The Black Blade

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Someone was spying on Lincoln, but who was it? Who could be watching him in a menacing way? Perhaps time will tell in the future. Young Lincoln didn't need to know what was going on or what was going to happen until the time was right, such as when he gets kidnapped by these creeps (whoever they were).

The next morning, everyone was asleep on the chairs and the sound of snoring was heard in the living room. Not only snoring, but the sound of a demonic rooster was screeching a demonic crow.

Lincoln was sleeping in between Loona and Verosika. As he was sleeping and the female hellhound was the first to wake up and looked down at Lincoln next to her so soundly and peacefully. The female hellhound couldn't help but find it adorable, and smiled as she gently rubbed Lincoln's hand with her right hand while the kid was in his slumber. Even though she didn't want to admit it, Loona was glad to have met Lincoln, and felt lucky to have him as her friend. When she stopped stroking, Lincoln was the next one to wake up, then Moxxie and Millie, then Tex, the royal pair, and the succubi and incubi altogether.

"What a night." said Vortex. "I don't know if I'll be able to eat anything for a whole week."

"That sounds a little hard to believe." said Blitzo, rolling his eyes.

"Did you sleep well, Millie?" Moxxie asked his wife.

"With you, Mox-Mox? I always sleep like a baby swan." she hugged him and they both kissed under the light.

"Looks like it will be a big mess to clean up." Lincoln pointed, looking around and there were lots of wrappers and scraps on the floor.

"Sure as hell not gonna do it, that's for sure." Loona said, pulling out her phone to go on it as usual. "If there is one thing I hate, it would be cleaning up after someone else' shit." then she let out a big yawn with her sharp teeth showing.

"Not to worry, my dear." Stolas said. "Nothing the cleaning butlers cannot handle." He blew a whistle and a line of butlers and the Goetia prince gave out the orders to them to clean up the mess in the living room.

"Didn't we tell you this was going to be a fun night, dude?" Loona smirked at the white-haired boy.

"yeah, that was fun." Lincoln nodded his head to the female hellhound. "My sisters would have been jealous if they saw this."

"No argument." said Tex.

"So you wanna look at something cool, later?" asked Loona. "You will like it. I know it."

"Sure Loona, but I need to take a shower." Lincoln got off the couch with a yawn. "Hope there will be another movie night with you guys one day."

"Don't you worry, Lincoln." Octavia said. "there will always be more." she patted him on the back. "Did you sleep well?"

"I did. I wonder how my sisters are doing right now. Probably asleep. Or probably banned sleepovers in the house again."

"What makes you say that, Lincoln?" asked Loona.

"Because my family can be crazy." he moved his finger around next to his forehead while moving his eyeballs in a crazy fashion.

"cannot be as crazy as down here in Hell." said Verosika

"Well i wouldn't call this place as crazy," Lincoln admitted, "as I would call it a dysfunctional society."

"Yeah, that's pretty fucking valid." Blitzo pointed. He whispered into Lincoln's left ear, "But that stupid bitch over there can be very crazy and unhinged." he was obviously referring to his famous ex-girlfriend.

The succubus got angry and shouted: "Hey i heard that, you little dipshit!" she stomped over him and they both gave each other death stares of pure anger and hatred. "I am famous and have a shit ton of money, and you do not, you little loser!"

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