How To Pull Off a Good Prank

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Reading comic books in his underwear, Lincoln was having a nice day relaxing in his room as he was reading comics almost bare naked. Nothing can ruin this kind of day for him today, as it was raining right now outside. Flashes of lightning in the clouds, and sounds of thunder in the sky were heard from outside the house. Yes, life as going good. The kid was thinking deep in his comic book as he was reading, he didn't realize that someone came in the bedroom and he didn't even hear it. No, Lincoln was too distracted in his comics as he was relaxing.

He heard the sound of a female chuckle and looked right next to his right. Lincoln was surprised to see Loona, who came right in his room with a smile on her face in amusement.

"Nice tighty-whities, Lincoln." Loona said before pulling out her phone or probably take a picture of Lincoln in his underwear.

"Gah! Loona!" Lincoln exclaimed as he covered his body with his blanket so Loona wouldn't take any more pictures. "What are you doing?"

"What do you think, kid?" Asked the female hellhound and she fluffed her tail without any hands to touch it. "Do a dance for me in those underwear, will you?"

"Uh, no way!" Lincoln sounded offended. "And don't you dare post that on your social media or whatever!" He pointed and covered himself in embarrassment under the covers as he was blushing. "Is this revenge for me accidentally seeing you in your birthday suit?"

"No, it's nothing like that." said Loona. "This isn't revenge. Just something fun for me to do, that's all."

"but please don't show it to Blitzo or anyone else! I beg you!"

"I already sent a few pics to him and the guys a few seconds ago."

"What?!" Lincoln felt more embarrass than ever as his blushing grew bigger. "Noooooo! I won't be able to show my face in public again!" He curled up into a ball. "My social status is in shambles now!"

"Oh calm down, Jim Carrey." Loona told him. "I was just fucking with you. I'm not gonna post this online to the public. No need to be so dramatic."

Lincoln sighed in relief that Loona wasn't going to stoop so low as that. "Thank god." He sighed. Sitting up from his bed, and his head showing from his covers, the boy asked, "What are you doing here anyway?"

"Just thought if you wanna hit the arcade. Feeling bored and no shit better to do right now." Loona said.

"Well, you could at least knock." Lincoln narrowed his eyes at her. "Didn't anyone teach you to knock, Loona?"

"I can knock." Said Loona flatly, "but I choose not to."

Lincoln didn't know what to say at first and ultimately, he said: "this is embarrassing."

"Come on, it's just me and no one else. Be glad none of your sisters were here to see you in your underwear." said Loona, trying to sound apologetic to him.

"Oh, my sisters are so used to it."

"Huh. said Loona as she sat next to him on the bed. "So, out of curiosity, why do you read comics in your underwear, Lincoln?"

"it makes me more comfortable and it... just doesn't feel right when I read comic books with my clothes on. So don't judge me."

"I don't judge you." The female hellhound said. "well... I do judge many people but you're not one of them. Believe me."

"Fine, fine, fine, I'll take your word for it." said Lincoln. "Besides, no one is one-hundred percent normal. We all have our routines in life."

"So, so true."

"And you swear that you're not going to show those undies pictures on me to the guys? I'll never hear the end of it if you do."

"I swear on Moxxie's grave." Loona replied. "Just give me a lie detector and see if I am lying or not."

"Well Lisa has a lie detector and she can prove it."

"Oh." Loona's eyes narrowed. "I was just kidding, but whatever. Fair warning though, I want her nowhere near my face."

"It won't be on your face. Just a patch around your arm like at the doctor." The female hellhound complied and tried on the lie detector from the genius sister, with Lincoln next to her (with his clothes on).

After a couple of questions, Loona was indeed telling the truth about not actually posting the undue pictures to her friends. After all, the polygraph (mostly) never lies.

For that. Lincoln let her off the hook. "Well I'm just glad Verosika didn't see me in my underwear."

"It's not like she's gonna do any funny business with you if you were."

"So yeah. I'm ready to hit the arcade."

"Awesome. Let me just call the guys and-" Before Loona could finish, Lincoln felt something grab his shirt and something cold run down on his back.

"Gah! Luan!" Lincoln shouted

"Whoops, just giving you an ice day! Hahahaha! Get it?"

"You are too much." Loona said sarcastically. "I wonder how everyone in this house can put up with you."

"Well gotta go help polish Mr. Coconuts." As the joke sister walked away, Lincoln was scowling at her

"I hate it when she does this to us. It's not even April Fool's Day. On that day, Loona, Luan is an evil planking genius."

"Ooh." Loona looked a little uncomfortable. "Sounds like she is insane on April Fool's Day."

"That would be more of an understatement." Lincoln admitted. "But we always try to prepare for anything she can throw at us."

"Well if you wanna pull off a good prank, I got the perfect ideas." She moved her mouth closer to his ear and whispered something clever, and Lincoln rather liked the idea. Yes, he liked it a good deal. But then he thought of something.

"Wait, I don't want to hurt her."

"You won't have to." Said Loona. "Trust me, it might guarantee she will never do evil pranks on April Fools Day again."

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