Lincoln's Death Warrant

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At home, Lincoln told his family about what happened earlier between him and Adam. When he told them, his whole family was just as shocked and surprised as Loona and the demon gang were.

"You did what?!" said Rita. "Lincoln Loud, have you lost your marbles?!"

The boy looked rather embarrassed about the decision he has done, but he ultimately said: "Look, i know how bad this is, but they were insulting Loona, and my friends in the worst possible way. I couldn't let say anymore mean things about them. And, i think Lucifer was right. Angels are a bunch of hypocrites."

"We get it." said Lynn Sr, "but challenging the first man to a rock-off? That is just ding-dang crazy!"

"We may not be that religious," said Lori, "but that literally sounds like you wanted to be sent down to Hell for doing this!" said Lori. "What were you thinking, Lincoln?"

"I was thinking i could help the angels stop their hypocrisy if i would do something like this."

"Dude, it's like you signed your own death wish!" said Luna. "We don't want to lose you, Lincoln!" she hugged Lincoln tight to her, feeling like crying. She really thought that her only brother will lose his life if he loses this rock-off.

"Guys, calm down. I'm not going to die. I didn't even bet my life on it,"

His family and Clyde sighed in relief. "That's good, but you seriously cannot go through with this." Said Rita. "It's too dangerous."

"You guys can ground me after I win the challenge. And.. besides you know how good I sing." Said Lincoln. "Loona showed you the videos of me singing before. Please, let me do this."

"No! We absolutely forbid you from doing this, Lincoln." Lynn sr crossed his arms.

"Guys, you don't understand." Lincoln pleaded. "If I lose, they will take me to heaven when I die. I know it sounds weird but, I don't want to never see Loona again, or Blitzo, Moxxie, or anyone in Hell ever again. Loona did save me! Just let me do this!"

His parents were silent for a moment and looked at one another with concerned looks on their faces. Then after a pause, Lynn Sr said: "ok." And he let out a sigh. "We don't like this but you're right, you are a great singer."

"So please be careful and... please come back alive." Rita hugged him.

"I'm not going to die. I promise."

Then Lincoln felt himself being hugged by Clyde after. "Good, because I just can't stand the thought of losing my own best friend." He was hugging Lincoln tighter than Rita was, but he did let go of him eventually.

Meanwhile, Loona was sitting on the couch with Vortex, feeling very worried about Lincoln and his wellbeing right now. Vortex was doing everything he can to try and calm his friend down.

"Loona, I know you're worried." Said Tex, "but I think Lincoln's got this in the bag."

"Worried? Why would I be worried about that dork?" Said Loona, having the classic denial response. "Tex, I wouldn't be caught dead worrying about him."

"Come on, Loo. We both know that you don't mean that."

"but I do mean that." Loona insisted. "Really, it's nothing to-" before she could finish, she began stammering and buried her face into her legs, weeping.

"Hey hey, it's ok." Said Tex. "Don't cry."

"This is just so much to take in, Tex." Loona looked at him with tears in her eyes. "Because of me, Lincoln is caught up in this thing with Adam and..." she buried her face in her legs again before saying: "Lincoln's just a kid. He shouldn't have to deal with this."

"No, of course not." Tex hugged her. "Look, everything will be fine."

"You don't know that. How can you know he will be fine, Tex?"

"Come on, Loonie." said Blitzo, walking in the room. "Does my baby need a hug?"

"No." Loona sniveled. Despite her refusal, Blitzo decided to just try and hug her anyway... only for him to be punched to a wall by Loona's brute strength so he wouldn't be able to touch her.

"It's my fault." Loona said. "He's in this mess because of me." She let more tears escape her eyes. "It's all my fault."

"It's not your fault, Loona." Tex reassured her. "We all know how much of an asshole Adam is, and that stupid slut of a servant he has that would sell her own parents for his own semen."

"Then why did he meet the angels in the first place?" Asked the female hellhound

"because they requested him to meet them formally."

"Well let's faced it. He's fucked. Lincoln is fucked beyond words! By challenging those angels, he signed his own death warrant."

"Come on, Loo. I think Lincoln can do this."

"You don't know that for sure, Tex." She sounded a little angry at him. "What if those fucking Angels add him to the list on Extermination Day? He doesn't deserve that!"

Tex hugged her again for some more support and comfort. "He will be fine. Trust me."

Through the night, Lincoln couldn't sleep and finally, he got himself some milk to help him sleep. When he woke up at about ten in the morning, he knew that the time had come. He needed to win against Adam and defend his friends' honor.

Loona came to the house with the portal from the grimwoir and Lincoln promptly set foot into Hell. And this time, his whole family and Clyde were there for emotional support.

"So this is Hell." Said Lynn Sr. "I definitely don't hear any screaming souls here."

"Yeah, it does look a little bit like Earth." Rita concurred with her husband. "Minus the red sky, of course."

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