Nothin' But a Good Time

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Lincoln was glad to be back in Hell spending time with Loona. He felt more safe and calm than he was. Of course; he wanted to visit Millie in the hospital to see how she was doing from the hot iron burns that Crismon gave her yesterday. Hopefully she is not in so much pain now.

That lady took a pretty nasty beating and torture by her shitty father-in-law.

If not for Lucrezia, she would have probably gone insane after being tortured for so long and turn her into a vegetable in the inside. Millie can always count on Moxxie to always be at her side all the time.

Her room was on the top floor in the west wing of the hospital and there she was. Ice on her back, and looking a little burnt from before.

Sure she didn't look like it, but the burns were unimaginably painful on her back when the branding iron was forced on it many times. Not only Moxxie was there, but his own loving mother was there to give support to both his son and daughter-in-law. Lucrezia was looking a little guilty about all that had happened and felt like it was all her fault, but Moxxie was feeling the same thing about himself. The reason for that was because of his shitty dad who was more like a sperm donor than a father.

"How are you feeling, honey?" Moxxie asked his loving wife.

"My back feels as sore as a buffalo laying on an lava lake for so long." Millie pointed. "But I'll be fine, sweetie." Millie gently grasped her husband's hands. "You worry too much, sweetie."

"You never told me how beautiful your wife was, dear." Said Lucrezia to her own son.

"Millie is one of the best things that ever happened to me, mom." Moxxie said.

"Am I interrupting anything?" Asked Lincoln.

"no, you're fine." Moxxie pointed. "You're more than welcome to visit Millie."

"So I heard that you're still hurt?" Asked Lincoln to Millie

"yeah." She sounded bitter in reply with her arms crossed. "Moxxie's shitty dad has put a good deal of damage on my back." Then Millie began to grow angry of the thought of Crimson. "But when I get my hands again, I am going to rip his balls out with my bare hands, it'll make him get me to kill him quickly!"

"Whoa, calm down, killer." said Loona. "What he needs is to have a knife made of dry ice piercing into his balls."

"Ooh, good idea, Loona." Said Millie

"Is there a reason why you are here?" Moxxie sounded unamused. "I thought you hate me and Millie

"Fuck yeah, of course I hate you, fat boy." Loona rolled her eyes. "But I am doing this on the account of Lincoln here."

Lucrezia got angry and stood up from the chair jest to her son. "What if you stupid bitch." She stomped in front of the female hellhound. "Granted, I want no part of the mob, but i suggest you be more nicer to my son."

"Or what?" Loona tried to sound defensive against Moxxie's mom.

Lucrezia pulled out a pistol from her dress and pointed it at Loona's throat. "Or I will cut your limbs off and throw you into a pig pen!"

Lincoln looked rather surprised at this threat his hellhound friend was given right now. "You know, If the pigs were hungry enough, that would kill her."

"exactly." Said Lucrezia. "No one bullies my boy and gets away with it."

the female hellhound made a gulp of fear and said: "ok ok, relax. You don't have to point a gun at me."

putting back her sweet face, Lucrezia put her pistol away. "Wonderful." She sang before looking at Lincoln. "So you're name is Lincoln, right?"


"Moxxie told me good things about you. Like: how you are an amazing and talented singer." Lucrezia said. "I would like to hear you sing one of these days."

"I will one day." Lincoln smiled at her. He walked over to Millie's hospital bed, and asked her. "Do you know when you might come back from the hospital?"

"The doctor said it should be a week at least." Millie pointed. "Like I mentioned; I'll live."

"Well I hope you'll get better soon." Said Lincoln. "And, I'm sorry about all of this happening. It's all-"

"come on, honeybunch." Millie cut him off. "So what if you were bait, it doesn't mean it was your fault."

"Yes, we all know whose fault this was." Lucrezia added. "Crimson always had a way of being discreet with his plans."

"True." Moxxie pointed.

"Look, I know how you feel," said Loona. "But yeah it wasn't your fault. That piece of shit Crimson is a sneaky little bastard.

"Mox, why don't you and your ma catch up on more things together while I am in here for a while?"

"Will you be in in this room, Millie?" Asked Moxxie

"Positive." Millie nodded her head.

"ok honey." They both shared a kiss that lasted for five seconds before splitting up.

"Come on, Moxxie," Lucrezia said, "we can have some coffee together."

"Ooh, good idea, mom."

Lincoln and Loona got out of the way to let mother and son enjoy more time together. "I never thought I would say this, but..." look looked hesitant to get something out of her mouth. "I feel a little bad for Moxxie." Then she gagged. "Shit I just threw up a little in my mouth."

"Come on, Loona, would it kill you to be nice to us for once?"

"For you guys, I would rather kill myself than do that. Or get sent to heaven."

Millie let out a sigh of irritation and remarked: "i know you are not as mean as your are deep down."

"Shut up!" Loona barked. "I am the most stone-cold bitch you will ever meet." She barred her teeth to show her point.

"Look, I think we should just go to Verosika's place before this gets out of hand."

"Good idea." Loona said. When they both went in the penthouse, Lincoln was glad to be back here, and the Succubus, along with her sister and slut posse were there to celebrate.

"There he is." Verosika said before scooping up Lincoln and hugging him against her breasts.

Loona smiled and thought to herself: "still a lucky kid, Lincoln."

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