir, and said: "sorry for being late. I had to get away from Moxxie."

"well if we're all ready, then I guess dad awaits."

Lucy had her big smile on her face, just dying to meet the king.

At last, there he was, sitting on his throne and lounging. Lucy slowly frowned, realizing that he didn't look exactly like she thought he would be.

To make things a little more weird was that: there were piles of rubber ducks scattered across the room.

"Hi daddy." Charlie said. "Here she is."

"Ah, so this is one of my biggest fans that is just dying to meet me... no pun intended."

"Wait, you're Satan?" Asked Lucy, sounding a little confused.

"Well, Satan is the leader of the Hate Ring. And yeah, many people call me different names, but my real name is Lucifer. It is my only name."


"Hey. What's wrong?" Lucifer knelt down on one knee to get better eye contact with her, taking off his top hat.

"Nothing. Nothing's wrong." Lucy said. "I mean no disrespect, your highness. It's just that... I didn't expect you to look like a fancy gentleman in a dazzling suit. I always thought you had bat wings, horns, red skin and goat-like features, like the ones in movies and games."

"No I totally understand. Blame that on the Bible. But... would you prefer I look like... this?" Lucifer's eyes turned red and a red aura surrounded him, and he transformed into a large, hulking and scary demon with goat horns and a goat-like face, roaring at the four.

"Yes!" Lucy began bouncing with joy.

"No!" Lincoln said. "Too scary!"

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