Sleepover For Girls Only

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The white-haired boy was glad that Loona wasn't mad at him or going to rip him limb from limb after accidentally seeing her naked. Lincoln was very lucky to he off the hook like this, and he was sitting in the bed with Loona, and showing some of the new comics he got the other day, and she was unamused as always.

As for the female hellhound, she could sense how much Lincoln was still mildly stressing about the incident.

"You still seem tense." Said Loona. "You alright?"

"Ok, I'll admit it, I'm still scared that you might skin me alive or gouge my eyes out of my head."

"Come on, why would you still see that?"

Lincoln sighed and said: "Look, granted I haven't known you as long as Blitzo, Moxxie, and Lily, but I have known you long enough that you can be..."


"Well..." Lincoln was mildly sweating at thinking of a choleric Hellhound like Loona. "You can be a little..."

"A little what, Lincoln?" Loona started to sound a little impatient for the response. "Spit it out!"

"Eruptive." The boy finally finished. "Like a ticking time bomb."

"Eruptive?" said Loona flatly. "When have I ever been like that."

"Well Blitzo said you were in a bad mood one time and you broke a demon baby's neck."

"That was because the little shit kept throwing things at me at the store."

"And Moxxie told me how you strangled Blitzo many times over and over again after he got you the wrong gift for your birthday."

Loona made a small growl and sighed before she said: "Look, Lincoln, I know you think I'm scary sometimes... and I can be, but I promise to never hurt you. When I make a promise, I make a promise." she patted him on the back a few times.

"If i was Moxxie, then would you kill me?" Lincoln couldn't help but asked

"Ha! If it was that fat little shit, I definitely would have killed him with my bare hands." Loona proudly said. "Fuck, i would even do it if it was his girl or even Blitzo. But come on, i know you're just a goody two-shoes kid."

"Well, I wouldn't call myself a Goody Two-Shoes, Loona. I've got in trouble many times before. Maybe not as much as some of my sisters, but still got in trouble at times. Like when i tried to stall my parents at a parent-teacher conference when I thought Miss Johnson was going to say bad things about me to them. I did say it can get chaotic here at times."

"I remember you saying that to me." the female hellhound rolled her eyes. "It makes sense." it was silent again and she couldn't help but jokingly ask: "Did you enjoy the show?"

"Oh stop it!" Lincoln said.

"I'm just messing with you." Loona nodded her head.

"OK." Lincoln smirked. "At least Tex wasn't there."

"Shit, that would have been so embarrassing. I would never show my face to him ever again if he saw me like that." she even blushed a crimson red just thinking about it.

"Family meeting!" Lori called out.

"Sorry Loona, this will be a minute or two." Lincoln said before getting off the bed and exiting his bedroom. Loona just went on her phone as usual and had a blank look on her dog-like face as usual. Then she couldn't help but peak at the front covers of his comic books. "Heh, he's such a nerd."

For the white-haired kid, he sat in-between the rocker girl and the naive blonde sister who loves fashion. "OK, so now that everyone is all here." Lori began speaking, "I would like to officially announce that we are going to have our own sleepover!" The siblings announced and cheered hearing the news.

"I'll bring the snacks!" Lincoln cheered.

"Ooh, about that." said Lori, with a frown on her face.

"Yeah? What's wrong?" Lincoln frowned thereafter.

"It's gonna be a girls only sleepover tonight dude." Luna pointed. "Kinda of a... no boys allowed kind of thing." she was trying to sound as nice as possible.

"What? What's wrong with me?!" Lincolns sounded offended.

"It's nothing like that, Lincoln." said Luna. "Totally not like that."

"Yeah, we're girls." said Leni.

"And girls need girl time." said Lori

"Like you are hanging out with Clyde with boy time." said Luan.

"Right, that makes sense."

"Yeah, boys need boy time and girls need girl time." said Lana

"In short, we all need time away from the boys every once in a while." Lola pointed. "And we know how boys need a break from girls once in a while."

"OK, that's a good point." Lincoln admitted. "Well-made."

"Nothing personal, Stincoln." said Lynn. "We just need some girl time every once in a while."

"I get it."

"So why not just stay at Clydes' place for the night?"

"I can't." said Lincoln. "He's in Tanzania with his dads' volunteer group for a week."

"Oh." the other sisters remarked.

"Don't worry, i'll look for a place to stay for the night."

"You sure?" said Lori.

"I'm sure."

Little did Lincoln know that from upstairs, Loona was listening in on the conversation thanks to her amazing hearing, and felt a little sympathy that Lincoln was not included to this girls-only sleepover. For that, she made a decision. As soon as Lincoln went back to his room, he was about to say something to Loona.

"Well my sisters are-"

"Having a girls-only slumber party?" Loona said.

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"Hellhound perk." Loona pointed at her ears. "So listen, this isn't easy for me to say, but... why don't you stay at my place for the night since your best friend is staying in Africa for a whole week."

"You're place? But, i don't wanna bother you or get in the way of what you do there."

"You won't, Lincoln." Loona said. "You won't get in the way. At least not in the way Blitzo would do."

"Sounds like you really hate him." said Lincoln.

"You have no idea." she narrowed her eyes

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